Chapter 303 Final Grouping

For the big ladder event, Lu Fangxin and Ye Yuwei once again boarded the hot spots.

At the same time, the 7th episode of the previously broadcast program also began to ferment.

Ye Yuwei's speech was earth-shattering. Driven by people with a heart on the Internet, she almost became a representative of "strong women" in the workplace.

However, the end result of this character design is that Ye Yuwei has gained countless violent "female black fans".

In their opinion, Ye Yuwei was too aggressive, she was not a "woman" at all.

What they couldn't stand the most was that Ye Yuwei had many male fans.

However, there was really no black spot to be found on her body, so she just attacked directly.

This Ye Yuwei is too good at it!Specially "lowering the head" for men, she is too good at flattering men.

I really hate her arrogance and domineering, she is so crazy, the other sisters are friendly and united, and I can smell the embarrassment in capital letters across the screen when she engages in "female competition".

It's said that she has a high EQ, which is true. She knows who pays her money to vote for her, and those stupid men really believe her when they say things that make men like them.

This sister clearly knows what she should do next, male fans, hurry up and move!Sister Ye has only you, why is the wallet still not empty? It seems that I don’t love my sister enough.

She and Lu Fangxin are really a match made in heaven, absolutely perfect, they are good at seducing men, one can pretend to be innocent with tears and innocence, and the other can use words and tricks.

These "female black fans" have two attitudes towards Wang Na.

They directly regarded Wang Na as a symbol, a pioneer representing independent women.

Said she is a woman who has been disciplined by stereotypes for too long and really needs to find an outlet.

But such remarks were jointly attacked by male fans of Ye Yuwei and Lu Fangxin:

In fact, everyone understands what is in their hearts. These girls have a natural hatred for beautiful and talented women.

The so-called criticism of "love men and women" is just a carnival of a bunch of old, ugly, fat monster dicks, shouting to be independent and relying on themselves, but in fact they are too ugly to be ignored.

This is like stabbing a hornet's nest.

Numerous female fans flocked to attack the two, including their fans.

At the same time, this kind of thing went out of the circle, and many formal media actually participated in it.

In fact, it is no wonder that these media, after all, if the media want to survive, they must report on social hotspots, but they must be serious in choosing hot topics.

Originally, the women's team audition was just an entertainment thing. If these media reported it, it would be a drop in price, but now it's different, and it involves the issue of "fascinating men".

All of a sudden, the whole situation changed suddenly, and this topic was involved more and more widely.

This is a sensitive topic, and it caught up with the cusp of the storm, almost pushing Ye Yuwei and Lu Fangxin to a point where it was difficult for outsiders not to know about them.

But this is not good news for companies that want to fight for the C position and players who debuted at a high position.

These companies are throwing money wildly at marketing companies to attack black fans, swiping the screens of machines over and over again, and triggering wars over and over again. The major platforms can be said to be a miasma.

Xiao Du and Li Ke, as big fans of the two, successively posted a small composition in support of their idols, which also has the meaning of linkage in it.

This move of theirs immediately angered the other fans, and they almost unanimously joined forces to attack the fans of the two.

Now that the show has progressed, not only the girls in the base have started to form a group, but the fans have also formed an alliance and started to fight.

Although the outside world has been turned upside down, the girls inside are still carrying out their games in an orderly manner.

The third performance is coming, which means that 36 of the remaining 14 people will be eliminated, and the remaining 22 people will have a tragic fight to decide who can finally get the 11 survival places .

"Hi everyone, you are going to cooperate with 6 seniors."

"The six seniors have already selected the C girl to cooperate with."

"These are items brought to you by 6 seniors. There are 30 items in total. You have to cooperate with that senior when you choose one."

Long Zitao introduced to all the students the things on the cabinet behind him.

The girls who had already noticed these things immediately let out exaggerated exclamations.

There are dumplings, teddy bears, emoticons and other things on the cabinet.

"Attention, the C position cannot choose the above things."

When the girls heard this, wasn't this choice just to let them choose the captain blindly!

Originally, they had already contacted in private, and they all had the captain they wanted to choose, but this disrupted all their plans.

Lu Fangxin immediately looked nervously at Chen Yinghan, who smiled at her to comfort her.

Long Zitao was still making an introduction: "These things hide the special features of each of them, and each of them has their own experience... You should choose carefully."

"Now, please listen to the message from the senior."

Following Long Zitao's words, the program team began to play the recording.

As a result, the audience was stunned. Originally, they wanted to hear who it was from the senior's voice, but they didn't know who the voice was at all.

All the girls can only be blindly selected and resigned to fate.

After an hour of chaos, all the teams were completed.

Wu Zixuan: Fu Xiaoyu, Gao Yingxi, Luo Qijia, Fan Lei, Su Ruiqi
Meng Meixuan: Jiang Mengqi, Liu Feiyu, Li Zimeng, Wang Tingting, Gao Ziyi
Lai Ruoyun: Duan Yuxin, Wang Na, Luo Tiantian, Wang Qingyu, Zhao Juke
Lu Fangxin: Lu Xiaoxue, Lu Bingbing, Qi Ziyue, Wu Meiying, Jiao Jinglan
Ye Yuwei: Li Shihan, Wu Meixiang, Guo Ying, Xu Qianhua, Lu Xiaoman
Zhang Zijing: Yang Ni, Qiang Yueting, Wei Xin, Jiang Meixing, Chen Yinghan
After grouping, almost all members were extremely dissatisfied with it.

Lu Fangxin's song is the most difficult of the 6 songs.

But only Lu Bingbing and Qi Ziyue could sing, and Jiao Jinglan barely got out of tune.

But they can't sing this song at their level, they have to lower the key.

Wu Zixuan's song is second only to Lu Fangxin's difficulty, but there will be no professional singers.

Ye Yuwei's side is the opposite, mainly dancing, but there are only three people who can dance.

Don't look at half of it, but the difficulty of dancing still needs to be reduced.

In the performance of 6 people, the gap between singing and dancing is very conspicuous.

But fate is like this, and everyone can only accept it.

Obviously, the program group gave them a big "surprise" this time.

"Everyone must take this assessment seriously. Not only is it the one with the largest number of people present, but it is also related to whether you can enter the final." Long Zitao emphasized again.

"There are only 5 days left until the final performance. Everyone is running out of time. Success or failure depends on one action. I hope you will work hard." Long Zitao looked at everyone with encouraging eyes.

The girls who made eye contact with him felt a warm current flowing in their hearts.

Although Long Zitao often lectures them and "beats" them, there is no doubt that Long Zitao is a very qualified teacher and a very good person at the same time.

Because, he is sincerely helping them in life, no matter whose birthday it is, he will give a gift.

Whenever someone is struggling, he will help and enlighten them.

Ye Yuwei was equally grateful to the other party, here she experienced the warmth of a big family that she always wanted to experience in Galaxy.

Although there are struggles here, it is generally harmonious. When everyone encounters problems, they can solve them together, and when you are sad, there will be someone to comfort you.

Unlike Xinghe, no one would pay attention even if he was beaten until he called for help.

(End of this chapter)

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