Chapter 302 Prepare to wash white
Zhang Yuze bought the other party a glass of wine.

"Director Hu, don't worry, this book is not only invested by me, but also invested by Changying Studio."

"Long Film Factory!"

Hu Senlin is not very satisfied with Changying, although the other party is also a regular film manufacturer, and the "Snow Leopard Award" in the three major first-level film festivals in China is located in Changying.

Because Changying has already declined, even the channels for publicity and distribution are limited, and the "Snow Leopard Award" is even more tasteless. What he wants to find is a company like 'Xingyi' to cooperate with.

"Director Hu, you know that with your qualifications, it is impossible to get the investment you want."

"The investment in these two projects is at least 3 million yuan. Which big factory can invest for you?"

"Things have to be done step by step, I think you should understand this truth."

Zhang Yuze was not in a hurry, he knew the weakness of these people.

"...that's fine, but..."

"Director Hu, but let's not talk about it, Li Jiaqi has to be good at that book."

"The reason why I paid such a high price is because of your book."

Hearing what Zhang Yuze said, Director Hu also knew that this was the other party's bottom line and purpose.

He is not one of those "missing strings" directors in TV dramas who open and shut their mouths artistically, and there is no such thing in reality.

In fact, the most important thing for most directors is to attract investment.

In order to attract investment, they basically do everything.

It's even more trivial to sacrifice actresses and the like.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, but you can't interfere with me in other castings."

"This is no problem, and I hope you will make the film well."

Zhang Yuze raised his wine glass with a smile, then clapped his hands, the door opened, and four rather coquettish young girls walked in.

"Director Hu, I wish you a good time." After speaking, he got up and left.

Back in the extended Lincoln car, Zhang Yuze just sat down when Qiangzi said, "Brother Zhang, something is wrong with our people."

Zhang Yuze was taken aback, but his face remained expressionless.

Qiangzi continued: "Something happened to Lao Lianzi, but the goods were not found, but I feel that those people have found something, so they arrested Lao Lianzi."

"Don't act rashly, you go there and all the goods are gone."

Zhang Yuze naturally knew what Qiangzi meant, that he wanted to get rid of Lao Lianzi as an agent directly.

"Eliminate them all! Brother Zhang, that's more than 1 million yuan."

"How much is your life worth?"

Zhang Yuze's words left the other party speechless.

"Except for that batch of goods, take all the points that may be exposed to Lao Laodian and deal with them."

"Okay Brother Zhang, where is Dalian?"

"Someone send a message to her, saying that her daughter is having a good time with friends in a foreign country."

After Da Qiangzi left, Zhang Yuze leaned on the chair in the car and fell into deep thought.

He doesn't plan to do this kind of business anymore, he has already made enough money, what he wants now is to launder his money and go ashore.

The reason why he has never been in close contact with Li Jiaqi is because he is afraid of hurting the other party.

"Perhaps, I should clear all these people." Zhang Yuze thought silently.

Ye Yuwei, who had already come back, had a meal in the cafeteria, and then they were surrounded by curious little sisters.

Today's live broadcast was also rebroadcasted by the base on the large LED screen.

What these girls were most interested in was the gifts they received, especially the famous watches that Ye Yuwei and Lu Fangxin received, which made everyone envious.

These girls are all around the two men looking at their watches.

After finally waiting for the crowd to disperse, Chen Yinghan pretended to take a rest and turned off the surveillance, and dragged Lu Fangxin to the bathroom.

"Little Leaf gave it to you?"


Lu Fangxin didn't hide anything, and directly told what happened.

"Yinghan, you won't be unhappy! I want to return this watch to Elder Sister Ye Zi."

"How can you be unhappy, I'm not a child, Ye Zi is for your own good."

"Actually, I don't want to compete with Gao Ziyi."

Lu Fangxin held her friend's hand, feeling an indescribable grievance in her heart.

"Hmph! Gao Ziyi is really too much, no matter what, we are still a group."

"We can fight for the debut position, but we can't use that method."

Chen Yinghan was also extremely dissatisfied with Gao Ziyi's actions, and now she has a growing sense of belonging to this group.

"Fangxin, there is something I have to ask you."


"Do you know much about leaves?"

Chen Yinghan's words stabilized Lu Fangxin.

She and Ye Yuwei have lived together for almost a year, but thinking about it now, everything about each other is blank, and she doesn't even know that the other party has any friends besides her.

Chen Yinghan looked at Lu Fangxin's stupid look, and couldn't help frowning: "You are too simple."

"Sister Yezi, Sister Yezi is very kind to me!"

"I know, but I always feel that some things are not that simple."

Chen Yinghan had a bad feeling right now, but she didn't know it was bad.

"Fang Xin, can you tell me about you and Ye Zi?"

"Well, she and I are actually..."

Here Lu Fangxin is telling stories to Ye Yuwei, and Ye Yuwei is talking with Zhang Zijing over there.

"Yuwei, your fans are so powerful, they gave you such a good gift."

"Actually, I don't want these luxuries."


Zhang Zijing, who looks as cold as the moonlight and frost, with a talented woman's temperament, asked puzzledly.

"Everything in this world is equal. When you gain some unexpected wealth, you may lose something."

Zhang Zijing understood what the other party said, thought for a while and said: "Yes, sometimes these things may not be blessings."

"Zi Jing, I haven't congratulated you on winning that song yet."

"Hehe! It also surprised me. I thought I couldn't keep it."

"San Gong is also a decisive battle for us!"

Ye Yuwei seemed a little worried about Sangong's situation.

"Yuwei, you will definitely make your debut. Your fan base is obvious to all, and you are fighting for the C position."

"I can't compete for the C position, even if the debut position is not at the last moment, it's hard to say."

Zhang Zijing couldn't help looking at Ye Yuwei suspiciously.

"My company doesn't support me at all. The only thing I can rely on is my fans, but there is a big problem with relying on fans, that is, fans are easy to be led."

Ye Yuwei said what was in her heart, she trusted Zhang Zijing very much.

"Could it not be your company that is anti-criminal outside?" Zhang Zijing was very surprised by Ye Yuwei's words.

"I have a big conflict with my company, but I can't say it." Of course Ye Yuwei would not be so stupid as to tell the truth about everything.

Zhang Zijing nodded. She thought it must be a contract issue.

"Yuwei, do you think Wang Na will debut?" Zhang Zijing suddenly asked an unexpected question.

"No, she is just a tool for drainage. As long as the penguin is not stupid, it will not choose her."

"No matter what the program group advertises to select a different girl group, we are still a girl group in essence, and the members of the girl group must be beautiful, otherwise no audience will spend money on you."

Zhang Zijing also nodded: "It's like what those men said, they don't pay attention to a woman's appearance, but pay more attention to a woman's inner beauty, but in fact they all want beautiful women."

Ye Yuwei also laughed: "That's right, not only men, but also women, they say how special Wang Na is, but who wants to be her? During the plastic surgery, will they follow her appearance? "

Zhang Zijing couldn't help but chuckled, she thought what Ye Yuwei said was very interesting.

"Yuwei, I really want to make a debut with you, what should I do?" Zhang Zijing held the former's hand, watching quietly with those eyes full of stars.

"Be yourself, the rest can only depend on your company." Ye Yuwei also grabbed the other party tightly and said very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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