Chapter 186 A River of Tears
At this point the atmosphere was tense to the extreme.

Xu Qianhua's 54th ranking made everyone no longer sure of their own position in their hearts.

Yang Xiaoyue watched the girls' reactions on the screen, and couldn't help smiling.

That's the suspense she wanted.

In fact, before this, the reason why the girls knew their ranking before Yigong was because she intentionally released the news.

"No. 53 Liu Mengyao."

Hearing Long Zitao say his name, Zhu Riri's teammate was extremely excited.

She is different from Xu Qianhua, she just has to enter her heart.

Zhu Riri over there watched his teammates walk towards the pyramid under the congratulations of others, envy and jealousy appeared on his over-plastic face.

Lin Jiayi was in a complicated mood at this time. She didn't expect that Liu Mengyao, who performed poorly in the group, would also be included in the list of 55 people, although she was at the bottom of the list.

But I worked so hard, and my level was much higher than hers, the ranking after the second episode was actually 56.
Her eyes are red, and at the age of 18 she has not yet learned to disguise herself subtly.

Many of the trainees sitting there looked at Liu Mengyaolu enviously. Obviously, in their thinking, the former's company must have contributed to her.

"No. 52, Jiang Meier."

When people from Yuehua heard this name, some were indifferent and some were worried.

For example, Meixuan and the others are very indifferent, they know that this class D is not the seat they are fighting for, while the other people in her Yuehua are all nervous.

Because they think that Penguin will make a balance. If someone from a company enters the next round, the chance of one more teammate of their own will be reduced by one point.

Before this, Jiang Meier was sitting there with her head down and her whole body was weak. When she heard her name, she felt like she was about to collapse there.

Galaxy Girls is the second girl group she joined, and this time is also her most promising one.

She staggered up from the chair, more relieved than happy.

Jiang Meixing and Meng Meixuan who were in her group hugged her to congratulate her.

She walked towards the pyramid with tears streaming down her face, looking at the throne on the top of the tall tower with complicated eyes, feeling that it was too far away from her, too ethereal.

"No. 51, Wu Qian"

She from the magic number girl group was stunned, she thought she couldn't do it, and only Fan Lei could get into their group, but she didn't expect to get in.

Over there, her former teammates were applauding her desperately.

After several years of ups and downs, they have an extraordinary relationship.

"That idiot said yesterday that she wanted to add me on WeChat, saying that if she didn't add it, she would have no chance. She must be very happy now." Meng Meixuan smiled to the people around her.

Wu Meiying, who was sitting in the back row, also shed tears of joy, because she was very young and congenial, and she and Wu Qian had a very good relationship.

"No. 50, Ju Lin"

Ju Lin was watching Wu Qian walking towards the Golden Pagoda at this time, and he couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard his name, and then he was hugged by Gou Xueying beside him.

"You are great, Linlin! I knew you could do it."

Others also came to congratulate. Ju Lin was still satisfied with her ranking. This mixed-race girl with the largest mountain in the base walked towards the pyramid with firm eyes.

"No. 49, Wang Qingyu"

Lu Bingbing smiled and hugged his friend beside him: "Qingyu, I knew you could do it."

"Thank you, thank you Sister Bingbing, you will also enter." Wang Qingyu was so excited that her whole body trembled, and she hugged the former tightly.

Because of the relationship between the two of them, there are almost no other friends, but several other people in their group also congratulated Wang Qingyu.

"No. 48, Zhang Xiaohan"

Sitting there with his hands folded, Zhang Xiaohan, who was praying that he could enter, couldn't help crying with joy when he heard his name.

She just held a glimmer of hope in her heart, her luggage had been packed, and she was about to leave.

Jiang Xijie looked at her teammates and couldn't help the tears in her eyes. She knew that her team lacked something other than the stage, and she was lucky to get one.

"Great, Xiaohan! Come on!"

Lai Ruohong, who has a good relationship with her, danced and hugged the former. She was sincerely happy for her friend.

"No. 47, Gou Xueying"

Unprepared, she couldn't help being stunned when she heard her name. She didn't expect that she would really enter.

Wang Yiqiao who was beside her hugged her and congratulated her, and she herself wept with joy.

"Come on Gogo!" Qiang Yueting, who was sitting in the distance, yelled, and the two had a very good relationship.

"No. 46, Xiang Sixing"

"Oh my god! I actually entered." She from the magic number girl group jumped up from her seat.

Fan Lei also had an excited look on her face. What she thought was that those who belittle us should know that we still have strength.

"No. 45, Wang Tingting"

When Long Zitao announced the name, the atmosphere in the audience became heated, because Wang Tingting was one of the hardest trainees in the entire base.

At the same time, her personnel at the base are very good, and she is usually willing to help others.

Many people ran to congratulate her, and she couldn't help crying herself.

"Congratulations to Wang Tingting, from Class F to Class B, and to today's promotion." Long Zitao's eyes were full of sincerity, and he felt that this girl deserved her name.

Wang Tingting bowed to everyone and went to the position of the pyramid.

"No. 44, Du Jiayu"

Coming to Mengmeng Feiyang, who was on the same team as Guo Xia, she was a little lost, and she couldn't help covering her face when she heard her name.

All the people in Dream Feiyang came to congratulate her, this is the first one from their group to advance.

She herself was also different from the previous ones. She was elated and ran over laughing all the way.

"No. 43, Meimei"

She had just celebrated her teammate's promotion, and she heard her name before she could sit still.

Excitedly stood up from the chair, opened his arms, like a bird wanting to soar.

"No. 42, Zhang Xi"

Galaxy Girls has another promotion.

Sitting on the pyramid, Jiang Meier wept with joy, people are such strange animals.

When she hadn't advanced, she didn't want other teammates to advance earlier than her, but now there are people who are eager to be familiar with.

"Now I'm announcing the last one in class D, the 41st one, Luo Meiyi."

It is the person who comes to dream again.

By now, the atmosphere has become extremely tense.

Although every girl who advanced received everyone's applause and cheers, but with the announcement of the promotion list, many people lost hope.

At this moment, Lin Jiayi was nervous and wanted to shout and escape. When Long Zitao said that Class D had been announced, she felt that she was completely finished.

Gao Ziyi, who was sitting in the last row, pursed her lips with a blank expression on her face. She felt that she was finished and couldn't get in.

"Students of class D, please speak and express your feelings." Long Zitao carried out according to the program flow.

Several people gave their testimonials one by one, among which Wang Tingting said the most touching and inspiring one: "Hi, all the founders of girl groups, you have worked hard."

She bowed to the camera: "The founder of Zitao, and other teachers are very fortunate."

Long Zitao couldn't help laughing when he heard her words, this was the first of so many trainees who went up to express his thanks to him.

"Now that I stand on this stage for just one more second, I will show all my abilities and let everyone know that our 101 members are the strongest girl group in China."

Her speech not only represents herself, but also represents the aspirations of the program group.

If it was said that being the strongest girl group in China was just a promotional slogan before the third episode, then everyone believed it now.

What built their confidence was that the show became popular.

Before this, no girl group entered the public's field of vision, and now they have done it.

Long Zitao felt the same way. He has been back to China for almost 5 years, and his reputation has been declining year by year. It has almost reached the point where there is no such person.

Unexpectedly, this show made him popular again and ushered in the second spring of his career.

So he has a lot of affection for the show, and he has a lot of affection for these girls.

(End of this chapter)

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