Chapter 167 Struggling
"Please invite the mentors of the two teams to select candidates again." Long Zitao said.
At this time, there were only two groups left in their two teams, and Luo Junxiang chose the Lu Bingbing group without hesitation.
Tian Jiaxuan directly chose Jiang Xijie's group.
Lu Bingbing in the waiting room couldn't help but tremble when he heard his name.
With experience in hundreds of performances, she felt a little stage fright at this time, her first reaction was: Can I win this one? How will it compare to Ye Yuwei?
"Sister Bingbing, let's go, we have to enter the arena as soon as possible." Wang Qingyu gently pulled the former's arm.
"Okay!" At this time, Lu Bingbing just woke up like a dream, and hurriedly ran out with the team.
"Fangxin, you can do it." Chen Yinghan held her friend's hand and cheered her on.
"Fangxin, don't be afraid, it's nothing." Yang Han was also cheering for his roommate.
"Don't think about anything when you go up, just sing and dance." Chen Yuyan also encouraged her.
Ye Yuwei kept these kind eyes and words of encouragement in her heart.
She was very grateful to these people for helping her. When she made eye contact with Ye Yuwei, the latter nodded with a slight smile.

When Meng Meixuan over there saw this scene, she suddenly felt something was wrong. Her female sixth sense told her that maybe there was something wrong between the two of them.

Not only her, Wu Zixuan and Lai Ruohong seemed to have noticed something too.

Jiang Xijie, who was running in the aisle of the stage, was full of confidence. She felt that their group could win.

Although the girls in this group were all from classes D and F, she didn't do badly.

Instead, I think that as a captain, I don't grow up in adversity, but I want to knead all the players together to form a real team.

Lu Fangxin, who was following Jiang Xijie, was also heartbroken at this time.

She has never performed on any occasion, and this is the first time in her life that she is performing on such a big stage.

To put it in a joke, she started life very high.

She looked at the former's tall and straight back with gratitude and admiration in her eyes.

When she was afraid that her poor singing would affect the team and asked not to sing, Jiang Xijie told her that you had to sing because you were part of the team.

Sitting on the floor of the practice room, she almost cried. The captain did not give up on herself and regarded her as one of his own.

You must know that many people are fighting each other in order to sing one more line of lyrics, and I offered to give up, but Jiang Xijie insisted on letting her sing.

This sentence has always inspired her, since no one else has given up on herself, then she has to be more responsible for her own life.

"If you turn against the wind, you may not be without me, Lu Fangxin. I want to be bold."

Lu Peiqin, who followed the former, was extremely complicated.

As the lead singer of the Chaomingyue girl group, she is rated F here, which almost destroyed her self-confidence.

She even doubted whether she could sing at all, and she was a bit introverted, she was a good baby in the original group, and she didn't want to talk about her suffering.

But Jiang Xijie is really a good sister, a good captain, trying to enlighten her and let her regain her confidence.

When Chaomingyue girl group recruited trainees back then, I also stood out from the hundreds of people. This time, I just returned to the original point, so I have nothing to fear.

There was a sudden change in front of the eyes of several people with different concerns, cheers like a heat wave flooded the sky, and at the same time, the lights like stars dazzled them.

"Village flower! Village flower!"

"The hope of the whole village, ah! the hope of the whole village."

"Lu Fangxin, I love you, Lu Fangxin, I love you."

"The village flower is so beautiful, the village flower is so beautiful."

Not to mention Lu Fangxin on the stage, Li Ke in the audience was frightened by the fanaticism of the people around him.

I thought it was crazy enough for these people to cheer up those young ladies, but when Lu Fangxin came on stage, the audience was almost boiling, like a pot was boiling.

If the security guards hadn't stopped the front row, someone would have rushed up.

Li Ke felt that he had entered a realm that he had never experienced before, as if he had stepped into an illusory space.

My brain no longer listened to my command, and I yelled "Village Flower" crazily, while waving the "hand banner" in my hand.

Both groups of people on the stage were shocked by the enthusiasm of the fans, Lu Fangxin was so popular, this popularity directly crushed the previous few hot ones.

Long Zitao and the other four mentors were also puzzled. They didn't know why this Lu Fangxin was so popular.

