Chapter 192 Stand tall enough
"I'm going to announce the third place now, so please Ye Yuwei and Lu Fangxin take a step forward." Long Zitao said this sentence with a seemingly calm expression.

Everyone focused their attention on Wu Zixuan who was behind for a moment, but they didn't expect that she actually won the first place.

At this moment, Meng Meixuan's heart was overwhelmed, she never imagined that her "little princess" was really going to counterattack.

Although Wu Zixuan looked very calm at this time, in fact, her whole body was trembling slightly.

"Before the two of you came to the show of Natural Idol, what expectations did you have for your achievements?" Long Zitao asked very seriously.

Ye Yuwei and Lu Fangxin didn't speak.

At this time, Long Zitao received Yang Xiaoyue's order to ask her to ask Lu Fangxin first.

"Lu Fangxin, tell me first!"

"There's nothing to look forward to, it's almost there."

Lu Fangxin's answer made Long Zitao a little dumbfounded, what is almost the same.

He was about to ask Ye Yuwei, but Yang Xiaoyue asked him to continue asking Lu Fangxin.

Obviously, what the program group valued most was Lu Fangxin's popularity.

"How could you have no expectations! You once said that you are the hope of the whole village."

Everyone laughed at this moment, but there was less kindness in the laughter and more ridicule.

"Well...Actually, I lied to everyone. I am not the hope of the whole village at all."

This sentence surprised everyone, and Yang Xiaoyue in the director's room was also stunned.

Is this Lu Fangxin stupid?Is this trying to destroy your personality?
Her use value is not over yet!
"Actually no one in our village knows that I do this."

"But now, they sure know I'm doing this"

When Lu Fangxin said this, she showed a look of shame, and her tone was also urgent.

Long Zitao immediately understood what the other party meant. For many rural people, especially in remote villages, being a member of a girl group is a shameful job.

This made Long Zitao a little unbearable, and it also made the trainees present feel very uncomfortable.

When many people mention them, they are almost like the little sisters in heaven and earth, full of contempt and spoiling.

"Lu Fangxin, there's nothing wrong with letting the villagers know about this. The girl group is a serious profession." Long Zitao said in a tactful tone as much as possible.

Lu Fangxin nodded and wanted to shrink back.

"Now that people in your village know that you are doing this, what are you going to do?"

"I plan to work hard, to really make them proud of me, and make our village proud of me."

When Lu Fangxin said this, Yang Xiaoyue let out a sigh of relief, she almost let this girl get her heart attack just now.

"How do you feel standing in this position now?" Long Zitao continued to ask.

Now everyone can see that Long Zitao must have received instructions from the program group, otherwise it would be impossible to keep asking Lu Fangxin all the time.

This also shows that the program group attaches great importance to her, and that she is really popular.

"That's right, I used to be a very ordinary person, and I usually like to browse my phone and read casual novels."

This sentence aroused laughter from the audience, and everyone was filled with emotion. This Lu Fangxin is really a fool and a fool, and he just won.

"Actually, I'm a middle school sophomore. When I was young, I didn't do well in my studies. Now I suddenly stand at the top, which makes me feel a little overwhelmed."

What she said in these few words was very true, not as homogeneous as those in front of her.

Looking at the other party, Long Zitao has mixed feelings in his heart, this is the reason why she can stand out!

Different, but these are all real her.

"So I'm scared, I don't have high strength yet, so I don't have confidence."

"But I will definitely work hard, and I will definitely smile when I dance, the kind with a big grin."

Wu Zixuan was a little embarrassed at this time, feeling that this was Lu Fangxin's speech alone.

She and Ye Yuwei are just two foils.

"Then when will you be confident?" Long Zitao couldn't help laughing.

"...after I learn to rap and sing." Lu Fangxin thought for a while.

"Okay, then Lu Fangxin, tell me, what number do you want to be?"


"Please speak your mind"

"Third" Lu Fangxin was a little anxious at this time.

"Must tell the truth!"

"Hey! It's really No.3, why do you have to force me." Lu Fangxin was completely anxious.

Immediately, the audience burst into laughter, and everyone felt that this paragraph was very funny.

"Then why don't you want to be No.2 and No.[-]?"

"That position is too high, and I'm not ready for that yet."

Long Zitao nodded, and he looked at everyone.

"Actually, what I want to hear most now is what you most want to say but dare not say after you come to this show."

At this time, Guo Xia raised her hand, and she decided to rescue Lu Fangxin: "I want to talk about it."

"Actually, the girls who are still sitting below have the strength to stand on this pyramid."

Guo Xia's words immediately drew applause from the students who had already entered the next stage.

