Chapter 178 Going Astray

Gather Bar
Du Jinyu is eating and drinking indulgently with a group of friends.

He was accompanied by two hot girls.

"Brother, can you bring out that girlfriend of yours to show us, it's so mysterious!"

"That's right, Brother Du, what kind of person is my sister-in-law! It's not that celebrities can't reveal their privacy!
A group of his drinking and meat friends joked with him.

Du Jinyu was very proud of himself, he really wanted to bring Li Jiaqi out to show them, but he also knew that this was impossible.

And he doesn't trust these guys too much. If the matter between himself and Li Jiaqi is exposed, the beauty in his hand will be gone.

"You guys stop talking nonsense, where is my girlfriend, drink your wine well."

Seeing him like this, everyone didn't dare to talk anymore, after all they all pointed at this rich young man for eating and drinking.
"Young Master Du, I'll have a drink with you." The plump woman beside him smiled and said.
Du Jinyu took a look at this woman and felt very sick to his stomach. He wouldn't have looked for her if he hadn't really needed it.
Now his vision is already very high, and non-stars can't get into Du Shao's eyes.
This woman is a small Internet celebrity, and she is trying her best to curry favor with him now, thinking of making more money from her. The same is true of another very slender girl.
All in all, whatever you need.
Du Jinyu picked up the wine glass and took a big sip, but the girl drank the wine in the glass, and then got into the former's arms and laughed wantonly.
"Why are my cigarettes gone? Damn!" When Du Jinyu wanted to smoke, he suddenly found that the cigarettes on the table were gone.
"Will it fall to the ground?"

"Brother Du, why don't you smoke mine first!"

Someone offered up his cigarette.
"Forget it, what are you talking about?" Du Jinyu shook his head.
"Brother Du, or I'll ask the waiter to get a box of what you often smoke."

"Can you still smoke this cigarette?"

Du Jinyu frowned, and gave the speaker a hard look.
The man hurriedly smiled and nodded to admit his mistake.
"Go to my car and get me a bag." Du Jinyu threw the keys over.
He was very strange in his heart, his own smoke was put there when it came, why it disappeared.
"Hey, he must have been hidden by someone, these bastards."

After much deliberation, this is the only possibility, but he can't just search other people's bodies just because of half a pack of cigarettes!
After about 10 minutes, the person who went out came back and brought him a pack of white cigarettes with no words on it.
"Damn it, I smoked it myself, don't touch anyone." Du Jinyu warned, picked up the cigarette case and looked it over carefully, and opened it to smoke after confirming that there was no problem.
Outside the bar, Zhang Yuze, who was sitting in a business car, was watching the former's every move from the computer.
He hacked into the bar's computer system and took control of all the cameras inside.
Many bigwigs think that it is safe to go to some places to play, but in fact, the surveillance systems in those places are under control.
"Hehe! He's meowing, but he's very careful." Zhang Yuze sneered.
At this time, his cell phone vibrated: "Brother Zhang, I'm back."

Zhang Yuze actually saw his little brother through the camera on the car several times.

He opened the car door and let the pair come in.

"Brother Zhang, I got the cigarettes." Said the boy with an ordinary face and a moderate build, but with a sharp look in his eyes.

"Okay, Luo Ning, show me, I want to know this guy's whereabouts." Zhang Yuze said coldly.

"Alright Brother Zhang." Luo Ning agreed.

"Brother Zhang, if you don't like this guy, I'll just make him go." Luo Ning said with a murderous look on his face.

"Did him! Do you think the current investigative technology is worthless! Stupid." Zhang Yuze couldn't help frowning.

This Luo Ning graduated from a university. He did illegal activities in Burma to make money. His hands were stained with blood, and he was sent back to China to be imprisoned.

However, because Myanmar did not provide a complete chain of evidence, he was only sentenced to five years in prison.

After he came out, he met Zhang Yuze through the introduction of his inmates, and began to hang out with the latter.

"Brother Zhang, they are urging us to get the goods!" Luo Ning changed the subject.

"Don't give it to them yet, we shouldn't pay too much, and you tell Xiao Feng and the others over there to temporarily stop their work and take some money to go out and play for a few days."

"Brother, our products are selling well, why stop them!"

Zhang Yuze's eyes immediately became as cold as ice: "Luoning, are you questioning me!"

"I'm sorry Brother Zhang, I, I was wrong." Luo Ning suddenly fell into an ice cave, and cold sweat spread all over his body.

"Someone has already noticed us. Why do you think they want so many goods this time and give us such a good price."

"Brother Zhang, you mean they want to cheat." Luo Ning's eyes immediately widened.

"Not necessarily, but it's always right to be on guard." Zhang Yuze sneered with a gloomy expression.

Galaxy Dormitory
Li Jiaqi is unwrapping a present.

"Oh my God! It's McLenne's summer uniform, one is more than 50,000, who is so generous to give you three." Zhang Yu looked at the high-end dress with surprise and envy.

Li Jiaqi was also very surprised, thinking that this Zhang Yuze has really become rich since he started the business.

In the past, if he was asked to give himself ten thousand or twenty thousand dollars a month, it would be easy to buckle, but now he can spend hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands without blinking an eye.

"Who else could it be? There are only a few pushers behind me." Li Jiaqi laughed.

"Jiaqi, you must be the 'Yu Sanjia' in this general election."

"It's still early! The most important thing now is to raise funds, and you have to work harder."

"Hey! It's not like you don't know about me here. With just a few people, the money raised is not enough to go to Bali and have fun for a few days."

Zhang Yu is jealous and envious of Li Jiaqi at this time, and she has already started to curry favor with this rising star.

Not only has Li Jiaqi been very successful in raising funds recently, she has also been selected by a film and television company to star in a TV series.

She also recommended Zhang Yu to the crew to play one of the small roles, so the former flattered her a lot during this time.

Yu Qingjia was arranged by the company to be a resident guest on a variety show. Although it was a variety show made by a small investor, it was already a good resource for girls in Hanoi.

The two talked for a while, Zhang Yu saw that Li Jiaqi was a little tired and left voluntarily, although she hoped that the former would keep her.

Li Jiaqi sat in the empty room, staring at those clothes in a daze.

"Maybe, I still need to have a good talk with Zhang Yuze." Thinking of this, she smiled and picked up a dress and compared it to her body, feeling that she was extremely beautiful, like a big star.

"This dress is also very Yuwei. I don't know how she is doing now. Their first husband is over. I don't know if they can enter the next round."

Li Jiaqi sighed and put down her clothes, faintly she did not want Ye Yuwei to enter the next round.

Because she knew very well that once her good friend really made her debut, they would gradually drift away.

(End of this chapter)

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