Chapter 175 Comforting Them
The 1 minutes countdown ends, and the sound of setting off fireworks sounds

what!it's us, it's us

Lai Ruohong yelled like crazy.

Duan Yuxin also stood there blankly in disbelief, water rolling down from the corner of his eyes.

Others were elated, feeling like they had never been so happy in their entire lives.

Over there, Luo Qijia and the others were ashamed, they couldn't speak a word, their chests seemed to be pressed by a big stone, and their throats were full of bitterness and choking.

Long Zitao invited the winning teams of the two teams to the stage, including four mentors.

"Tonight we will reveal the most popular champion of each team." Long Zitao said loudly.

At this moment, all the girls became extremely excited, and the king of popularity means the debut position.

"First, let me announce the like king of 'Team Junwei', who is she?" Long Zitao sold a lawsuit here.

Everyone turned their attention to Meng Meixuan, because judging from the popularity at the scene, she was very high, and they themselves knew the popularity of the former from the Internet.

"The likes king of this team is Meng Meixuan." Long Zitao shouted.

Amid the applause and complicated eyes of everyone, Meng Meixuan came to the stage and bowed to the audience.

As a loser, Wu Zixuan in the waiting room also applauded her teammates, but she didn't have a smile on her face, instead she had a complex expression.

"Thank you everyone, I really didn't expect that I would get this praise network. We still have many excellent girls here." Meng Meixuan said very modestly, which won her great favor from the audience.

"And my sisters who can't stand on stage! They are also amazing, thank you." She bowed to everyone with tears in her eyes.

Long Zitao picked up the inscription card with a smile and continued: "Then who is the like king of the other pair?"

This time, there were more people guessing, because no one on Ye Yuwei's side was overwhelmingly popular, but she and Li Shihan were the ones with the highest voices.

"The like king of this group is Qiang Yueting." Long Zitao raised his arms.

Hearing that it was her, Qiang Yueting couldn't believe it, her popularity surpassed that of Ye Yuwei and Yang Ni.

Actually, this is not surprising.

Julin, who Ye Yuwei was fighting against, was indeed better than her group overall, so many neutral votes were cast there, and Ye Yuwei's advantage in winning was very weak.

Li Shihan's team was fighting against Wu Zixuan, and the show team manipulated the votes to win. Naturally, it is impossible to give praise to the former.

The other people are not as popular as Qiang Yueting, so the king of likes is given to the former.

"Thank you, thank you all, I will definitely work harder in the future, I really want to make my debut, and I really want to continue singing and dancing for you." Qiang Yueting kept bowing.

Xiao Du who was sitting under the stage was furious when he heard that his "cooking" was not the king of likes, but this "ugly woman" with a fat face.

Those cold eyes stared at the big screen: "Qiang Yueting, you deserve it too."

The whole time, Yang Xiaoyue asked Hu Binbin to speak on behalf of all the tutors.

"Whether we are on the stage of 101 or in the entire industry in the future, there will never be a permanent winner. No one can guarantee that they will always win." Speaking of this, Hu Binbin looked at Qiang Yueting.

"It's like you were in class B before, but today you became the king of likes, everyone must keep working hard, come on!"

Tian Jiaxuan also continued: "One more word for everyone, there is no miracle but accumulation."

Everyone was touched by Tian Jiaxuan's words and applauded together.

Luo Junxiang also continued: "I don't like to encourage anyone. Everyone's performance today is just a basic. I think you can do better. I hope you can be even better in the future."

Long Zitao looked at the two of them, and said, "Whoever gets the most votes out of these two today means that the two mentors will win."

Qiang Yueting's heart beat uncontrollably immediately. She knew that her popularity might not surpass Meng Meixuan's, but she still had a glimmer of hope.

Meng Meixuan was also extremely nervous at this time, she was so highly praised by everyone, she was afraid that she would fall off.

"I'm going to announce now..."

All the people fell silent in unison, and there was no movement in the whole scene except for the sound of the machine.

"The winner is Meng Meixuan!" Long Zitao roared.

"Ah! Ah!"

All the girls in Jun Wei's team shouted happily, and many tears flowed from the corners of their eyes. Today is an unforgettable day for them.

When they returned backstage, they were still discussing what happened just now.

After six and a half hours, it was already past 12 o'clock in the morning, but no one felt sleepy at all.

Yang Xiaoyue asked Hu Binbin to comfort her team.

In the waiting room, all 8 members of the failed Hu Binbin team sat there, and Long Zitao was also there.

His eyes drifted to Ye Yuwei from time to time, the girl was still sitting there upright even at this time.

"Do you like this kind of stage?" Long Zitao asked.

"I like it!" All the girls answered in unison.

"Then you have to keep working hard. It's okay to fail today. We still have another stage." Long Zitao said very seriously.

Every girl sat there and listened quietly.

"You are already very lucky. When I was a trainee, if I failed once, there would be no second chance."

"But you still have. What you have to do now is to let go of everything just now and think about what to do tomorrow."

Long Zitao's eyes flicked across everyone's faces.

Everyone's fighting spirit was ignited by what he said just now, yes!They also had shots from the audience outside the court, so they might not lose like this.

"Actually, I'm not very good at comforting people, because I also like to be comforted. I have absolutely nothing to comfort. If you lose, you lose." Hu Binbin's words are very personal.

"However, since the program team asked me to say it, I will tell everyone that if we do well enough, even though we lose, the audience will complain for us."

Hu Binbin is actually not satisfied with the result of the game, he thinks they should win the last game.

The trainees sitting there also nodded, they agreed with the former's words, and they were not convinced that they lost.

"And after coming here, the real wealth you get is friends who share the same aesthetics as you." Speaking of which, Hu Binbin smiled meaningfully.

"Teacher, you are right, we did not lose." The girls became happy again.

"Okay, seeing you guys are so happy, I'm going to see the winning group." Long Zitao wanted to leave after finishing speaking.

At this moment, the girls stopped doing it immediately, and they felt sore in their hearts, as if their treasure had been snatched away by another woman.

"Teacher, you can't go!"

"Yes! Teacher, you can't go."

more than 50 pairs of sad, looking forward, sad eyes are looking at the former.

Long Zitao was stunned, this was the first time she felt this feeling of being "loved".

"They won over there, so I have to go and see it no matter what."

"That's not good!" All the girls became extremely listless.

When Long Zitao turned around, there was a smirk all over his face.

(End of this chapter)

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