"Each of us has a throne in our hearts, we can all sit there, and no matter where we are, we must have our own self-confidence." Guo Xia continued.

Her age ranks among the top three in the base, and her own strength is good, and she usually helps many people, so her words are very important among this group of girls.

Everyone applauded her.

At this time, Lu Fangxin, who was still a little confused about the situation, came out: "Why, why don't you hold a lottery among the eliminated people and give away a mobile phone or something."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't laugh or cry, and Ye Yuwei couldn't help laughing.

If possible, let the people below take [-] mobile phones and exchange your current seat with you, and they are all willing.

Lu Fangxin was also a little confused, was what she said funny?
"Okay, now announce No.3."

"Congratulations, Lu Fangxin, you are No.3"

Long Zitao's loud roar startled everyone. He was actually expressing his depression.

Lu Fangxin happily walked towards the pyramid, and when passing by Chen Yinghan's row, she deliberately stopped and hugged him tightly.

"Ye Yuwei, what do you want to tell everyone?"

Ye Yuwei stepped forward and showed a beautiful smile.

Long Zitao immediately lowered his head, he was a little afraid to look at the other party, afraid that he would not be able to move his eyes away.

Wu Zixuan's expression on the side dimmed slightly, she could already see it.

"Many of us here entered this circle with the aim of becoming a star, but most of the time, we are just passively selected 'dolls'."

"Although we struggled hard and hoped to devote our youthful sweat year after year, all that accumulated was disappointment."

Everyone was stunned, not understanding what Ye Yuwei was doing with these "scary" words.

This is a talent show, not a social discussion show.

Is she making a complaint?
"The program group now gives me the hope of becoming a popular idol, which makes me willing to devote all my efforts to it."

"Today, I stand in this position, which means that my hard work has been seen by everyone, and I am popular, but what I don't understand is why I can't get the shooting of the middle advertisement. Is it because I stand or not?" Isn't it tall enough?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

This Ye Yuwei is openly questioning the fairness of the program group.

You know, in the program, only the popular students will get the middle advertisement.

At the same time, the advertisement in the middle also represents her "coffee position" in this show

Lu Bingbing was also stunned at this moment, does Ye Yuwei not want the next scene?

Usually she does things very purposefully, what happened today, "resentment comes from above".

The other trainees also admired Ye Yuwei's boldness, and even challenged the program group directly.

Especially those who have been eliminated, all have a kind of carefree feeling.

Many of them felt that the show crew was unfair to them and didn't give them a shot. Ye Yuwei's words were a sigh of relief for them.

What comes out of Xinghe is extraordinary!Don't they all ask for resources like this?

Long Zitao was sweating all over his body.

Because there is no voice from Yang Xiaoyue reminding him how to proceed in the headset.

Although he appears to be very passionate, in fact he is not stupid.

Be extremely cautious when dealing with this kind of thing, after all, it is related to your own future.

"I think what you said is very good. That's what you want. There's nothing to hide. Just say what's on your mind. Say what you want. We are an open competition platform." Zi Tao still decided to help Ye Yuwei.

The latter gave him a grateful look, and Ye Yuwei knew that Long Zitao didn't need to take risks for himself.

Wu Zixuan was furious in her heart, she really wanted to say loudly, don't hurt the founder Long.

Long Zitao's words also received unanimous applause from the post-95s and post-00s generation.

Many of them are only children, and they have not lacked material since they were young, so they don't want to please anyone.

If you want something, you can do it by yourself, and they hate the 80 generation, including the hypocrisy and "slavishness" of those people before.

Ye Yuwei spoke again: "I hope that in my next performance, I will stand in a higher position."

This time, the applause was even more enthusiastic. Ye Yuwei just said something that none of them dared to say. Who would not desire to sit on the throne.

Wu Zixuan's complexion could no longer be tense, and there was a moment of gloom.

"Okay, I hope you will get better and better." In fact, Long Zitao was not optimistic about Ye Yuwei's brave behavior.

If Ye Yuwei is really the C position of the fault, and the popularity of the program group depends on her, then she can talk like this, but in fact, Lu Fangxin's popularity is the most important thing.

Next, Wu Zixuan delivered her own speech. With the foreshadowing of Lu Fangxin and Ye Yuwei, this C position is really too bleak.

She was originally the most dazzling, but she is not as good as Meng Meixuan just now.

"Thank you for your support. I'm actually not that kind of a very good girl, and I'm not a little princess. I hope everyone can see another side of me."

She wants to get rid of her "little sweetheart" image, but no one cares about her speech. In everyone's opinion, she should take this path.

Wu Zixuan didn't say much, and walked to her throne after thanking her.

