Chapter 165 Brewed Tea
Just when they were about to step down, Yang Xiaoyue's words came, asking Luo Junxiang to encourage everyone.

"Wait a minute, it's not over yet." Luo Junxiang's words surprised everyone.

"Today, you performed very well." Luo Junxiang looked at Zhu Riri: "Don't regret it, because you have improved a lot, you have to keep working hard, okay?"

Zhu Riri, who was grinning and crying, nodded: "Okay!"

"Okay, please take a break from the two groups. We are looking forward to the players in the next group." Long Zitao interrupted Zhu Riri who still wanted to talk.

"I'm so mad, they have bears." Tian Jiaxuan said unconvinced.

Apparently, she didn't think Zhu Riri's team was inferior to others, and she also hinted that Liu Feiyu's team won only because of the bonus brought by "Big Bear".

Luo Junxiang looked over there with his mouth pursed.

"Their songs are actually similar, and the song 'Pampering' is younger, but everyone is familiar with it."

Because the opponent led by 1 point, Tian Jiaxuan also lost her composure at this time.

Zhu Riri was still going crazy when he got backstage, saying that he was a crab and would stop crying in the future, and the others could only cooperate with her in acting for the sake of unity.

Lin Jiayi couldn't help it anymore at this time: "Actually, I haven't kept up with that song."

What she meant was that Zhu Riri rushed to take the picture, which made her words not on point.

But she also felt relieved, finally she was able to get rid of her, and she must choose a team that suits her in the next game, and she can't be impulsive.

"Okay, please let the mentors of the two teams decide which team you will play in." Long Zitao said.

"I think we have to win the next one."

Tian Jiaxuan looked at the player's screen and said with a serious face, Hu Binbin also nodded in agreement.

Zhang Wei over there said: "We just chose the cute style, I think we should ignite the atmosphere now and maintain the winning momentum."

The trainees watching the stage in the waiting room were silent, especially the 6 groups that hadn't played yet.

Qiang Yueting stood up nervously, she felt that she would definitely choose herself this time.

"We chose the Qiang Yueting group." Tian Jiaxuan looked at the other side with a fierce expression.

Zhang Wei has also chosen: "The C position in this group I selected is a very hardworking person. Xiaoman is not only hardworking, but also very talented."

When Lu Xiaoman heard that Zhang Wei had chosen her, she couldn't help smiling confidently, and stood up from the seat.

She raised her head and looked towards Chen Yinghan. Although there was a gentle and sweet smile on the other side, her gaze was far away from the sky.

Lu Fangxin cast a friendly look at her, but Lu Xiaoman smiled coldly.

For Qiang Yueting's group, Lu Xiaoman is not afraid, and feels that he is sure to defeat the opponent.

In my group, there are Su Ruiqi, who is very good at singing and dancing, and Zhang Zijing, who is good at dancing and has first-class singing skills.

And the song chosen this time is also quite good. This song is the opening song of "Basketball Master", the pinnacle of realism anime in the island country.

This song is the theme song that can most arouse youthful memories. When you hear it, you can feel the blood rushing to your heart. The rhythm of heavy metal music is full of passion.

"What kind of person is the scariest is someone who is capable and hardworking." Hu Binbin began to solicit votes for his team.

"Qiang Yueting is a player in class B, but to be able to stand in today's position of C, her hard work is nothing but hard work."

Long Zitao nodded frequently to Hu Binbin's words, obviously agreeing with them.

Hu Binbin continued: "And you know, today at this beautiful lakeside, we can hear this national style song, as if drinking a pot of Longjing tea is still unfinished."

Luo Junxiang over there was stunned. This Hu Binbin usually doesn't talk much, so why is he so contagious when he speaks.

When Qiang Yueting's group entered the arena, Jiao Jinglan was mixed in by Luo Fengwu.

The other Zhang Yuexin was wearing a veil, but she had a very good figure, and she looked a little hazy.

The song "Daddy's Tea" they were going to sing originally started with a tune introduced by pipa, but Qiang Yueting suggested to start with another Suzhou-Hangzhou minor tune.

This minor key reflects the scene of this song very well, with deep memories and Chinese pastoral style.

