Chapter 168 There are many dark scenes
Yang Xiaoyue also laughed out loud. She, who is in charge of the whole show, clearly knows the true level of each team and even each individual.

Lu Bingbing's group is indeed stronger than Jiang Xijie's group, and the songs of Lu Bingbing's group are also fast songs. If it is a normal competition, the latter is likely to lose.

The program team has already hacked Wu Zixuan once by changing the vote counting method, this time it can't use this method again, so as not to be criticized.

So she directly adopted the method of stage accident. The whole incident was unexpected and inevitable. You can only say that you are unlucky.

The purpose of doing this is to highlight the "village flower". Jiang Xijie's team won. No one will say what Jiang Xijie, the captain, is doing. They will only say that the village flower is popular, or that the high popularity of the village flower is the main factor for winning .

The program group needs hot people too much. A program without topical people will be over.

And there is another advantage to doing this, even if the audience finally finds out that Lu Bingbing's group lost due to a stage accident, they will only spread their grievances on the winning group.

Then they will focus their firepower on the most prominent person, so there is still topicality.

In short, no matter how the program group does it, it will "make a steady profit without losing".

Lu Bingbing, who refused to compromise with fate on the stage, was still making the final effort.

She sang desperately, wanting more people to hear her voice.

Ge Xiaohui, Yang Han, and Hu Yueer all had some stage experience. After the initial panic, they also stabilized.

They started to move for the first time according to the content of the rehearsal. Lu Bingbing, who was in position C, was the first to speak up and stood at the top of the regular triangle formation.

She sang without any problems. In order to increase the joyful feeling of the song, the other 5 people also made harmony for her.

Then the formation changed and Hu Yueer took a step back. The others squatted down and shook their bodies to the beat, while the former sang a verse.

Hu Yue'er's voice was pretty good. Although she wasn't a quasi-singer, she didn't sing out of tune.

Then the formation changed again, and it became two people in front of the double row. Yang Han stood at the C position and began to sing. Her singing level was not too bad, and there were no major flaws.

At this time, the trainees in the waiting room were all stunned, because they couldn't hear what was being sung on stage at all. Obviously there was a stage accident, but the show did not stop.

The two groups of Lai Ruohong and Gao Ziyi were so nervous that they stood up, if they were performing by themselves...

"Everyone, don't be nervous. They can handle it well, and the program team will also handle it well. There are so many viewers!" Chen Yinghan's words woke up Lai Ruohong and the others.

yes!If such stage accidents occur continuously, how will the show explain to the audience.

Jiang Xijie's group on the stage opposite Lu Bingbing was equally nervous.

"Don't be afraid. This kind of accident is very rare. The program team will definitely solve it. Now you can sing and dance with me with peace of mind." Jiang Xijie said softly.

Because they didn't have any microphones, and with the live music, people in the audience couldn't hear what they said.

"It's a pity for them! They have been practicing for so long," Jiang Xijie seemed to feel sorry for the other party.

But other people did hear another meaning. If this group had an accident, wouldn't we be sure to win?
Lu Fangxin, who was still hanging on her heart just now, suddenly felt a sense of relaxation, and the others also heaved a sigh of relief. They only had two words in their hearts: "God's Will"

Lu Bingbing's performance continued, and Ge Xiaohui ushered in a somewhat difficult refrain of her own. There was a high note in this section, although her technique could not sing C3 difficulty songs.

But dealing with the following is indeed easy to control. As long as you don't aim too high, Ge Xiaohui's level is still good.

A few people moved forward, their bodies twisting seductively with the beat, this group of dance moves is a replica of the Korean group.

Bend your legs and twist your waist, stand on your hips, and turn sideways in a half-arc to show your figure.

The whole stage performance is hot enough, and the positioning is also very precise and complicated.

However, the microphone was turned off, the sound could not be conveyed, and the audience just watched a dance.

On the stage, several people were still desperately refusing to admit defeat, and a chorus almost exhausted their voices, but they didn't care so much at this moment.

The formation continued to change, the rhythm was getting faster and faster, Zhang Xinlei, who had no foundation in singing and dancing, felt that his lung capacity was exhausted, his footsteps drifted, and he couldn't make a few dance moves.

The same is true for Ge Xiaohui, but her physical strength can still support her.

The best performer at the scene was actually Zhang Xinjie, who was in the middle of the golden autumn. She herself was born in a song and dance troupe. She was a regular guest on the New Year's programs of major TV stations, but she was only a backup dancer.

Lu Bingbing, Hu Yueer, and Yang Han are also fine.

After the eight beats, the formation changed into a vertical line and returned to the opening position. The action was the same, but this time the lights were brighter, and it seemed that the effect was not as good as the first time.

Because the lights were dim at the beginning, the shortcomings of lack of dancing were covered up.

Zhang Xinjie also ushered in her first aria. She sang very steadily and with her real voice. It can be heard that her singing level is not inferior to that of Lu Bingbing.However, there are very few beats assigned.

Lu Bingbing was able to tolerate Ge Xiaohui singing better than herself in this performance because she couldn't sing those two bars.

In addition, she is not Lu Xiaoman and Zhu Riri, in order to highlight her stupid performance regardless of the overall performance.

But there can no longer be a second song that surpasses her in singing, so Zhang Xinjie was only allocated two sections of the aria that were not outstanding.

At this time, it was the final performance, and the six people began to sing together, dancing even more wildly and enchantingly.

Ge Xiaohui made a high-pitched pad for the chorus with the last bit of strength.

Let the last chorus become more layered.

Several people ended up in a regular triangle formation, with Lu Bingbing at the front, with his body sideways and his hands behind his back, his eyes seductive.

They were too tired to speak.

Lu Bingbing almost burst into tears when he heard the polite applause from the audience.

I am already 25 years old, my youth has come to an end, the program team and Xinghe are not human!

I tried my best and exhausted my sweat, but why didn't I get the favor of God.

In the idol industry, or the entire entertainment industry, the supply of "human flesh" resources is always in excess of demand, and young and beautiful girls are caught in a trap.

Every year, countless little girls eager to become famous step into this business. Many of them have no lack of scheming, means, talents, and looks, but in the end, most of them are lost in the mud.

Looking at the six girls whose foreheads were covered with beads of sweat, Long Zitao felt mixed emotions in his heart. They worked hard and desperately, but after all they were just pawns in the hands of the program crew.

In many cases, it is not that you will have no regrets if you work hard.

But he has nothing to do, he himself is actually a pawn in this rule.

The only thing he can do is to help these girls within his ability.

The other four instructors were also saddened, the sacredness just now was useless.

They regard this stage as a way to help these girls realize their dreams, but in the end it is just a beautiful illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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