Chapter 154
Seeing Wu Zixuan's defeat in front of the screen, Meng Meixuan couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then a regretful expression appeared on her face, but she couldn't stop laughing in her heart.

This most popular little sweetheart is nothing more than that!At the critical moment, the chain was dropped.

Ye Yuwei was also very surprised that Wu Zixuan lost to Li Shihan's group. Although Yang Ni's fans are not small, Wu Zixuan shouldn't have lost given today's momentum!

She glanced at Meng Meixuan, thinking about this matter like lightning.

"Could it be that Wu Zixuan is no longer in the ranks of this debut."

Thinking of this, Ye Yu only felt a sense of enlightenment.

No wonder Wu Zixuan is given so much in the middle of the advertisement, but it suppresses her when it can really prove her ability.

Most of the advertisements in the middle are to use her to attract more fans so that the "gold master dad" will have good sales.

To suppress her at this time is to tell her fans and passers-by that she is not that strong at all.

Her other sister, Meng Meixuan, is the strongest, that is to say, it is Meng Meixuan who actually made a debut with Penguin.

Looking at Yang Ni and Li Shihan who were about to cry with joy, Ye Yuwei couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

If the companies of these two people did not negotiate with Penguin, I am afraid it will be Wu Zixuan's fate in the future.

Lu Bingbing was equally surprised, but she didn't think as deeply as Ye Yuwei.

In her opinion, it should be the reason why Li Shihan is a junior C. Penguin let Li Shihan win in order to fight back the ridicule from the outside world.

And because Yang Ni and her switched positions, Penguin would not let Wu Zixuan win in order to prove that he was right.

Sheng Hai
A university

A tall, long-haired, bookish young woman was sitting on a mahogany chair in the library looking at the laptop in front of her.

Sometimes there was a smile on her face, sometimes she gritted her teeth, and sometimes her eyes were serious.

The boys who were in the restlessness of youth had already noticed this elegant and beautiful girl, and they were very surprised to see her constantly changing face.

Her name is Su Xiaoya, she is a first-year student in the Chinese Department, and she has another name on the Internet, "Bright Starry Sky"

She never thought that she would fall in love with a man just because of a ten-second video and a few photos.

She was admitted to a key college and should study hard, but she devoted all her extracurricular time to the boy in the computer photo at this time.

But she has never regretted it, because she loves this boy.

She was not stupid and sweet, thinking that this boy would fall in love with her "Cinderella" like the Prince Charming in fairy tales.

But she just couldn't help liking this boy, and even when she was young, she was full of thoughts about him.

As Lan Yening's station sister, Su Xiaoya has taken more than 5000 photos for him since she started chasing Lan Yening, and among them, more than 300 refined photos were posted on Weibo and QQ groups.

Whether it's an airport, a party or a program recording site, she can always find a way to enter the area closest to idols, then raise her Canon 5D4 camera and press the shutter.

The most ruthless time was when Lan Yening went to Kimchi Country for further studies. She didn't know Kimchi language and even got a passport. She bought a plane ticket and followed. She stayed for half a month and spent almost 200,000.

But she thinks it's all worth it, it's generating electricity for love.

She felt that seeing Lan Yening's continuous diligence and progress would give her great spiritual satisfaction, and he was her belief.

After checking the time, she packed her things and went to the airport.

Su Xiaoya is very familiar with this place, because she has to fly from this place every time she goes home, and many times she is here waiting for Lan Yening, who came back from the announcement, to take photos.

She is Lan Yening's big fan: Brilliant Starry Sky.

After finishing the fast food in her hand in a hurry, she looked at the time on the Estee Constant on her wrist, Su Xiaoya's nerves immediately became tense, because Lan Yening, who was going to catch the announcement, was coming.

Lan Yening's reputation is not that great now, and there are not many rich fans among them, so Su Xiaoya can still easily take photos of the former.

Today, she feels extra motivated, because the Weibo and Toutiao accounts dedicated to promoting Lan Yening yesterday used a lot of photos taken by her.

And she also saw a lot of Internet big V also quoted the photos she took.

This made Su Xiaoya feel an unprecedented sense of accomplishment. She was very happy to see that the photos she took brought Xiao Ning more fans, and she also looked forward to Xiao Ning's career going further.

Just as Su Xiaoya was thinking about what happened yesterday, a tall boy with a moderate build and a baseball cap and a mask appeared in sight.

Su Xiaoya's heart was suddenly so tense that she couldn't control herself.

Although she has taken countless photos of Lan Yening, every time she sees Lan Yening, Su Xiaoya will feel like a girl who has a crush on her when she sees her partner.

Lan Yening also found her, and a smile appeared in those eyes that were as bright as autumn water, and she stretched out her hand to take off the mask on her face and the hat on her head so that she could take a picture.

Su Xiaoya was very excited, this was a tacit understanding that only belonged to them.

The shutter is flashing, Su Xiaoya can't take pictures for a long time, otherwise the security will intervene, and you can't take pictures casually in the airport.

According to the previous procedure, Lan Yening would leave, but this time it was not like before, Lan Yening walked towards her with a smile.

"How was the filming today?"

"It's okay." Although I have heard the idol's voice countless times in videos and outdoor activities, it is the first time that I am so close to myself in reality.

His voice is so nice, it makes people feel like they are bathed in the wind, and those eyes seem to be able to hook your soul away.

At this time, Su Xiaoya's mind was blank. She usually served as the host of various programs in school, but now she couldn't speak a word.

"When you retouch the picture for me, don't be so tall and white. I want to be sunny and manly." Lan Yening smiled.

"Okay" Su Xiaoya felt her voice trembling, and secretly hated herself for being so disappointing.

At this time, Lan Yening suddenly took out her mobile phone, tapped it a few times and held the screen of the mobile phone in front of her.

"My God! He even gave himself a WeChat QR code."

Su Xiaoya froze for a moment at the beginning, and then her mind went crazy, she felt that the pores all over her body had exploded, as if she had eaten prickly pear fruit.

She immediately took out the phone from her bag tremblingly, because she was too excited, she didn't open the phone screen several times.

She seemed to see a mischievous look in the eyes of Lan Yening, who was holding the phone, and she couldn't help but blushed. After barely stabilizing herself, she turned on the phone and added the other party's WeChat.

"Goodbye, every time you post pictures and articles, I will read them twice." Lan Yening moved her body close to Su Xiaoya, and said softly.

Immediately, a very pleasant smell of perfume reached her nose.

"Blooming of Gucci Flowers"

These words popped up in Su Xiaoya's mind, this is her gift to the former.

"Oh my god! He's really using it, mom!" Xiaoya felt like she was about to fly with joy.

"Goodbye, I have to catch a plane." Lan Yening smiled at Su Xiaoya, turned around and left quickly.

Su Xiaoya looked at Lan Yening's leaving back, felt a sense of loss, reluctant but powerless, this was the first time she had tasted this feeling in her life.

Lan Yening, who turned to leave, let out a sigh of relief. In fact, everything today was planned for him by the company, and he was required to add the WeChat account of the station sister.

The reason is that there are already opponents who are eyeing his station sister. If you don't take good care of this rich and powerful station sister, it is very likely that he will be stepped back before he gets on the show.

Lan Yening is now bent on getting ahead, and attaches great importance to things that the company says can affect her future.

After getting on the plane, he turned on his mobile phone to check the news of Ye Yuwei, but there were very few, just some irrelevant gossip.

"Wait for me, Yuwei, when I become a big star, I will definitely marry you back home."

(End of this chapter)

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