Chapter 174 The Last Group

On another stage, the figures of Luo Qijia and five people were shrouded in dark blue lights, which seemed to have a sense of mystery.

As the prelude to the storm sounded, several people suddenly turned around and walked towards the center of the stage with exaggerated cat steps.

This song can be said to be familiar to many people, even childhood memories.

"Tianma Meteor Fist", "Lushan Rising Dragon Ba"

This cartoon of an island country shows the imaginative power of human beings.

The rhythm is together, and the audience is boiling.

Their opening also took the form of chorus, and their passionate voices are quite imposing.

Ye Yuwei, who was sitting in the waiting room, listened to their chorus, and felt that she had underestimated the people in this group before, and their intonation was not a major problem.

Because they are holding microphones with "sticks" in their hands, their dance is not very difficult. Such a performance with "props" will be very pleasing if it is done well, but it can only be mediocre if it is not done well. .

The stage of this group encountered a lot of troubles before the start. Lead singer Luo Qijia had a sore throat, and Yu Xiaohong left due to family affairs, which led to the rehearsal of the dance.

Under such circumstances, the five of them could only bite the bullet and go into battle, and Luo Qijia was the one who opened the voice. The amazing thing is that she didn't lose her voice. Absolutely qualified.

The formation changed, four people lined up in two rows, shaking their bodies like guitarists playing rock and roll, shaking their hair, and plucking the "strings"

Gao Ziyi started her solo. She was much fatter than when she entered the camp, and her whole face looked like a magnified steamed bun.

She sang unexpectedly well, her voice was very steady, and the moment her voice came out, many trainees in the waiting room were stunned.

Her teammates Jiang Mengqi and Han Qiuhua are cheering her on, as well as her friend Wang Na in the camp.Her performance also surprised the audience.

Because from the outside, this giggly fat girl doesn't look like she has real skills.

But they forgot that when she debuted at the beginning of the first period, she and her teammates shocked the audience with the song "I'm a Girl".

Gao Ziyi walked confidently on the catwalk, lifted her long hair, and communicated with the audience with her eyes.

She heard someone calling her name, and even saw her own light sign.

This made her extremely excited and proud.

When they practiced in their group, the teachers in charge of the rehearsal were very dissatisfied with them.

Because the other groups are very serious, only they are joking.

Words about them not practicing seriously spread in the base, all the trainees were not optimistic about them, the key was to hate their attitude.

Jiang Mengqi and Han Qiuhua also came to "comfort" her, and she felt very hurt.

Think, why does our team give others such an impression?

People have that kind of desire to win and lose, so they don't want to see others look down on our team, so they are very unhappy.

She thought to herself, for this performance, you must keep calling their names. "

Now, hearing so many people shouting for them at the scene, I can't help feeling proud.

Wang Yalin from Vitality Era ushered in her own one-section solo. Her standard is average and she hasn't gone out of tune.

The formation changed, and it was still a triangle formation, but this time the leader was replaced by Luo Qijia, and the five members of this chorus sang in unison.

The countless lights behind them shone like laser beams, decorating the stage like a galaxy of stars.

Luo Qijia's eyes are really amazing, hot and charming, this time she changed into a shawl and long hair, matched with that dress, the whole person exudes wild beauty.

The five people swayed their bodies in accordance with the melody, their card points were very accurate, and they danced passionately.

Tian Jiaxuan and Hu Binbin also danced and sang with them excitedly.

The audience at the scene was even more ignited the small universe in their hearts.

The music continued to sweep the audience like a storm. Here they made a complex change of formation, from a triangle formation to a double formation and then to a circle formation. Several people raised the "sticks" under the microphone to form a pyramid.

Countless beams of light shone on them, like laser swords that destroyed the enemy.

Luo Qijia began the second solo performance. At this time, she had already sung, exuding the seductive charm of a mature female warrior.

Then came Gao Ziyi and Rui Meng from Blunthead Entertainment. The latter's voice was mediocre, but there was no problem with the pitch. After all, it was from a record company.

The two of them sang an 8-beat each, followed by Ma Singyu of the Vigorous Age, and the whole girl looked very cute.

In the chorus part, five people sang in unison, gradually pushing the atmosphere to the highest point.

Rui Meng stood up at this time and raised her arms high: "We are small beings in the universe, and our small universe will burn forever. Come on! God-send girls!"

This passage is the most distinctive performance in the entire 16 singing and dancing performances. It does not use the form of rap, but uses a similar poem recitation to express the connotation of the music.

The audience and trainees were ignited almost at the same time.

These idols, what they eat is youth rice, and burn their youth at a flower-like age. For them, youth is their own small universe, and everyone hopes that it can burn forever.

Some girls even shed tears of excitement. They are willing to sway everything they have on this stage until one day the flowers wither and their youth is gone.

At this time, the sound of the bass almost ignited the air, and the beat of the drum set was fierce and passionate. The five girls were like soldiers in battle, gathering their energy.

After dancing together, they walked to the edge of the stage, shaking the souls of the people present with their eardrum-piercing singing.

At the end of the song, a few people walked back to the circle facing the outside of the siege on the stage, and raised the weapon "Aquis", which symbolized Athena, the god of war. They seemed to still want to fight and burn their own small universe.

"Yeah! Yay!"

Tian Jiaxuan, whose blood was boiling all over, felt that she was about to be ignited by this song.

Hu Binbin also clenched his fists and waved his arms excitedly.

Everyone off the stage called COLL in unison, and the voice of "God Fighter" resounded throughout the audience.

This is also the only stage where COLL is played in unison among the 16 stages.

The five people were very excited at this time, and they felt such passion and enthusiasm that they had never felt before.

Duan Yuxin and the others over there felt a great threat. Can his cute performance beat the passionate female warrior over there?
They were full of self-confidence and had no bottom in their hearts.

"Okay, who will vote for this crucial vote tonight! Please pick up the voting devices in your hands." Long Zitao came to the stage.

At this moment, the two teams were extremely nervous, and Luo Qijia pulled everyone to bow 90 degrees to the audience. When they got up, Gao Ziyi was already in tears.

On the other side of the stage, the petite and lovely Liu Nian also couldn't help crying.

For them, a like that goes on may determine their future.

(End of this chapter)

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