"Now, there is one last seat left on our pyramid, that is, 55 people. Who can be the last student!"

Long Zitao's words instantly rekindled a glimmer of hope for the trainees sitting under the pyramid.

yes!There is one last seat!For such a long time, I was only concerned about being moved, and I forgot.

"Her single skill is outstanding..."

Some girls immediately called out Lin Jiayi's name.

Some girls called out Ni Chunshu's name.

Because they all have the weakness of strong dancing and weak singing.

Lin Jiayi's dead heart came back to life, because her ranking was 56 before the results were announced.
"Perhaps, I can advance to another level." Lin Jiayi's whole body was tense.

"She is the only hope for their company." Long Zitao's words shattered the girl's last hope.

Everyone is also very strange, who is it?Or the company's only hope.

"Congratulations Yang Han." Long Zitao shouted out.

Yang Han, who didn't have much hope, burst into tears. She was in Lu Bingbing's group.

The trainees sitting below were also extremely surprised when they heard this name, because Yang Han was not very eye-catching at all.

In fact, her dancing ability is very strong, and she has good basic skills.

She covered her face to prevent herself from crying.

Her company was also facing dissolution. This time, it was her last announcement. She didn't expect to make it to the second round.

The sisters who are usually close to her all came to congratulate her, and her former teammate Chen Yanran also came to hug her.

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity. This is the last seat. In fact, many people sitting below are better than me. It's just my luck that I can stay." Yang Han has adjusted his mentality.

She really felt that she was so lucky to get this position.

Seeing that the last seat was occupied, everyone thought that the filming should be over and everyone should leave.

But, will the show crew really let them leave like this?
"Although you are all sad and crying now, I want to say that some people sitting below will laugh soon." Long Zitao said suddenly.

But everyone didn't listen to the meaning of this sentence, they were still immersed in sadness.

"The results you have achieved today, or the results you will achieve in the future, as long as you are in the women's team, the assistance of your teammates is indispensable."

"You shine brightly in the team because you have trustworthy teammates to assist you."

When Lai Ruohong heard Long Zitao's words, she couldn't help holding her face and biting her lips to prevent herself from crying. The words just now pierced her heart.

The two most trusted people around her are now eliminated.

"Now I want to invite the like king among the 8 winning teams. I said before that the winning team will get a special gift."

These girls couldn't help being taken aback, what are they doing?
Could it be that these like kings will become the C positions in the next performance, or have the right to choose songs.

"The eight of you were able to win such an honor without the help of your teammates. This honor is not only for you, but also for everyone in your team."

Long Zitao slowly looked at the eight people.

"So, you have the right to select a teammate from your team who has not entered the pyramid."

As soon as Long Zitao's words fell, the girls of the winning team began to cheer as if they were dying.

The teams that did not win were dealt another blow.

Wu Zixuan's face became even paler. She sat on the throne, but she couldn't save her teammates. This would make her throne look unreal.

"Attention, you can only choose people from your own team, and you can only choose one person." Long Zitao emphasized again.

Ye Yuwei's heart moved at this moment, and she looked at Ni Chunshu and Wang Na.

In her group, only these two people did not enter.

Now, what she wants to think about is who to choose.

"Her next status is an auditor. The so-called auditor does not have any rights as a formal trainee, and can only follow you."

"That is to say, in the next performance, which team you choose to go to, she must follow you."

"After the next performance, the three with the highest praise will regain their status as official trainees, and their praise channel will be reopened."

Long Zitao read the rules carefully and slowly.

"Oh my god! What should I do! I don't know who to choose." Qiang Yueting held Meng Meixuan's hand with a look of bewilderment.

In her team, everyone has a good relationship, and she doesn't have much experience, so she doesn't know how to choose.

Meng Meixuan's face remained calm, and she began to weigh which one she should choose.

The trainees who were eliminated were also fluctuating at this time. They were sisters just now, but now they are full of small thoughts.

However, they did not have the opportunity to use their own means, after all, they were at the scene.

Ye Yuwei, who was standing on a high place, looked at the state of all living beings and was filled with emotion in his heart.

All she could think of was that the program group was looking for jobs and topics for hot people like them while increasing the viewability.

"The next one to exercise the right to turn the tables is Meng Meixuan, the praise king of Meng Meixuan's team." Long Zitao looked at the pyramid with a serious face.

Although she already had a choice in her heart, when Meng Meixuan walked down, she had a reluctant and sad expression on her face: "My God! I really can't choose."

When she passed by Lu Xiaoman, the latter also said in a very helpless tone: "Meixuan is a Libra, and usually hesitates for a long time when choosing clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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