Chapter 322 Unparalleled Lecture
The whistle sounds, the cruise ship moves

The swaying wind from the river made some hot girls feel cool.

"Everyone, please stand in line!"

"Today we will have a fan meeting."

Long Zitao's words immediately made all the girls' hairs stand up with excitement, and they guessed right.

Ye Yuwei's eyes widened involuntarily, the program crew had such kind intentions.

"It's just in the park on the other side."

"But only our top 22 members can go."

Long Zitao's words caused everyone to fall from a state of excitement to the bottom.

Those who were not ranked high almost cried.

Couldn't the program group finally let me participate in this performance?
The girls are nervous here.

Xiao Du and the others at the park were scolding the program crew.

This fan meeting was notified in the early hours of yesterday, and no support seats were given.

Tell the fans directly that if you buy tickets to the park, you will not let people in when it is full.

However, the program group was obviously afraid of conflicts and said they could sell tickets overnight.

Xiao Du, who had no other choice, could only notify in the group, and those who could go quickly queued up to buy tickets.

When he went, as he expected, a person could only buy one with his ID card.

It took only an hour from when he arrived there to when the tickets were sold out.

In order to sell tickets as soon as possible, the program group opened five spots, and 3 people got tickets.

But didn't get more.

What Xiao Du didn't know was that when they bought the tickets, there was a more than 40-year-old, well-maintained, and elegant woman watching from a high place in the park.

"President Zhou, please drink tea."

Yang Xiaoyue came over with a cup of tea in person.

"Director Yang is too polite, I didn't expect so many fans to come."

"With this amount of fans, it's enough to support the concert."

Zhou Dan took a sip from the teacup. She is the CEO of the company that runs the girl group that is about to debut on this show. Penguin has entrusted her company to manage it.

Now has come to the critical moment of forming a group, so she wants to see the real appeal of the students in this program.

This sudden news that tickets can be bought is actually a test.

Since tickets can be bought at such a late night, if the operation is done properly, the concert at the right time will definitely be a big hit.

Yang Xiaoyue was very resistant to Zhou Dan's arrival, but luckily the other party didn't point fingers.

Two people with different thoughts looked at the crowd outside and their thoughts were flying.

Time to go back to the cruise ship

"Next, I will publish the results of the likes of the founder of the girl group."

Long Zitao still didn't give anyone a buffer this time.

"First, let me announce the list of 11 members of Class A."

At this time, all the students felt a kind of suffocation.

"There are 7 people who have entered Class A by posting likes and rankings three times in a row."

"No.1, Meng Meixuan."

No one was surprised by this result.

"No.2, Wang Na."

When Long Zitao said this, everyone was surprised. Although Wang Na's popularity was good, how could it surpass Wu Yelu and the others.

In fact, what they don't know is:
The first is that the program group filled votes.

The second is that because their fans hated Lu Fangxin, when they couldn't run out of votes for them, they directly voted for Wang Na.

It was just because Wang Na dissed Lu Fangxin several times in public, and they voted for Wang Na purely to disgust Lu Fangxin.

But they shouldn't have expected that this vote made the show crew think that their plan to hype Wang Na as an independent woman was a great success.

She was voted directly to No.2.

"No.3, Wu Zixuan."

"No.4, Ye Yuwei."

"No.5, Guo Xia."

"No.6, Duan Yuxin."

When everyone heard that the first six still did not have Lu Fangxin's name, they couldn't help feeling a little complicated.

Because there was a news on the Internet yesterday, saying that Lu Fangxin is actually a tool for drainage, and it will not form a group in the end.

The news spread widely, and many reasons were cited.

Some people even said that the 11 members who finally formed a group will go abroad to develop, and they must sing and dance well.

Now Lu Fangxin fell out of the top 6, is this news true?

But no one goes to see the former, they don't want to be caught by the camera.

Lu Fangxin's face was calm. In her mind, with Mr. Chen, everything would be there.

"No.7, Li Zimeng."

"No.8, Lu Fangxin."

Finally, Lu Fangxin's ranking came out, and everyone had mixed feelings. If what was said on the Internet was true, then Lu Fangxin was really pitiful.

The former smiled and walked to his place after bowing.

"No.9, Zhang Zijing"

"No.10, Gao Ziyi"

"No. 11, Fu Xiaoyu."

Hearing that he was No.11, Fu Xiaoyu finally let go of his hanging heart.

For the first time, she felt that she might really be able to make her debut.

"Congratulations, this position is hard-won, I hope you will cherish it."

"Please give your comments."

Long Zitao followed the procedure to move forward to 11 people.

