Chapter 193
"Next, we invite Meng Meixuan's teammates, Jiang Meixing, Zhou Xuefang, and Chen Yifan."

The three girls stood there, each a bit at a loss.

"Meng Meixuan, if this match was a war, who would you choose to be your teammate to fight with you!"

Meng Meixuan seemed to be at a loss looking at the three people in front of her.

After hesitating for a while, she said in a choked voice: "I feel that I still can't choose. It's not that they are bad, but they are all good."

Obviously, she wanted to leave the audience with a choice that she made when she had to choose.

At this time, everyone was discussing and guessing who Meng Meixuan would choose.

At this time, Yang Xiaoyue gave instructions to Long Zitao who didn't want to talk anymore.

"Three teammates, please speak." Long Zitao said.

Apparently, Yang Xiaoyue is helping Meng Meixuan to set up a kind and righteous character.

The three fell silent at the same time, they really didn't know what to say for a while.

Wouldn't it be bad to say that I want to stay?

If he really said that, it is not certain whether he can stay, even if he does, he will probably be sprayed to death by those people on the Internet.

In fact, in many cases, it is really difficult to be a human being. It is obviously a thing without other thoughts, but if you do it, you will become "scheming green tea".

At this time, Long Zitao said: "If you want to stay here, you can just say, fight for this opportunity yourself, it's not shameful, it's the same as applying for a job."

These words of Long Zitao actually had to be said, in order to dispel the above concerns in their hearts, and at the same time let the audience understand that this is just a healthy competition.

Otherwise, if they don't talk on the show and the selected person plays a one-man show alone, then this part of saving lives will be considered useless, and the effect that the show group wants will not be achieved.

"No shame, really no shame, those who want to stay speak up first." Long Zitao kept persuading.

The youngest Chen Yifan couldn't hold back, she decided to say first:
"When I first chose this group, I was always worried that I would lag behind." "I have always told Meixuan that the happiest thing I have come to this show is the first day, because I met my favorite idol."

Meng Meixuan couldn't help being moved by the other party's innocence when she heard the other party's words.

Chen Yifan is really simple, she joined the magic number girl group in 16 pairs, and this group does not have the same "raising Gu" model as Xinghe.

Everything is arranged for everyone, so these girls are very united and live a simple life without too much contact with this complicated society.

"I hope you can choose me, but if I am not chosen, I will choose to give you a thumbs up from the sidelines."

There was a slightly bitter smile on Chen Yifan's childish face, and there was hope and hesitation in her eyes, as well as a hint of reluctance.

Meng Meixuan also revealed her true feelings at this time, and tears rolled down her eyes.

Zhou Xuefang took over the microphone. At this moment, she felt really embarrassed, because she was very good since she was a child, she could sing and dance, and she entered the company very smoothly.

But her self-confidence was shattered on this show.

There is also a large group of young ladies who are not weaker than her by her side.

She deeply realized that this entertainment circle is actually not as easy to break into as she thought.

Now she is really embarrassed to say what she wants to stay.

"I think it's because I didn't do well enough that I made it difficult for you."

What she meant was that because she wasn't good enough, she didn't go up that pyramid, but now she was making the other party in a dilemma, whether to choose herself.

"Just believe in your own choice, it doesn't matter." Zhou Xuefang still couldn't let go of her reserve and arrogance to ask for help.

Jiang Meixing took the microphone. As the C position of "Chaomingyue Girls Group", she has been on many stages and has more contact with the society.

She doesn't think applying for a job is a shameful thing. If you want a job, you have to tell the examiner.

"Actually, I really want this opportunity, but I don't want you to make it difficult."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if we leave, because we completed a great stage together, and I feel that I have grown."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help crying. In fact, her heart desperately longed to stay here.

She knew that this was her best chance to become famous.

Lai Ruohong on the pyramid was sobbing so hard that he didn't dare to look down.

The other girls also watched quietly with deep thoughts.

"Please turn your backs to the pyramid and let Meng Meixuan make a choice." Long Zitao said slowly.

The three of them closed their eyes at the same time and turned around.

They feel like their hearts are suffering in boiling water.

Meng Meixuan walked over step by step, scenes and the past days of these girls flashed in her mind.

Those hard work, sweat, sorrow, joy...

Jiang Meixing, who was about to suffocate, felt a hand on her shoulder, and heard loud cheers in her ears.

She knew that Meng Meixuan chose herself in the end.

Unable to hold back any longer, she squatted on the ground and began to cry bitterly.

Zhou Xuefang and Chen Yifan looked disappointed and bitter.

In fact, Meng Meixuan had already thought about it before coming down from the pyramid.

Chen Yifan's strength is not good, taking her will drag him down, the difficulty of Er Gong's stage must be more difficult than this time.

Zhou Xuefang's technical level is very high, singing and dancing are not inferior to her own, and even surpass her in singing, choosing her is choosing an enemy for herself.

Although Jiang Meixing can sing well, but her dancing ability is average, and she has a soft temper, so she will listen to everything when the time comes.

After weighing the pros and cons, she chose the former.

Lai Ruohong on the pyramid cried and laughed with relief, while Lu Peiqin on the elimination table laughed.

The Chaomingyue girl group actually had a similar growth experience to the magic number girl group.

Even, the relationship between them is deeper.

After all, the magic number girl group has money, so they don't have to worry about survival, but they have no economic value and are abandoned in the end.

The girls of the Chaomingyue girl group have struggled together for survival. This kind of feeling is not an ordinary existence.

Meng Meixuan hugged the other two and burst into tears, her feelings were also true.

But in many cases, feelings and reality cannot be connected together.

Everyone is crying, they feel what happened to them today.

The tears couldn't stop flowing, I just couldn't help but want to cry.

Meng Meixuan took the microphone:

"I want to say that I chose Jiang Meixing because she practiced better than the other two among the three. Of course, the other two are also very good."

"The choice now cannot be mixed with any personal feelings, so it is fair to everyone."

At this moment, Jiang Meixing really thought that her hard practice had impressed the other party, while the other two were blaming themselves for not working hard enough.

"I will definitely not disappoint Meixuan's expectations of me. I will do my best in the next performance and will not hold back." Jiang Meixing said very seriously.

Meng Meixuan took Jiang Meixing and walked towards the Golden Pagoda together.

Those whose fate is to be determined and those who have been eliminated all look at them with envy.

Lai Ruohong ran down from the top, first hugged Meixuan, thanked her, and then embraced Jiang Meixing tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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