The opening position was obviously to take care of Jiao Jinglan, but it achieved good results.

Three people are on the left and three people are on the right, looking at Qiang Yueting in the middle as if watching a play.

Today Qiang Dongyue looks very beautiful, wearing a green floral long-sleeved windbreaker, holding a wave paper umbrella painted with orchids in his hand.

She was originally a Jiangnan woman, and this dress made her look a little more gentle.

Her opening voice is really good, the level is that of a quasi-professional singer, and the beautiful tune of this minor tune actually won her a very amazing opening.

The difficulty of this song is actually not too great, and the melody is relatively beautiful.

But the melody of this song is very special, with a lot of transitions, from light and sudden to a slower beat, followed by a few more passionate choruses.

The second stance adopts a two-row formation with a diagonal line in front and back, so that Jiao Jinglan, who is sitting on a chair, will not appear obtrusive.

Meimei from Vitality Era sang the second stanza. This stanza has a small high note, and she can't sing it well. She has a big white voice, and she can only barely get out of tune.

Then, like a girl flying a kite in the field, several people raised their arms and spun around.

There should be an inverted triangle formation here, but Jiao Jinglan was injured and sitting there, so it can only be a strange formation with one person at the front and back, and 2.3 people on the left and right.

At this time, Zhang Yuexin faced the audience and started her first aria.

Her dancing posture is very beautiful, her white skin, and her long hands and legs are very eye-catching, and her card points are also very accurate.

Her voice was much better than before, and although she sang a little out of tune, her timbre sounded pretty good.

Afterwards, the formation completely changed into an inverted triangle, Jiao Jinglan at the top opened, and the others danced to the melody, cheerfully like children on a spring outing.

It can be heard that she has worked hard to learn vocal music, and the position of her voice is also right, but her voice is too ugly.

Her voice is very strange, like a duck quacking, but the tone is up, but like the previous two, there are flaws in the pitch, and it is extremely uncomfortable to listen to.

During a cheerful dance, Lu Xiaoxue sang a verse, she smiled really sweetly, but unfortunately she and Jiang Mengqi clashed, both of them had the same crescent-like smiling eyes.

She can't sing or dance.

However, the foundation of practicing acrobatics in her early years made her very flexible and able to complete these simple dance moves.

Lu Xiaoxue's song was Qiang Yueting's next, and this song could be listened to again, except for Zhang Yuexin, she couldn't listen to the other songs at all.

But what people don't understand is that when Qiang Yueting sang the last line, Lu Xiaoxue and Zhang Yuexin made a harmony for her.

Zhang Yuexin can understand, she can sing well, what is Lu Xiaoxue?
But this part of the dance is pretty good, a few half-high leg raises, and the golden rooster's independent movements are all done very standard.

This seems simple, but it is actually very difficult. This action is generally used for muscle exercises of the legs and waist.

A few people danced and sang and moved around. Qiang Yueting was singing solo in this section, while the others were all rapping. It can be seen that the former's singing skills are still very strong.

The last few people stood in two rows facing the audience, standing on horseback, their hands moving like weeping willows in front of them.

The sound of a flute is also added to this piece of music, and the crisp sound of the flute is very pastoral.

Then the formation changed, Luo Fengwu came out to sing a solo for one bar, and Jiao Jinglan continued for another bar. From a professional point of view, it can only be said to be unsatisfactory. If it weren't for the beautiful tune of the song itself, it would not be listenable at all.

Several girls walked around, such as wearing a phantom in the forest, Han Qiuhua came out and stood in the middle and rapped, unexpectedly the effect was very good.

Her level is second only to Qiang Yueting's among them, and her voice is slightly magnetic, which sounds very pleasant.

Next is a long section of dancing and singing. This section is very labor-intensive. They did not use standing positions to output, or just perform upper body movements without moving. Instead, they did a few jumps in place with full firepower. The motion of shaking the palm from side to side.

The performance was considered a success, one line of singing followed by one line of rapping, and finally they sang a la la la chorus around Jiao Jinglan.

The cherry blossoms are falling, the lights are falling, and there is a song.

(End of this chapter)

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