Chapter 188 Tears Like Poetry
"Now I'm going to announce the students of Class B. There are 14 students in Class B, from 25 to 13." Long Zitao's words made the atmosphere develop again.

Sitting there, Li Shihan had already closed her eyes, as if gathering strength for luck.

"No. 25, Malaysian Singh Language"

Everyone was shocked by Long Zitao's words, and Ma Xingyu was ranked 25th.

People in the Vigorous Era were also surprised. Among them, Ma Xingyu was a little transparent existence.

Ma Xingyu was also stunned. She was not surprised, but a little frightened. There were still tears on her face.

The scene just now moved her so much, she was very devoted to it at such a young age.

When she passed Gao Ziyi, the fat girl looked at the former with a look of despair.

"No. 24, Luo Qijia"

After God Warrior Girl lost to Like You, Luo Qijia was depressed for a long time, but now her heart is relaxed.

Sitting there with a serious face, she got up and laughed, and Gao Ziyi also had to get up to congratulate the former "captain".

"No. 23, Liu Feiyu"

The rest of Vitality Era and her team members congratulated this girl, Liu Feiyu is really a very likable girl.

"Number 22 is Yang Ni...Natasha by my side"

Yang Ni Caicai stood up excitedly when he heard his name, but then sat down dejectedly.

The girls around also looked at her pitifully. In the past few days, everyone has come to understand that Yang Ni was actually hacked.

In fact, Yang Ni himself gave up hope, because in Siam, if something like his happened, the audience might still be regarded as a rotten egg.

During this period of time, she was a little afraid to go to and from get off work, and now she is even more desperate.

Natasha was delighted, she didn't expect that she would be promoted.

"No. 21, this girl always said how could there be someone like me in girl groups."

At this time, Gao Ziyi, who was about to burst into tears, was finally liberated. She never thought that she would enter such a high position.

Both Jiang Mengqi and Han Qiuhua came to congratulate her, and at the same time, they no longer had any hope for themselves.

Gao Ziyi burst into tears at this moment, "Mom! Mom! I finally got in."

Everyone was envious and funny seeing her like this.

She cried loudly all the way to the pyramid, even after reaching the top, she still cried bitterly, leaving others speechless.

Why is this Gao Ziyi like this!
"No. 20, Lu Xiaoxue."

The sweet girl with tears in her eyes walked up the pyramid steadily.

She feels that all this is really not easy. Although her company has tried its best, everything will change before the name is announced.

"No. 19, Zhang Zijing."

Hearing her ranking, Zhang Zijing also wept with joy.

"No. 18, Wu Meixiang."

This girl who was born in South America, grew up in an artistic family, and joined the most famous local Chinese art group, stood up implicitly and happily and bowed to everyone.

Her goal is to become a world-class singer, so she went to the most famous private music academy in Shendu after returning to China.

"No. 17, Lai Ruohong."

Lai Ruohong is still satisfied with the rankings she has obtained. Her rankings have always been in the front, and they are all voted by fans.

She is very confident in herself.

At this time, there is no passion and excitement on the court, and many people can almost guess whether they can continue.

Looking at the pyramid, Jiang Mengqi felt that she was right to pack up her things yesterday.

"Oh! I'm definitely leaving." Rainbow Girl also has sad moments, but she is still so beautiful that it breaks my heart.

"No. 16, Jiang Mengqi."

When she heard her name, she was stunned, she was number 16, oh my god!
She never expected that many people on the field were also extremely surprised.

"Oh my god! Jiang Mengqi, I didn't realize you could do this." Yang Ni hugged the former.

Li Shihan was also extremely happy and hugged his friend.

Han Qiuhua over there also burst into tears, and at the same time had a trace of unrealistic fantasy.

"No. 15, Ge Xiaohui."

Relying on the reputation of the Berklee Conservatory of Music in the Lighthouse Country, this girl who always misjudged her own strength still stayed.

At this moment, she was so limp that she could hardly walk.

"No. 14, Wang Miaomiao."

Wang Miaomiao is still satisfied with his ranking. After all, his teammates Yang Ni and Fan Chengcheng had accidents one after another, so it is not bad to have this ranking.

"No. 13, Lu Bingbing."

Hearing her ranking, she couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart. Sure enough, Penguin didn't give her a good ranking. She didn't believe that her fans only voted for this position.

She knew that the madness of Pho must be the penguin suppressing her, but she couldn't do anything about it.

With a calm face, she wanted to go to the pyramid, just like the general election every year.

Her expression was so calm that the trainees who wanted to congratulate her flinched.

Long Zitao was also looking at her, feeling that this girl was terrifyingly calm.

Seeing Lu Bingbing like this, Yang Xiaoyue couldn't help but sneer at the corner of her mouth.

If Xinghe hadn't done the work in the end, she wouldn't have gotten this position.

Although Pho can be played, she doesn't drink it herself.

"Please tell me how you feel at this moment." Long Zitao smiled at the people in Class C.

Everyone spoke in turn, and Lu Bingbing showed his signature smile:

"Everyone knows that our group has a general election similar to this every year, and I always tell fans not to expect too much."

"But this time I want to say to my founders, I will be more confident."

"Please also try your best. At the same time, I hope to replace the fixed formula profile photo on my Weibo, and replace it with me and my fans."

Ye Yuwei was very surprised when she heard Lu Bingbing's speech. This is a blatant challenge to the company!
She must have known the turmoil her speech would cause in Hanoi.

It seems that she has put all her eggs in one basket for her own popularity.

Yang Xiaoyue was very happy with Lu Bingbing's speech, the program group needed this kind of contradiction.

This is the first person to tear up his own company on the show.

When I arrived at Jiang Mengqi's place, she, who never liked to cry, couldn't help crying: "I thought this was my last stage, but I didn't expect the founders to keep me here. I will work harder, and I won't back down. I'm going to be brave."

In such a long period of time, Jiang Mengqi actually didn't have any shots, she was a little afraid to express herself, she was afraid of "showing off"

But the competition in this draft is who is more popular, how can you attract fans without a camera.

Zhang Zijing has also become different today, she is no longer aloof, but has a bit more vigor that a girl of this age should have: "I will always work hard, I want to use my way Cheers to everyone."

Speaking of this, she raised her arms and shouted: "Saipan!"

This made the audience stunned, not knowing what she meant by shouting.

Long Zitao was also confused. Could it be that this is a foreign language? Seeing everyone's puzzled looks, Zhang Zijing couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "I like minions. This is what the minions say."

Everyone is even more confused, because few people watch the animation of Minions

Lai Ruohong also expressed his own speech: "Thank you, thank you for letting me stand here. I know that I still have a lot of imperfections, but I will try my best to become what you like."

Her speech can't help but make people feel pity, because of her height, she really has to work harder than ordinary people.

This girl is also eager to be recognized as her existence.

(End of this chapter)

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