Chapter 166 Unexpected
Hu Binbin and Tian Jiaxuan both gave thumbs up to the members of this group, and Tian Jiaxuan even made a loving gesture on the head.
Lu Xiaoman looked at that group, feeling a little disdainful for their performance just now, Jiao Jinglan in that group is simply a big burden.
If your legs and feet are not good, don’t delay your group’s performance. You are showing your face, but the team has to revolve around you, and the overall dance level cannot be displayed.
"Xiaoman, it's time to start." Yan Kexin lightly touched her captain, she and Liu Feiyu were on the same team, and they were only 19 years old this year.
Lu Xiaoman nodded, and several people formed a circle under the falling lights in the dark night, raising their right hands to form a pyramid.
Then, under the strong light of a beam of spotlights, he lowered his arms vigorously and made a round formation on the field to cheer.
The stillness and movement combined with the lighting looked very ceremonial, and the audience became quiet. Only then did they realize that there was another person among them, Liu Jiayin from Cherry Culture.
This girl is Fan Lei's friend, and the two contributed the famous scene of crying to each other in the first issue, and also revealed the cruel fact of the girl group's glamorous beauty.
Accompanied by the exciting music mainly composed of drums and electric guitars, several girls immediately changed their formations and performed gymnastics-like dance moves.
Lu Xiaoman is the most prominent dress here, she is wearing a dark black basketball sportswear, and the back is specially embellished with shining gold stars.
Liu Jiayin's singing is pretty good. Although her voice has no characteristics, her pitch is very accurate. She is a professional singer.
Next is Su Ruiqi's performance. This girl is also 19 years old. Her singing and dancing skills are quite good. Her voice is slightly hoarse, with a smoky voice, and her singing is more flavorful.
It's just that so far, the dance of this group has been completed very generally, and their body movements are too simple.
Just twisting the waist, turning around, like doing simple aerobics, the only difficult movement of bending over and lifting the legs is not standard.
Here Zhang Zijing, Wang Manyun and Yang Meizhu jointly sang a section.
Zhang Zijing, who used to have the highest level of singing skills, has no room to play here.
The next part is Qi Wu and Qi singing. Although Qi singing is used for this large chorus, although it is more powerful, it is good for the overall performance, but if it is given to Zhang Zijing alone, it will be even more brilliant.

During this unison dance, they changed two formations, from a straight line to a front and rear double line, dancing very vigorously.
I have to admire this girl's physical fitness. Under such intense exercise, her breath remains relatively stable.
Next, Yang Mei was given a separate aria, where they put on a very creative pose.
The previous teams used more floor dances to express the beauty of the body when surrounding a player in public for the supporting dance, but this team is different.
Lu Xiaoman and Zhang Zijing half-kneeled in front of Yang Meizhu, with their hands making the appearance of blooming flowers.
The remaining four people were divided into two groups and stood a little behind the former, stretching out their arms and making a big heart shape.
From a distance, it looks like the bride is passing through the wedding gate.

Then a few people spread out and changed into a diagonal line, making dance movements like waves rising and falling with the music,

