Chapter 185 Ranking Announcement
Bright lights, solemn atmosphere

The majestic studio hall of the first stage has been completely renewed.

There are only 55 seats left in the pyramid, and the girls come here one after another and sit in the unreserved seats under the pyramid.

All the chairs to be reserved are transparent and without signs, while the chairs on the pyramid are marked with numbers from 1 to 55.

"The stage I haven't seen for a long time." Wu Zixuan couldn't help but smile with emotion when she walked in.

"Are there only 55 people left? We have to leave half of them." Guo Xia, who came in and sat down, said with a heavy heart.

"This time we're going to eliminate half of the people!" Jiang Mengqi, who was uncertain, looked serious.

"Too nervous, too nervous." Zhang Zijing, who experienced this kind of scene for the first time, couldn't help but say a few words.

"I'm too nervous, as if I'm going to announce the test results." Fan Lei's thinking has not jumped to social people.

Every girl is very preoccupied, they already know their popularity and last ranking from various channels, but this elimination is based on the ranking after yesterday's one.

The deadline for this ranking is this morning, and the Penguins haven't announced it online, so they don't know what their final result will be.

However, it can be roughly inferred from the second episode of the program. The highly popular trainees are worried about their rankings, and the average popular trainees are worried about whether they can stay.

However, those seven or eight are the most popular, so most of them are really upset, some even start to break out in a cold sweat as soon as they sit down, and some tremble all over with their eyes closed.

"Please, Long Zitao, the promoter of Natural Idol, will come on stage to announce the ranking."

The girls had just sat down when the announcer-like voice that only appeared in the first issue appeared in the hall.

The girls were immediately pleasantly surprised, because Long Zitao was going to be filming for a few days, so he left for a while, and everyone was very happy to hear that he was back.

"Look, his hairstyle has changed."

"Yeah, I'm so handsome today! Her bangs are combed up."

"His makeup is so chic today."

"I like his earrings."

When Long Zitao came on stage with strong music, the girls talked a lot, not about missing him but focusing on his clothes and makeup today.

He felt a little proud of this, because he spent a lot of money on today's look, and specially asked the master to help him do it.

Long Zitao smiled at the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hand with pride in his eyes to greet everyone gently.

"Wow! I really hope that 101 girls will praise me every day from now on."

As soon as his words came out, everyone laughed, and the tension in their hearts dissipated a lot.

"However, the reality is cruel, we can only leave 55 people today."

Long Zitao's words brought everyone back to reality. Everyone's smiles disappeared from their faces, and some people even felt sour, with tears in the corners of their eyes.

"Girls who are born idols, today is a day that you and your creator care deeply about."

"After the opening of the like channel, you will be liked by creators every day. We want to thank these supporters and pay attention to our founders! Thank you for tolerating them who are not perfect."

Following Long Zitao's words, everyone applauded and bowed to say thank you.

Long Zitao's words are not polite words, but a potential hint to all those who follow this program that this program is a nurturing program.

At the same time, it is also fighting back against those black fans who look down on Yigong's stage on the Internet.

With the popularity of the show, there are already large-scale black shows by Penguin's opponents, and it is worthless to belittle 16 stage performances.

In fact, from a professional point of view, each of the 16 stages is a top-level existence among the performances of existing domestic girl groups.

However, there is still a certain gap compared to the top Korean group stage in Asia.

But don't forget, the Korean girl groups we can see are the hottest one or two.

And the dozen or so girls in these two groups also stood out from the hundreds of thousands of trainees in their country.

If the girls in the Naturally Born Idol program were only organized according to their skills, they would be able to form several teams that were not inferior to the former.

"Today we will officially announce the ranking of your likes in the first stage,"

The faces of the trainees became more serious, some began to take a deep breath, some touched their fingers, and some clenched their fists.

Whenever the camera's lens is aimed at a girl, the girl can't help but lower her head, not like the confident and beautiful smile in the previous three issues to grab the camera.

"The girls who won the top 55 praises will continue to stay on this stage, and will be reclassified according to this score. Starting today, class F will be cancelled."

When the members of class F heard it, they all felt drummed in their hearts. They were the most unconfident group of people.

"Next, we will start publishing your results."

Long Zitao's words made the girls feel very sudden, did they announce it so soon?Don't you need some ceremony or something?
Although knowing that this moment will come eventually, every girl is unwilling to accept the reality.

Lu Bingbing sat there with a solemn face, she felt that this made her more nervous than the general election.

This time is really the fateful moment, how many years of anticipation, hope is only in front of us.

Ye Yuwei was also nervous. Although she knew that she would not be eliminated, she was worried that Penguin would play tricks on her ranking.

Many people say that the ranking is not important, the most important thing is the performance of the girls, everyone will see who is good and who is not.

In fact, this ranking can firstly show the attitude of the program group towards you, secondly, it can give fans confidence, and thirdly, it is related to whether you can attract more fans.

The higher the ranking, the more scenes the program group will give you in the future.

The higher the ranking, the more confidence fans will have in your debut, they will have a sense of pride in their hearts, and they will be more willing to vote for you.

If the ranking is high, those who follow the program later will also focus on you. After all, you have a lot of shots, and people are still willing to follow the strong in essence.

come on!come on!
After one girl yelled out, all the girls started yelling, they were cheering themselves up.

"First of all, I would like to announce the members of Class D. There are 41 likes from 54 to 14." Long Zitao's face also became serious.

The program group left the 55th place to create suspense.

"Oh my god! I'm about to go to the toilet." Gao Ziyi muttered to Luo Qijia beside him.

But Luo Qijia didn't pay attention to her, the former had a very solemn face, and sat there straight with his mouth pursed.

Gao Ziyi's ranking after the second period was not bad, but she also has no confidence in her appearance, figure, and technical level.

She said that it is good to work hard and not look at the results, but in fact she cared very much in her heart. She wanted to keep going, but she really hadn't thought about her debut.

"The 54th ranked contestant in Class D is..."

The entire studio was silent, and some people who were too nervous couldn't help but grabbed the hands of the people around them, as if they wanted to find a sense of security and gain strength from it.

"Xu Qianhua!"

As soon as Long Zitao's words came out, the audience was in an uproar. This is the existence recognized as the number one singing skill in the entire base, and it is ranked 54th.

Originally, some girls who thought they were ranked higher suddenly tensed up. Meng Meixuan covered her face with her hands in surprise. What is Penguin doing? It doesn't play cards according to common sense!

"My God! How could Qianhua rank 54."

"The show crew made a mistake! She sings so well."

"She is 54, and I may not even have a ranking."

Xu Qianhua herself was also stunned, her face turned pale in an instant, and she subconsciously grabbed Jiang Mengqi and Li Shihan's hands.

At the same time, those two people also increased their strength by coincidence. Obviously, Jiang Mengqi and the two of them couldn't believe the result.

"How can I be in this ranking, I will be in this ranking."

This sentence was the only thing left in Xu Qianhua's mind, she stood up from her seat in a daze, bowed and thanked according to the girl group etiquette.

"Come on, Qianhua!"

"It's good if you can enter!"

The girls started cheering her on, and for a moment it seemed like they were fighting against each other.

Jiang Mengqi, Li Shihan and her good friends all came over to give her a hug and thank her.

At this time, Jiang Mengqi was more envious of Xu Qianhua. In her opinion, as long as she could get in, it would be fine and save it for the first episode of the show.

(End of this chapter)

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