"What I want to thank most is the founder who supported me outside, and I will keep this position forever." Meng Meiqi's speech was very brief.

"Thank you everyone for casting me in this position. This makes me believe that sweat and hard work are better than tears. My hard work will be seen. I will live up to your expectations."

If Lu Fangxin stood in her position, her words could still resonate with the girls, but now everyone has a subtle disgust for her.

As we all know, one of the important reasons why she has been paid attention to is that she diss Ye Yuwei in public, which is a form of blood-sucking.

It's really disgusting to do this, saying that sweating hard is not sucking human blood.

If it is said that Lu Fangxin has a gradual and gradual process in obtaining a high position, this Wang Na does not have it at all, and everyone's disgust for her can be imagined.

Ye Yuwei smiled at the corner of her mouth, she felt that this time Wang Na was playing off.

Chen Yinghan's face was icy, and anger rose in his heart.

"Wang Na, do you really think that with the escort of the program group, no one can touch you."

A cold light flashed in the depths of Chen Yinghan's eyes.

"In this show, I have cried and laughed, but my goal remains the same, that is the highest C position, please support me from the founder." Wu Zixuan seems to have changed at this time.

Ye Yuwei knew that this was Wu Zixuan declaring war, and also telling her fans what she wanted.

"I know you have tried your best. I can't force you any more. You have done the limit of what you can do. Thank you."

Ye Yuwei's words were also brief, she knew that she didn't need to say those bold words anymore, just enough is enough for a wise man.

The speeches of the next few people were very flat.

Lu Fangxin picked up the microphone, her eyes were red, but she did not shed tears.

Everyone was watching her, how she would turn around against the wind.

But no one believed what else she could do.

"I really didn't expect that I have been in Class A three times."

There is melancholy and nostalgia in Lu Fangxin's words.

"But I feel like I never belonged to Class A."

"Other ladies and sisters all rely on singing and dancing, various talents and their own charm to enter."

"And maybe it's just a little bit of stupidity, or a little bit of humor that got me into this position."

Lu Fangxin revealed her true feelings at this time, she was no longer an idol, but a little girl who was frightened, scared, and at a loss.

The surrounding staff were somewhat infected by her speech, and Long Zitao couldn't help showing a kind smile.

Many girls also had red eye circles, and Chen Yinghan even shed tears.

Yang Xiaoyue was stunned, she didn't expect this Lu Fangxin to have such empathy and language organization skills.

"I have been questioned a lot. I don't know if anyone can stand in my position and experience my fear, but I still want to stand here."

Lu Fangxin already had a trembling cry, which made people feel heartache involuntarily.

"Because this is the support of others, and I cannot let them down."

"I'm afraid to stand down too."

"However, I want to say that you are really outstanding."

Lu Fangxin set her sights on those girls who hadn't announced their positions yet.

There is kindness in her Yingying eyes, envy and sincerity.

The girls understood how she felt at this time, and they couldn't help cheering and applauding her.

"You are not standing in this position now, I think you will also have regrets in your heart."

"But many lucky things in this world will be equally distributed to everyone"

"You may not be so lucky this time, but you will definitely be luckier than others next time." "You are lucky this time, and you will pay the price for it later."

"I am now bearing the price that this height has brought to me."

Lu Fangxin's words deeply moved everyone, including the staff of the program crew on the ship. They didn't expect the other party to say such philosophical words.

Yang Xiaoyue realized that this speech would be the most exciting speech in the whole program.

Lu Fangxin will definitely attract fans by storm.

"Xiaoyue, she has passed the speaking time by 2 minutes, and we are live broadcasting." Sun Miao reminded her friend.

The girls would be shocked if they heard it, but they didn't expect the announcement of the last 22 to be broadcast live.

Because they know that the show will be cut, they will not control their emotions too much.

But this time the program group is to show their true feelings to all audiences.

"It doesn't matter, let her finish." Yang Xiaoyue felt that this live broadcast, which she had not expected much from, was about to explode.

"God, he is not necessarily a smart person."

"One ten-thousandth of him will spoil us stupid kids."

"So don't give up on being mediocre and stupid, maybe God just likes you."

"He just made a lot of people like you, and you are worthy of this love."

Lu Fangxin finished her speech and bowed to everyone.

This time there were no exaggerated shouts, but many people had an I understand you look on their faces, and they were all moved by the former's speech.

In front of the screen, the tens of thousands of people who watched this program were also moved by this speech, and many of them were crying while listening.

Li Ke cried even more, holding his mobile phone and squatting under the big tree outside the park, whining non-stop.

Lu Fangxin's words really touched his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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