Chapter 184 Galaxy Reversal
More than half of the golden autumn people sat together.

Jiang Xijie felt that she had really failed, leading this group of girls with dreams, but she couldn't give them a stage.

This time, everyone came here with full confidence, but they were dealt a huge blow at the first appearance. It turned out that it was not that they had no chance, but that their own level was really not that strong.

She once complained about the lack of stage surprises, but after a performance, she has realized the reality.

"Sister Jiang, maybe we should all go, you charge forward with our hope." Wu Youxuan's eyes glistened with tears.

Zhang Xiaohan hugged her legs with both hands, and buried her face deeply. She is very contradictory now, and keeps thinking about what her father said to her the day she left home.

Or write a dream that you really shouldn't be a girl group, look at the girls around you, they are backed by big companies and it is difficult to get ahead, let alone yourself.

But, can the fire in my heart be extinguished?Is my painstaking youth all these years gone?
She knew that going out from here meant that she would lose her job.

But the reality is so cruel, people in this industry are eating in the blood.

Liu Feiyu was also extremely sad at this time. She was helping her teammates pack up and salute. At the age of 18, she had never experienced such a thing.

When they were outside, they were all doing activities together, singing and building together, but now the teammates who came with her are leaving.

The company has already hinted at her that she will definitely stay, and she is not allowed to tell other people, so at this moment she feels like betraying her friends.

Su Ruiqi looked at Liu Feiyu's expression and thought she was sad, so she couldn't help laughing and said, "Feiyu, it's all right, the draft is like this, if someone can go on, someone else has to leave."

"It would be great if we could all stay." Ma Xingyu, the youngest, cried.

"Don't cry, don't cry, we still have to eat hot pot together!" Yan Kexin wiped his tears and went to comfort the former who was already in tears.

The seven girls couldn't bear it anymore, hugged each other and started crying.

This night was destined to be another sleepless night, and the entire base was shrouded in sadness, but these parting scenes became the best material for the program group.

Yang Xiaoyue likes this kind of emotional ups and downs.

Some true and false news were released one after another by the program group.

Sitting at home, Xiao Du began to browse the news on the web after voting for Ye Yuwei.

"How did this Xinghe change his gender? He started to support Ye Yuwei." Xiao Du looked at Xinghe's official website in disbelief.

"If something goes wrong, it must be a demon." Xiao Du said silently in his heart, and then opened Xin He's pocket, and all the online idols in it were "Amway" and Ye Lu.

This time Xiao Du was even more confused, what is this old Mu going to do.

He then went to "Xuhu" where the longest collection of pho was gathered, and when he opened it, they were all scolding Ye Yuwei for praising Lu Bingbing's posts.

There are various reveals in these posts, including some "ex-teammates", "ex-classmates"

In their words, Ye Yuwei almost became a heinous person.

"Hmph, that's true, I want to catch Ye Yuwei's popularity but don't want her to debut." Xiao Du looked at the screen and sneered.

At this time, the penguin's head was shaking, and it was Mu Yunchu: "Xiao Du, are you surfing the Internet now? Hei Ye Yuwei's posts suddenly increased."

"I'm surfing the Internet, and it's the gang of pho again. They've gone crazy. I don't know what kind of hatred Xiao Yezi has with them."

"What do we do now?"

"We first post a small composition in our group to refute these people, and then we mobilize everyone to refute the rumors."

Xiao Du expressed his suggestion. He knew that if he wanted to defeat his opponent, he must first unite with his own people.

"Xiao Du, has that Shen Xing called you?"

"What? He called you again?"

Xiao Du couldn't help feeling tense, he doesn't trust anyone in Xinghe now.

"En! He told me not to act rashly, Xinghe will respond."

"Then how did you answer him?"

"I don't believe a word that Shen Xing said, Xiao Du, don't believe him either."

Xiao Du's heart moved, and he felt that Mu Yunchu must know something that he didn't know.

However, he didn't ask. Since the other party didn't tell him about some things, he might have his own reasons.

"Of course I won't trust Xinghe, we are only acting according to our own ideas now."

After Xiao Du put down the phone, he began to contact trusted people in the group to write rebuttal "small essays" to fight against gangsters.

In this regard, Xiao Du is still relatively good, because Xinghe's rice noodles are over and over again because of those few things. As for spreading rumors, they also have ways.

They categorized, posted the posts to be refuted on text documents, and then refuted them at a unified time.

By two o'clock in the morning, they had sent at least 5 posts and rebuttals.

This is all due to Ye Yuwei's huge fan base, which can be found everywhere in the world.

Moreover, Pho is not a professional troll, and it is impossible to target "quarrels" on the Internet without restriction.

Xiao Du picked up the phone and saw that someone had sent him a text message.

"Be kind and don't whitewash 'Dang Ye'."

"I heard that Ye Yuwei often fights in the field, are you with her?"

"I know who you are. If you are helping 'Dang Ye' clean up the crime, you will be hit by a car and die when you go out."

"Are you and 'Dang Ye''s concubine, she's so black, you still kneel and lick her, isn't it disgusting?"

"Brother, you were deceived by Ye Yuwei, she is really that kind of person, come back when you are lost!"

In just 5 minutes, Xiao Du received hundreds of such text messages.

"Hehe, it hurts you, and I'm scared, you bloody bastards." Xiao Du looked at these caller numbers, a small part of them were normal phone numbers, and the rest belonged to a certain software.

At this moment, the penguin head on the computer shook: "Xiao Du, I was attacked by those black fans."

"Sister Mu, don't be afraid, we'll call the police immediately, worrying that we don't have something substantive to vilify Xiao Yezi!"

"...Xiao Du, what if those people really take revenge on us?"

Mu Yunchu was scared and anxious at this time, she never thought that chasing after a star would lead to such a thing.

"These people are a bunch of dirty garbage hiding in the dark and dare not come out. We only need to clean up a few of them and they won't dare."

"Xiao Du, could Xin He do it?"

"It's hard to say, but even if they did it, we can't get evidence."

"Xiao Du, I'm still scared. Can you come and stay with me?"

Mu Yunchu also put a few crying emojis on the back of his confidence.

"Is there no one else in your family right now?"

"No, my parents are on a business trip."

"Don't be afraid, I'll go right away."

Two hours later, Xiao Du and Mu Yunchu walked out of the police station together.

"Sister Mu, you should rest assured now, I have already entrusted someone, this time I will definitely be able to find out who did it."


Mu Yunchu's face was not very good-looking, and he lowered his head to look at the ground.

"Sister Mu, are you hungry? Let's accompany you to eat something!"

This time, Mu Yunchu raised his head: "You still have a conscience, knowing that I will be hungry!"

Xiao Du couldn't help scratching his head, wondering why Mu Yunchu got angry.

"I want to eat barbecued seafood and drink red wine." Mu Yunchu suddenly glared at Xiao Du viciously.

"Ah! Well, well then! Eat whatever you like."

(End of this chapter)

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