Chapter 179

"Brother Lu, aren't we going to director Xiaowu's dinner today?" Lan Yening was told by Lu Tianxiang who had just packed up after waking up in the morning.

"No, director Xiao Wu's affairs are getting serious now, and the company is planning to divest." Lu Tianxiang said while carefully looking at Lan Yening.

The former who woke up in the morning wore a thin linen casual suit.

Lan Yening's skin was so white that she didn't need makeup, but now she looked very eye-catching against the backdrop of this dress.

Lan Yening didn't care about his manager's eyes, he was used to this kind of eyes that would make ordinary people's skin crawl.

What he cared more about was the movie that the company divested of, which was his hope of becoming famous.

"Isn't it just a 'reference' event? How did it become so big?"

"Someone tried to punish him, and some seniors in the industry also spoke out. Although those people have no commercial value, they hold the power of life and death in their hands."

Lu Tianxiang was also quite annoyed by this matter. For this cooperation, he almost broke his leg, not to mention, he took in a lot of benefits.

Many people think that investing in movies is easy, as long as you take the money, you will be filmed by a big director, but in fact it is not the case at all.

A good movie is roughly divided into three links: investment, shooting, and release.

Investment involves the capital operation of many companies, and the direction of a large amount of funds must be reviewed by the company's board of directors, and it will also affect the company's stock price, so the budget is very cumbersome and requires many legal procedures.

Moreover, in order to reduce the risk, it is impossible to invest in a large-scale production alone. For multiple investors, the rights and obligations of each of them must be clarified, and countless negotiations must be conducted.

It is also a big problem to find a director to shoot afterward. In this way, the investment film must be a well-known director in the industry to gain the trust of investors, but the directors are very busy, and the book you handed in may not be seen by others.

Of course, some people may say that it is enough if I give enough money.

How much money can you give the director?The kind of plot that offers [-] million or [-] million as the director's remuneration that he can't refuse is nonsense.

In reality, no one would use their own money to waste like this, even if it is to flatter others.

Although Zhang Shuya is sincerely supporting Lan Yening, she must also settle accounts clearly in terms of economic interests.

After that, the movie will be released. If the movie you made cannot be released, or if it is released, but you are only given a very small number of movies, what will you do?

You have to negotiate with the theaters and ask them to arrange for you how many shows to broadcast.

Back then, the director of Steel Cannon had a falling out with Mr. Wang's richest man because of too few films.

These are all extremely labor-intensive. The release of a blockbuster film is by no means a brain-determined decision, but a long period of time.

Director Xiao Wu had an accident this time, and there was no suitable director urgently. Other investors didn't want to invest money, and Zhang Shuya didn't want to take any risks, so they decided to withdraw their investment.

"Brother Lu, is there no room for redemption?" Lan Yening felt very frustrated.

"I got news from insiders that although he won't be banned publicly, the movies he shoots won't pass the review."

Lu Tianxiang looked at Lan Yening's distressed look, and couldn't help feeling quite heartbroken, and said comfortingly: "Xiao Ning, you don't have to be too discouraged, I've talked to you about the shooting of a few cover magazines, and there is also an actor competition Variety shows like that, you go first."

"Okay, thank you, Brother Lu."

"Thank you, I'm your manager! This variety show of actors' competition is pretty good, and there are big directors participating, so you have to perform well when the time comes."

Now Lu Tianxiang is worried about Lan Yening.

Lan Yening nodded in agreement, and continued: "Thank you, brother Lu, it's not easy to win that variety show!"

"Xiao Ning, you just need to know Brother Lu's heart for you." Lu Tianxiang walked over and gently held the other party's hand.

Lan Yening smiled slightly: "Brother Lu, you haven't eaten yet! I heard that there is a good Cantonese-style morning tea shop here." She said and gently withdrew her hand.

Lan Yening is now so disgusting that he doesn't even want to eat breakfast, but he also knows that the real society is not a novel, and he doesn't have the capital to fall out with Lu Tianxiang.

Sheng Hai
Wu Jingxiang was so angry that he almost smashed his coffee cup: "You bastard, Xiao Wu, you're still stubborn even now."

Wu Hao sat there without saying a word, he knew that this cousin must not disturb him when he was angry.

"Cousin, go find this person and ask him to check the tax situation of 'Big Bang Entertainment'." Wu Jingxiang calmed down after being furious.

Wu Hao was startled, this is the rhythm to kill Xiao Wu!Once the problems in this area are found out, the implications will be wide-ranging. Xiao Wu's company is not just for his own use.

"Cousin, doing this will offend a lot of people, and we have to invest in the industry. If we check a big director, then there will be no famous directors to cooperate with us."

"I know, this time I'm just trying to scare him. If he really wants to fight to the end, I'm really not welcome." Wu Jingxiang also knew that he hadn't reached the point of covering the sky with one hand.

Seeing his cousin like this, Wu Hao felt relieved.

"Cousin, take the opportunity to report the black hand behind our show and we have also found out?"


"It's Xinghe!"

Wu Jingxiang didn't understand for a while why Xinghe would do such a thing.

Looking at the questioning gaze of the former, Wu Hao continued: "It may be that in the show of Natural Idol, the little idol company we have a stake in threatened the people in their company."

Wu Hao never imagined that this incident was caused by a chaos in the fan circle.

He is a person with normal thinking, so naturally everything is considered practically.

"Old Mu is just that promising, go and see if their broken group has any foreign affairs, they have messed it up." Wu Jingxiang is a master who must take revenge.

The lives of all the girls seem to have returned to their original state, practicing singing and dancing every day.

Lu Fangxin found that the girls here are simply versatile.

Some can cook, some can play musical instruments, some can dance various dances, some can speak various languages, and some can act. It is simply a gathering of elites.

Everyone organized to perform various shows together when they had nothing to do, and even formed two bands.

During this period, many girls' friendships have been greatly developed. Many people have never been familiar with each other, and then from familiarity to intimacy.

"Jiang Mengqi, the rice you cook is so delicious, can you make spicy pork tonight!" Luo Tiantian finished the last bite of seafood fried rice in the wooden rice bucket.

"Sister, I'm going to buy meat there!" Jiang Mengqi felt a little helpless towards this friend.

"Why don't we ask the master chef over there for some next time we go to the restaurant." Fan Lei said eagerly.

"I think it's better to bring some dishes back, let's process them." Liu Jiaying said.

Although the food in the cafeteria is good, they are not used to the taste here.

These girls come from all over the world and have different tastes, which is actually very difficult to coordinate.

The dishes here, the most unaccustomed to eating are those from the north of the Yangtze River.

So some girls who can cook bought all kinds of cooking utensils and rice and made them by themselves.

Among them, Jiang Mengqi has the best craftsmanship. In addition to her sunny smile and clean personality, she is very popular among the girls here.

Many people like to go to her dormitory to have a meal, and some people jokingly call it a small cafeteria.

"Lai Ruohong, can you draw me a caricature of me?" Zhang Yuexin, who looked like a royal lady, smiled at the former who wore big rabbit ears. Her face was completely healed.

"Yes!" Lai Ruohong nodded with a smile, then put his face on the other's ear and said with a smile: "Actually, we can be bolder, just like the 'Titanic'"

"Oh my god! Look at you, so small and pure, so, so..." Although Zhang Yuexin said this, she giggled.

(End of this chapter)

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