Chapter 190 Unexpected
"Next is No. 8. This student is all-round in singing and dancing, and a little fat." Long Zitao's words immediately aroused everyone's interest.

In the base, weight loss is an eternal topic, and everyone is very sensitive to their own weight.

"It's Guo Xia, she hasn't been exercising too much lately." Everyone locked their eyes on the captain from Dream Feiyang.

Guo Xia herself also laughed, and said to herself, shouldn't it be said that I sing very well.

"She is Guo Xia." Long Zitao said the name.

All the trainees of Flying Dream jumped up happily, and many trainees came to congratulate her.

Guo Xia is a really nice person. She often works tirelessly to help others dance. She is considered a half-teacher in the base.

"Thank you very much. In fact, this is the last time I participated in such a program. Before coming here, I had already planned to graduate and go home." Guo Xia's voice was very calm, as if she was talking about an ordinary thing.

"This road is really bitter and difficult to walk. You have worked hard and fought hard, but you may still not succeed in the end."

Her words made the atmosphere of the scene tense in an instant.

"But it doesn't matter. The most important thing for us is to experience a period of youth that we like. Besides, if you don't try or work hard, how will you know if you can do it?"

Her final speech moved everyone to applaud.

It is really difficult to do this business. The family members understand it well, but those who don’t understand and don’t support it are really very difficult.

In the eyes of many conservative people, they are all "bad girls" who want to get something for nothing, dream of becoming famous, and once rich.

"The next student is a student with a very unique personal style..."

Many people's first reaction was Meng Meixuan, and some said it was Yang Ni.

Yang Ni, who had no desires, couldn't help but smiled wryly, she didn't think the show crew would want her anymore, just like Chen Afang.

Before the ranking was released, Chen Afang suddenly left the program group, and the reason given was that the company had new arrangements.

However, the faintly leaked news is that she did something that annoyed the program crew.

Yang Ni can guess a little about what the former did, and she is also extremely disgusted with Chen Afang's behavior.

When Meng Meixuan heard someone calling her name, her face instantly became gloomy. Her goal was the throne, not the seventh place.

Long Zitao looked at Yang Ni with complicated eyes, he knew something.

"This person's hair is yellow." Long Zitao continued.

However, Meng Meixuan and Meng Meixuan both had yellow hair, and Meng Meixuan was extremely nervous at this time.

Wu Zixuan over there looked at the former with excited eyes.

If Meng Meixuan loses this time, then she is the most hopeful to sit on the throne.

"Her hair is short."

With these words, everyone knew it was Yang Ni.

The former stood up from her seat in surprise. She didn't expect that she could still stay in the program group. Could it be that Penguin found out that she was framed.

With tears in her eyes, she walked to the microphone with agitated heart.

"Thanks to all the founders for their support, I will become more perfect, let you who support me be proud of me, thank you."

She bowed deeply as she spoke, and then walked towards the pyramid.

Her speech was very short, but she actually had a lot to say, full of grievances.

Right after that incident, a black fan bullied her because she didn't know Chinese characters, and directly gave her a "swearing T-shirt", which she happily wore out.

The result can be imagined, the black storms on the Internet are as crazy as the tide.

When she walked up, Yu Xiaohong immediately went to hug her and said enthusiastically, "You are the pride of our company."

Yang Ni's hands were drooping, and she ignored her. This girl looks silly and tall, but she is actually very snobbish.

However, she accepted the congratulations from teammate Zhao Juke, because the other party was the first to comfort her after her accident.

At the same time, she was also grateful to look at Liu Danmeng who was silently crying for her.

"Now I'm going to announce the sixth place, she used to be the hardworking C..."

Everyone said that they turned their attention to Qiang Yueting and Duan Yuxin, because both of them are qualified.

Long Zitao didn't keep everyone waiting long, and said her name: "Duan Yuxin"

The former immediately stood up happily, and the people around her were all congratulating her. At this time, she seemed to be dreaming.

She felt that everything was as beautiful and colorful as bubbles floating in the air.

More than a month ago, I was still in a simple small mountain village, but now I am on such a stage.

Li Shihan was also extremely happy, seeing his friend walk up to the stage.

Duan Yuxin couldn't help shedding tears, she immediately turned around and wiped it with her sleeve.

Before coming here, no one expected to cry so badly this time. Everyone was unprepared, and the sleeves became the only thing to wipe away tears.

The people in the props department were going crazy at this moment. These clothes were all stained with cosmetics, and they couldn't be washed off. They had to change new dresses for all the trainees.

"Hello everyone, I am Duan Yuxin, and I am very grateful to the founders who voted for me."

She said and bowed deeply.

"I am also especially grateful to Brother Chun (Ni Chunshu) and Yu Wan (Xiang Sixing), because every time I am unhappy and have something to say, I will talk to them, and they will enlighten me."

Duan Yuxin couldn't stop crying at this time, and Ni Chunshu even cried from the beginning to now, but she still couldn't stop crying.

"I hope everyone can see their kindness." As she spoke, she made a big heart on top of her head, and Ni Chunshu over there also gave the former a heart.

Life is like this, unknowingly, you will be separated from your friends, or even widen the gap, and you can't keep the days of yesterday.

"Also, I hope everyone will send me away after filling up my blank paper." Her speech was very touching, both naming herself and hinting at hope.

"The next player I'm going to announce is also capable and hardworking."

As soon as Long Zitao's words came out, everyone immediately thought of Qiang Yueting, who was also eager to try.

"She is Qiang Yueting, congratulations on your fifth place."

Qiang Yueting stood up happily, she thought she was worthy of this ranking.

Although her singing is not the best, she is more prominent among the crowd, and her dancing ability is also good.

She walked to the front desk amidst the blessings of everyone.

"It may not look so good, but what can be done is to work a little harder every day than the day before, until you can achieve the best in your heart." Qiang Yueting almost shed tears when she said this.

Her appearance has become the main means for those black fans to attack her.

It made her sad because one of the things girls care about most is how they look.

"Then, I want to tell everyone here that a friend named Xiaoxuan who was very supportive of me came to ask me how I can persevere."

"I say break down a big goal into small goals, and then you believe that you can achieve these small goals, so you will keep fighting."

Her words have infected many people, especially those who sit on the pyramid. Now they have only achieved a small goal of their own, and there are more things to achieve in the future.

Only by working hard to move forward can we achieve brilliance.

(End of this chapter)

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