Chapter 189 The New Class A

"Now, I'm going to announce the students of Class A, starting with the 11th and 12th."

"Then who can stand in the group! Who is the leader of Class B?"

"One of them was in and out of class A, and the other was promoted from class F to class D."

Long Zitao began to speak according to the script, this time she did not read the prompt.

Lin Jiayi, who was already in despair, suddenly seemed to be injected with vitality.

I first entered Class A, and then Class B.

Fu Xiaoyu and Li Zimeng also raised their heads, they both had the same experience.

However, there were too many people from Class F to Class D, but everyone focused their attention on Zhao Juke, and he himself was so nervous that he couldn't stop taking deep breaths.

"These two are Li Zimeng and Zhao Juke." Long Zitao's words completely shattered Lin Jiayi's dream and completely plunged her into the abyss of despair.

Fu Xiaoyu over there also became extremely nervous. Although she knew that her ranking would not be low, she still said that everything was possible until her name was finally pronounced.

She got up and hugged Li Zimeng beside her, and the latter also breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Ni over there looked at her fellow villager with envy, she was proud of the former.

Zhao Juke's body shook suddenly, and she almost couldn't sit still in her seat. She was under too much psychological pressure.

Fortunately, there were teammates around her, and everyone helped her up.

The two walked to the front of the stage together, and this time the program group blocked the microphone directly in front of the stage.

Obviously, the treatment of class A members is different.

This time, Long Zitao was not selling a lawsuit, but directly announced the ranking: "The 12th place is Zhao Juke, and the 11th place is Li Zimeng."

For this result, both of them can actually accept it, and they still have a clear understanding of their ranking.

The two stood there, showing a cute difference in body size.

Zhao Juke is about 175 tall and has a muscular body, while Li Zimeng is about 170 tall and has a petite body like that of southerners.

Zhao Juke spoke first: "Thank you to the program team, thank you to the mentor, and thank you to all the founders. Now I will officially introduce myself. My name is Zhao Juke. I hope you can pay attention to me in the future, and I will work harder."

Obviously, she also realized the same problem as Chen Yinghan.

But with the jewels of the former in front, her speech did not leave a deep impression on the audience.

Li Zimeng was standing there dignifiedly and elegantly at this time, and her aristocratic education allowed her to maintain this demeanor all the time.

It can be said that in the entire base, if one only talks about temperament and demeanor, she is the best.

She has an old-fashioned aristocratic air in her bones.

Li Zimeng's speech was a bit funny, and her Chinese was not smooth, so I just thanked the mentor and founder of the program group.

The two walked towards the pyramid arm in arm.

Those girls who have already gone up all show envy for their high position,

That's how people are, when they get something, they want something better.

"Now, I'm announcing the 10th place." Long Zitao's voice was full of joy, and he felt that he was doing something great.

"She once sat on the throne..."

As soon as these words came out, Fu Xiaoyu, who was still worried about his fate, stood up with relief.

People around her also rushed to bless her.

Everyone knew that Fu Xiaoyu got the "first pot of gold" because of this.

Jiang Xijie and Wu Youxuan over there looked at the former with complicated eyes.

If they had been a little braver and could really sit on that throne, would their fate have changed!

"Why are you so happy? I haven't announced the result yet!" Long Zitao laughed.

Everyone froze for a moment, and then realized that the other party was teasing them, and there would be no one else except Fu Xiaoyu.

"You're lying to us again!"

"That's right, don't be like this!"

"I hate it!"

Amidst the condemnation, Long Zitao could only admit that he was joking.

Fu Xiaoyu walked to the front of the stage, and on the way she jumped on Wu Zixuan who came to congratulate her, the two of them were like best friends.

She tried to adjust her breathing: "Thank you, everyone, including my teammates, I will continue to work hard."

Fu Xiaoyu was extremely excited, and her speech was very short. After bowing, she turned and walked towards the pyramid.

"Now, I'm going to announce the ninth student. She is a little teary girl who loves to cry. She is very cute."

As soon as Long Zitao finished speaking, everyone called out the names of two people: Lu Fangxin and Li Shihan.

But Li Shihan's voice is the highest.
Lu Fangxin sat there seemingly expressionless, but she was actually extremely nervous.

Long Zitao wanted to laugh when she saw Li Shihan's appearance.
At this time, Li Shihan was sitting there upright with her mouth pursed, her eyes staring straight ahead, not knowing what she was looking at.

Everyone actually hopes that Li Shihan will come in, because her strength and personality are very good.

Of course, it's not that everyone doesn't like Lu Fangxin, but they know that the former is more famous.

In their previous rankings, the former ranked second in terror.

"Congratulations to Li Shihan, the ninth student."

Following Long Zitao's words, a long-lost smile appeared on the former's face.

She happily walked to the microphone, feeling that her muscles were tense and stiff.

"First of all, I want to tell everyone that Taurus will not admit defeat." She raised her arms to cheer herself up, and at the same time, she was fighting back against those black fans.

During this period of time, she also wanted to understand: it is because she became popular that there are so many black fans.
All she has to do is to prove with her strength that she can be the junior C of this show.

"I was just a little grass, I don't have much power, all my strength comes from people who like me, as well as Jiayi and Chunshu." Her voice became choked up.

Trying to keep her sitting posture, Lin Jiayi told herself that she couldn't cry, she couldn't bear it anymore, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Ni Chunshu's red eyes also showed reluctance and friendship.

Li Shihan then choked up and said: "They are really outstanding, I hope everyone will see them more!"

This may be the friendship between girls!We have been together day and night for several years, and we have worked hard together for several years.

"Actually, the most important thing in my heart is hard work and happiness. Everyone here is under a lot of pressure, but you don't have to force yourself to turn against the wind, but you must be born in the sun."

She said, and made the first movement of the theme song dance, like a vigorous sunflower facing the newborn sun.

The fear and panic of the past have disappeared, and there is more confidence and sunshine.

Her emotions quickly infected everyone, and it was unpredictable who would form a group in the end.

But do everything well in the base with your heart, and do your best to work hard, but it is something you can grasp, and it is also your responsibility to yourself.

At the same time, we must calm our minds, spend every day as happily as possible, and convey sunshine and happiness to the audience. This is what a true idol should do.

All the people cheered loudly, for themselves, for their companions, and for Li Zixuan's wonderful speech.

Long Zitao also felt that his eyes were moist. In the previous troupe, when he was young, he also had the innocence and passion of Li Shihan.

Yang Xiaoyue felt the same way, she was like this when she was her age, but the years and reality made her live the most annoying way back then.

Now she only has a utilitarian mind, manipulating the youth and dreams of these girls to maximize the benefits for herself and her master.

"Li Zixuan, happy birthday." Long Zitao said suddenly when the former was about to walk up the pyramid.

Li Zixuan immediately felt warm in her heart. Yesterday was her birthday, and Long Zitao specially asked someone to give her a birthday present, and today he personally congratulated her.

In fact, Long Zitao will give a gift to every girl in the base on her birthday, which makes everyone feel very warm, and feels that Long Zitao is really good.

(End of this chapter)

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