Chapter 321 Uncle Bo Arrives
This morning, the program team also invited Uncle Bo, a film and television superstar, to answer their questions.

Last time Uncle Dong's episode was very effective, and this time I played this trick again.

Uncle Bo himself is a very humorous person.

The experience of breaking into the pier in the early years made him very talkative and catch people's hearts.

And after so many years of experience, there is wisdom in life in the words.

Except for the gag with the girls.

He shared his life experiences with the girls.

"Fangxin, what do you want to say?"

After the first few students who raised their hands finished speaking, Uncle Bo ordered Lu Fangxin.

This made Wu Zixuan, Gao Ziyi and others who spoke before feel a little uncomfortable. They all raised their hands to get the opportunity, but Lu Fangxin was called directly.

Lu Fangxin who didn't want to talk could only stand up with a smile:

"This is the first time in my life to participate in a variety show. I think it is very good that I can persist until now." Her voice was full of exhaustion.

The others were all looking at her with envious or complicated eyes.

Lu Bingbing sighed in her heart, she knew that Lu Fangxin was not talking about the scene at this time.

Although there are no girls in the galaxy who have the same experience as hers, many have the same fear.

Jiang Meixing looked at Lu Fangxin enviously, at this moment she wished so much for her girl.

"I'm sometimes afraid that I won't be able to hold on, and I want this show to end soon."

As soon as her words came out, everyone was surprised, only Chen Yinghan looked at his friend excitedly.

Yesterday Lu Fangxin fell into a deep sleep after crying to her. She intended to wake up earlier than her, but when she opened her eyes, the other party had already ordered breakfast for her.

Lu Xiaoman and Wang Qingyu felt a little disdainful, feeling that Lu Fangxin was telling lies to set up a character.

"Fangxin, it seems that you are under too much pressure."

"Yeah, I wasn't that stressed before yesterday."

"But after yesterday I really felt that pressure."

"I used to think I could dance well, but now I feel hopeless."

There was deep bitterness in Lu Fangxin's smile.

Uncle Bo also laughed: "It's really difficult. You are riding a roller coaster every day. From the beginning when you came here, you were unknown and no one paid attention, and now you suddenly exploded."

When everyone heard this sentence, they all smiled and looked at Lu Fangxin.

"You're going to be judged by all kinds of people, good and bad, but that's what stars are."

"And you have come to this point, can you return to an ordinary life?

Uncle Bo looked at the former very seriously, and Lu Fangxin nodded very seriously.

She knew what the other party said was right, and she really couldn't adapt to the ordinary life before.

"I'm sure you'll have a big improvement no matter what the outcome is."

"Thank you, teacher."

Lu Fangxin bowed and sat down.

"Yinghan, Fangxin has finished speaking, you can also say a few words!"

Uncle Bo's words drew another kind of smile and gaze from everyone.

This made Chen Yinghan a little embarrassed.

In the outside world, the two of them are known as the first CP combination in Tianqiu.

"I'm just feeling a little nervous!"

"I want to continue to stay, because there are people here that I can't bear to part with."

As soon as this sentence came out, even Uncle Bo laughed.

"I hope that my fans will work hard once and send me to the finals."

Her words immediately made some people feel uneasy.

Lu Bingbing is one of them, she is well aware of the madness of those CP fans.

And these people here, besides the top four, there are two royal families, no one can guarantee that they can enter the final list of 22 people.

If Lu Fangxin's fans are willing to divide the votes, Chen Yinghan can enter 22 with a high probability.

"I wish you success, you will definitely be in the final with your friends." Uncle Bo laughed.

"Yuwei, you are known as the number one face of Tianqiu, what do you want to say?"

Uncle Bo's words made Wu Zixuan freeze like frost for a moment, but then she smiled again.

Ye Yuwei felt a little surprised, Uncle Bo would make her enemies by saying this.

"Thank you Uncle Bo for your compliment." Ye Yuwei smiled and bowed.

"It's tiring here, but what to do without being tired?"

"I'm a small idol in Xinghe, and if I don't have enough living expenses, I will work as a part-time waiter."

"That's also very tiring, but I can't see your future, so I can do it here."

"I want to be a star, I want to be a superstar like you."

Ye Yuwei's tone was firm, and her eyes were full of confidence.

Uncle Bo couldn't help laughing and said: "Very well, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. In our line of work, if you want to become a superstar, you still want more people to see our works."

Ye Yuwei was very grateful to Uncle Bo, he said this to make his words not sound so crazy.

Uncle Bo asked about the other people one by one.

Zhang Zijing stood up holding the wheat:
"When I came here, I actually felt very inferior."

"Because I can't socialize, I haven't had many friends since I was a child, and I don't know how to make friends."

"But I was bold when I came here, and I also made my own friends."

"At the same time, I am also very reluctant to be here, I like it here."

Zhang Zijing's words made everyone smile.

Because Ye and Zhang deliberately avoid the camera when they are together, and there is no intimate interaction, so the people in front of the screen don't know the relationship between the two.

Even the fans who are staying on the spot don't know.

But there is no secret at all in the base, everyone still knows their relationship.

"After this time, you will make more friends, and this is also your harvest."

Naturally, Uncle Bo didn't know what Zhang Zijing wanted to express, so he could only say this.

In fact, Uncle Bo can name those four or five people.

This shows that the popularity of these people is the highest.

Time flies and never stops

The next day, all the girls were put in a van.

Although the program team didn't tell them what to do, everyone knew that this should be an announcement that those 22 people would enter the finals.

Everyone had a good rest last night, and today we laughed and laughed along the way.

I don't know why, but whenever it's time to say goodbye, the atmosphere suddenly becomes much better.

When the car stopped, they saw themselves in front of a pier.

There is also a cruise ship not far away.

"This can't be a fan meeting! It's a cruise ship for tourism."

Li Shihan, who is usually not very talkative, suddenly opened his mind.

"Maybe it really is!"

"It's very similar, otherwise why would you let us come to the cruise ship!"

"It must be full of fans and delicious food, and we have to perform for them."

Listening to these "nonsense", Ye Yuwei felt that the IQ of the girls here had dropped to an unimaginable level.

But she understands very well, and so do many girls in Xinghe.

These girls have been kept in captivity for a long time, and there will be gaps and changes in their social cognition.

Coupled with the brainwashing of fans and agency companies, they will have a kind of thinking that is difficult for ordinary people to understand, or fall into a fantasy that the world loves me.

When Ye Yuwei was thinking, he didn't know who would take the first step.

All the girls were excited and running towards the cruise ship, and she could only follow, although she thought it was silly.

"Yuwei, tell me what I'm going to sing for a while. Since it's a fan meeting, let us sing alone!" Zhang Zijing also asked happily.

"It should be." Ye Yuwei couldn't bear to crush his friend's dream.

"Yinghan, let's perform together when the time comes! I can't do it myself."

Lu Fangxin looked at her good friend worriedly.

"Okay! Let's sing together, just sing the song 'Youth'"

Chen Yinghan also had an excited look on her face, she had already fallen in love with this kind of performance.

Everyone ran over excitedly, and when they got on the deck, they found that there was indeed a big stage, and the decoration of this stage was unique to their base.

But I didn't see food and fans.

Just when they were wondering if they were going to surprise them, Long Zitao came out.

(End of this chapter)

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