Here Lu Xiaoman and Liu Jiayin sang a section, and then Wang Manyun, Yan Kexin and Su Ruiqi performed a dance.
Wang Manyun in the middle is leaning back and rotating her waist, which is still very good.
Yan Kexin and Su Ruiqi cooperated with the former at the same time to perform a rollover, which is very interesting to watch and very suitable for the scene of this song.
Then the three of them danced together again, this time the effect was better, the three danced very neatly, and the points were very accurate.
Next, the other four of them also did a two-row dance, but the difficulty was much lower, mainly because Lu Xiaoman and Yang Meizhu's dance level was too average.
Afterwards, the seven people completed a complicated movement. Yan Kexin, Zhang Zijing, Su Ruiqi, and Lu Xiaoman each sang a verse to complete the entire lyrics.
The 7 people gathered together with Lu Xiaoman as the center, and made a very powerful and impactful pose.
Zhang Zijing, who can sing the most here, didn't give full play to her strengths at all. On the contrary, Liu Jiayin sang the most arias.
But her voice is not suitable for this song at all, and the song has been changed to a lower key.
If the most difficult part of the chorus is handed over to Zhang Zijing without lowering the key, it will be no problem at all.
But on the whole, this stage is still very hot, and it has two completely different styles from the one opposite.
In terms of dance completion, this group is better than that group. Although the dance of this group is not very standard like the opposite one, the movement is much more complicated than that group.
No matter from a professional point of view, or from the performance of the scene, Lu Xiaoman's group is stronger than the opponent's.
"It's great, I'm so proud of you!" Luo Junxiang shouted.
"Xiaoman, it's great, it's burning!" Zhang Wei also gave a thumbs up.
"Qiang Yueting, I like you too." Tian Jiaxuan pointedly shouted at Maimang.
"Come on, it's really good." Hu Binbin also applauded and smiled.
In such an atmosphere, the two groups of people's competitive spirit was aroused to the extreme.
Whether it's for myself or for the honor of the team, I don't want to lose.
However, Qiang Yueting was still more anxious at this time. She realized that her group might not be able to win. The opponent was too hot, and her performance was better than her own.

"If that's the case, why don't you make a good fortune!" She calmly glanced at Jiao Jinglan beside her.

"Okay, please let the captains of the two teams introduce themselves for the last time." Long Zitao said loudly.
Lu Xiaoman held the microphone excitedly: "Hello everyone, I am Lu Xiaoman who has nothing but beauty and talent. I didn't make a mistake in my jump today."

Ye Yuwei who was sitting in the waiting room almost laughed out loud, this Lu Xiaoman is too good at bragging.

Is dancing only movement?The accuracy of the movements, the gracefulness, and the stuck points have all been left behind by her!
Others bend down and lift their legs, the waist can be stretched to 90 degrees, and the front legs can be stretched straight. Although you have done it, but just for fun, this can also be called a correct jump.

Chen Yinghan was equally speechless, her ex-friend was so arrogant, and this time, in order to suppress Zhang Zijing, she even gave the voice to Liu Jiayin, who was not outstanding.

The other groups of the chorus were sung by the lead singer alone, but here they sang together.

And now you are canvassing for the team, but the words you said are canvassing for yourself, just like that selfish Zhu Riri.

Qiang Yueting on the other stage was much better. She smiled and said loudly: "We are..."

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned sideways and stretched out one hand as if serving tea: "Kung Fu No. [-] Scholar Tea.",
This won the great favor of the audience and gave them warm applause, which made Lu Xiaoman very upset.

"Everyone knows that something happened to us, but none of us is missing." Qiang Yueting smiled and looked at Jiao Jinglan beside her.

Jiao Jinglan was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the other party gratefully.

Sitting under the stage, Mu Yunchu's affection for Qiang Yueting suddenly increased a lot. On such a stage, the first thing she thought of was not herself, but her friends.

With the end of the countdown of 1 minutes, the big screen behind Qiang Yueting's group suddenly lit up.

This surprise came too suddenly
According to our cultural tradition, everyone prefers people like Qiang Yueting who don't fight or grab, and are willing to sacrifice for the collective.

"Thank you, captain." Jiao Jinglan, who came backstage, hugged Qiang Yueting sincerely, she felt that she had wrongly blamed Qiang Yueting before.

Because she thought that although Qiang Yueting didn't say anything, she actually treated herself as a package. She didn't expect that she would support herself like this on stage today.

"We are all teammates. Thank you. I think the key to winning today is you. You have added a lot of points to us." Qiang Yueting said with a sincere smile.

"Take care! No, it's you who led us to perform." Jiao Jinglan was even happier.

Lu Xiaoman over there covered her face and burst into tears. She felt that she had really failed, both in love and career, to that bad woman Lu Fangxin.

But only Su Ruiqi and Liu Jiayin were comforting her, and the others could understand that if it wasn't for her selfish speech at the end, maybe they would not have lost.

(End of this chapter)

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