Chapter 180
In another dormitory, Lin Jiayi, Yang Ni, Wu Zixuan, and Pan Junya were playing flying chess together. There were a lot of snacks in front of them, and whoever lost would have to take them out.

This plate, obviously Wu Zixuan's luck is not good, the snacks in front are getting less and less, but Lin Jiayi is smiling.

In the practice room, Chen Yinghan is helping Lu Fangxin correct her pronunciation, teaching her how to listen to the beat, and there are also Yang Han and Zhang Xinlei.

They rarely play and spend almost all their time practicing.

Although the level of singing and dancing cannot be improved in a short period of time, it is better than no practice.

Moreover, such a good learning opportunity should not be missed. It will cost a lot of money to go out and find a teacher by yourself.

"Yinghan, you won't bother me!" Lu Fangxin looked at her friend anxiously after singing a verse.

"How could I dislike you! You are my most beautiful flower."

"But I'm from Benzene, so I can't learn anything well."

Lu Fangxin felt that she was a burden beside Chen Yinghan.

"You are a fast learner, but your foundation is weaker. The most difficult part of learning is the initial stage." Chen Yinghan encouraged her friend.

"That's right, Fang Xin, although I can sing, I also felt the same as you at the beginning. I felt that I couldn't learn anything, and it will be fine if I pass that hurdle." Yang Han also came to comfort her .

"That's right, let's cheer together." Zhang Xinlei also walked over.

Lu Fangxin felt warm in her heart. In such an environment, it is good to have friends.

"Meixuan, what is that tattoo on your back?" Lu Xiaoman asked, who were helping each other wipe their backs in the bathroom.

"That's a mandala flower." Meng Meixuan laughed.

"Hehe, this flower is very beautiful and it suits you very well." Lu Xiaoman watched carefully with a smile, only to see that there were drops of crystal water dotted on it, which looked mysterious and alluring.

After dancing, Ye Yuwei sat on the floor to rest, gulping down mineral water.

"Ye Yuwei, can you teach me how to dance?" A gentle voice came.

Ye Yuwei looked up and saw that it was Li Zimeng.

This girl seems to always close herself in a world of one person, and even her former teammates are not too close, so she never thought that she would ask her for dance lessons now.

"Okay! What kind of dance do you want to dance?" Ye Yuwei smiled slightly and stood up from the floor.

"When we recorded the program for the first time, I really liked the dance you danced alone." Li Zimeng looked at the former with her shining eyes.

"That's robot dance, which is a combination of street dance and break dance! Are you sure you want to learn?"

"En! I really like the power of that dance." Li Zimeng nodded vigorously.

Outside the practice room, Zhang Zijing envied Li Zimeng talking and laughing with Ye Yuwei.

She also wants to make her own good friends, but for some reason, everyone doesn't seem to want to get close to her.

"Perhaps, I should be braver." Zhang Zijing secretly encouraged herself.

Lu Bingbing was sitting in the bathroom writing a letter at this time.

The only thing she thinks about now is to tell her big fans that this time she is determined to make her debut on the show Natural Born Idol, even if she breaks up with the company.

She has considered the consequences thoroughly, the most extreme situation is that Xinghe will let her retire, but she doesn't think Xinghe dares to do so.

Because of this competition, the company has hundreds of pairs of eyes watching it. If Xinghe makes himself withdraw from the competition for the benefit of the general election, it will lose everyone's hearts.

The little idols will clearly realize that Xinghe is just drawing big cakes for them and defrauding their youth.

However, Lu Bingbing didn't know any of the fans who came to visit the class during this period, so this letter can only be handed over to his most trusted fans.

Time is walking so unhurriedly, which is really difficult for "Tianfan".

Because they all want to watch the third episode, which is the first public performance.

However, there was basically nothing revealed on the Internet. Xiao Du used this time to vote for his "cooked" Ye Yuwei.

The phone rang, and he picked it up and looked a little annoyed.

"Sister Mu, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Du, my aunt's birthday is tomorrow, can you help me choose a birthday present?"

"Sister, why do your relatives always have birthdays? The day before yesterday was your aunt, yesterday it was your cousin, and today it's your aunt again."

Xiao Du felt that he was going to be tormented by this girl, and regretted not rejecting her the first time, and not choosing a gift for her relatives.

"This aunt is very kind to me. I must give her a present for her birthday. I have no friends, so I can only think of you." Mu Yunchu's voice on the phone was very pitiful.

Xiao Du thought about it, and finally agreed to the other party's request. After all, they are both big fans of Ye Yuwei, and now they are making videos and print promotions, all of which are done by the other party.

Mu Yunchu on the phone put down the phone happily, and there were three gift boxes wrapped in colored paper beside her bedside table.

Four hours later, Xiao Du, who had already left impatiently, frowned and said, "Have you chosen the gift yet! It's a waste of life to press the road like this."

"How can you waste your life! It's your blessing to come out with such a beautiful girl like me in such good weather."

"Sister, the temperature is 40 degrees now, and I'm not interested in beautiful girls."

Mu Yunchu was almost vomiting blood at the other party's words, if he didn't know that he liked Ye Yuwei, he would have doubted this guy's orientation.

Thinking of Ye Yuwei, Mu Yunchu felt very contradictory. He wanted to "cook" for himself, but he was also sour.

"I'm hungry! I want to eat." Mu Yunchu suddenly shouted.

"Why are you crazy?" Xiao Du felt very embarrassed when he saw the strange eyes from the people around him.

The other party tilted his head and looked at him proudly.

"Let's go, eat whatever you want!" Xiao Du just wanted to leave after eating quickly, and never see each other again.

The two sat down in a western restaurant, and Mu Yunchu ordered steak and red wine.

Xiao Du didn't care about it. Maybe these things are expensive to many people, but in his opinion, it's really nothing.

"Hey, why don't you talk?" Mu Yunchu glared at Xiao Du.

"Why do you have to talk while eating?" Xiao Du asked back in confusion.

"Xiao Du, actually..." Before Mu Yunchu, who lowered his head and had a red cloud floating on his face, could speak, Xiao Du said, "As expected."

"Ah! You know it all, I thought you didn't see it at all!"

"I saw it when I came back from the performance last time."

"Xiao Du, then you still..."

"I am collecting evidence and information, and what happened today confirmed my guess."

Mu Yunchu, who had lowered his head and looked happy, felt that something was wrong. When he looked up, he saw that the other party was looking at his phone.

"Look at this news." Xiao Du handed the phone to the former with a serious face.

Mu Yunchu felt like a fool at this moment, what was he doing just now!She wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in.

In order to hide her embarrassment, she took the other party's mobile phone and looked at it: "Yang Ni was too close to her teammates in the natural idol show."

There are a few more photos under this heading.

One is Yang Ni picking her nose on the way to work.

In one, she jumped onto Meng Meixuan's back with a hideous face.

One is that she forcibly hugs Wu Zixuan and wants to kiss him.

(End of this chapter)

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