Standing in the studio, Yang Xiaoyue would suspect that these people were arranged by "Shou Shou" if she didn't know that Lu Fangxin's company couldn't afford fans for her.

Wu Zixuan and Meng Meixuan in the waiting room also widened their eyes.

Could it be that Lu Fangxin is really a natural idol, who can still be liked by so many people who sing and dance.

Lu Fangxin was also confused: "No, no, this is not true, it must be the fans bought by Boss Shou to support me."

Lu Bingbing's complexion over there also changed, because she only saw sporadic signboards belonging to her at the scene, but that Lu Fangxin actually had a "hand banner" printed on A4 paper, which was amazing.

"Why, why didn't the pho not come, don't they love me anymore?"

"No, it must be the company's arrangement. The company doesn't want me to win this competition, and they don't want me to debut. They also want me to suck blood from those poor pho."

At this time, Lu Bingbing was full of anger and resentment. He had been working for He for so many years, but what the other party wanted was how to squeeze him dry.

"No, I can't be manipulated by them anymore, I must get out of that pool of stagnant water."

When Lu Bingbing was full of thoughts, the self-introduction had already begun.

"Hi everyone, we are..."

"a team!"

Following Jiang Xijie's words, the other five girls spoke with pride.

"It doesn't matter which team you are on." Jiang Xijie continued.

"Anyway, we are a team." The other 5 people also said loudly.

There was thunderous applause from the audience. Many people like to watch this kind of scene of burning souls.

Lu Bingbing's group was somewhat disdainful, thinking they were just putting on a show.

What a team, it's not about fighting to the death in the end.

They didn't have any bright spots in the opening scene, and they even gave themselves a name of "cutting, washing and blowing". Could it be that they are afraid that they are not enough earthy.

The first performer was the Lu Bingbing group, and their song was "Messy Hairstyle".

This is a very famous song by Xiangjiang Tianwang singer. It is relatively difficult, but the vocal teacher lowered the key of this song.

Because of the strong sense of rhythm of this song, it has been covered by many boy and girl groups.

Lu Bingbing's group chose to stand in a vertical line with their backs to the audience at the beginning of the show. Under the beat of the drum kit with a strong sense of rhythm, several people jumped and turned 180 degrees on the spot to face the audience.

Then Lu Bingbing, who was in position C, squatted down and twisted her waist to the left, making a half-arc circle, and the five people behind her did the same.

But everyone is taller than the previous one, so that the audience looks like they are like folding fans unfolding in an instant, very rhythmic.

Then several people began to move, their bodies trembled with the beat of the music, and the opening was a chorus, which was completely different from other groups.

But to the surprise of many viewers, they couldn't hear what the girls were singing.

At this time, Lu Bingbing on the field had already realized that there was a problem with his radio equipment, because their microphones were turned on, but there was no sound at the scene.

However, their singing voices can still be used for post-program broadcasts.

The audience in the first two rows could barely hear them singing Cantonese songs.

This made the audience very surprised. Could it be that these all came from Guangguang?

In fact, none of the six of them can speak Cantonese. Lu Bingbing once proposed to sing in Mandarin, but was rejected by the program group to maintain the characteristics of the song, which made it more difficult for them to practice singing.

Usually this kind of recording and broadcasting, if there is a problem with the equipment, they will be given a chance to restart, but the program group has no intention of letting them stop.

"Could it be that this was intentional by the program crew."

Lu Bingbing felt chills all over his body, but he still didn't stop singing and dancing.

If the program group did it on purpose, then once they stopped on their side, they would immediately be dismissed as unprofessional and cancel the performance.

Because according to the rules of the stage, even if you have such an accident, you can't stop the performance if the organizer doesn't say stop, of course, if you are a big star, there is an exception.

The others are even in the mood to cry now, but seeing Lu Bingbing not stopping, they can only continue to perform.

Now, the live audience is actually listening to an accompaniment tape and watching them dance.

"Xiaoyue, don't you want them to stop?" Sun Miao was very surprised.

"Which group do you want to win?" Yang Xiaoyue smiled.

"Village flower!" Sun Miao said her choice without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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