Chapter 199 The assessment is over (ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month)

A small calf car crushed the silent morning light, and slowly drove out of Xie's house, accompanied by a series of songs before and after.During the Jin Dynasty since becoming emperor, the riding levels for ox carts and horse carts were slightly relaxed.The royal family can ride horses and carts; county-level officials can ride ox carts;

The carriage of the small calf cart is made of oak wood, with a simple and unpretentious appearance. There is a couch inside, a silk mattress on the top, and a fixed food box in one corner.

Every street and alley in Guanluli is very wide, and it is not a problem to run parallel and miss cars.Passing by the rice market, people were chattering loudly, Xie Ju took a look outside, but stopped looking.No matter how prosperous this place is, it cannot compare with Luoyang.

The place he was going to was Chengshe Jiangdian, and the car dealership was very stable. He smoothed his skirt from time to time, for fear that there would be too many creases in his seat, and he would not look so good-looking when he met Wang Ge.

"Hee." Thinking that the other party must be pleasantly surprised when he saw him, Xie Ju couldn't help but smile.

Sincerely set up a craftsman's shop.

The first round of competition is over, 150 people have been eliminated, and there are now 200 people.

Wang Geka finished with the last breath, and the craftsman checked "Pass". She was still tense all over her body, and the sound of the drum lingered in her mind for a long time.

Following the guidance of the inspectors, the scope of the examination room was closed again. The five-section long bamboo stalks were originally placed in each production area. Without much time wasted, everyone took their positions again.

The same is true for the artisan area on the east side.

At the moment of Chenzheng, the second round of competition is about to begin.

The first beep of the timer drum.

Wang Ge kneels and sits at the end of the bamboo tip, holding the bamboo joint on his left knee, holding the bamboo stalk with his left hand (the holding position should be behind the bamboo joint), and holding the bamboo knife with his right hand.

A second beep of the timing drum followed.

Turn the bamboo stalk to adapt to its weight (the whole stalk is more than eight feet long, and the bamboo skin is smooth, and it will be more difficult every time you turn it), observe the ridges of the bamboo joints, and be aware of it.

The first step: scrape the bamboo joints.

In the first round, the time period for this step is only five breaths.Now there are five bamboo stalks and four bamboo joints, and each bamboo joint can be counted as six breaths... No, it is still counted as five breaths, plus the moving time from back to front, the time it takes to turn the bamboo stalk ... She kept forcing herself to be nervous and squeeze the time limit, otherwise she would be eliminated.

Bamboo stalks turn... prick and prick... Bamboo chips are as thin as paper and fall.

Squatting and striding to the first bamboo joint, it is fast but fast, who can take care of manners.Holding the penultimate bamboo joint on the left knee, while turning and scraping, continue timing to urge yourself.

It is the second bamboo knot!

First Bamboo!

There is no step drum in the second round of the competition, as long as the craftsman does not shout "elimination", then proceed to the next two steps: scribing the line with a bamboo knife, and splitting the bamboo.

The position where the left hand holds the bamboo stalk is that the tiger's mouth is about three inches behind the first bamboo node, and the bamboo tip is free to rest on the ground.

Bass...the bamboo knife draws the line.

As soon as the knife fell, the timing drum for the end of the previous step sounded.

Immediately after another sound, the timing drum for the end of the strip knife scribing was sounded.

The time advantage she had accumulated was cleared.

Someone was eliminated.

Regardless of rejoicing or fear, immediately split.Squat with your left leg, kneel with your right leg, lift your left knee as far as possible, and raise the bamboo head while the distant bamboo tip touches the ground.

Squeezing the bamboo knife towards the section of the bamboo head, Wang Ge secretly exclaimed!

If the ground is not compacted, it is not easy to borrow strength.

Take a deep breath... Don't panic, everyone is like this.She originally used the technique of slamming the back of the knife, causing the knife to wedge directly into the bamboo stalk for a long section.

Adjusting the technique, she followed the line drawn just now, the bamboo knife stood upright, passed through the center of the section of the stalk, and rested on the section. Using both hands at the same time, she first squeezed the edge a little, and then turned the blade slightly to widen the gap in the bamboo crack.

The blade advances, turns the blade, advances.



Those who made mistakes in the front, back, and left all slapped the back of the knife, causing the entire bamboo stalk to rub backwards, and the bamboo stalks on both sides were split in different widths.

Qinghe Village at this time.

Master Yuan swung his ruler and slapped the calf of the schoolboy Xu Xun.

What is this movement?Yuan Shanfu picked up the child's trousers, annoyed, only to see a piece of hairy pigskin tied to Xu Xun's calf.Then lick the opponent's other trousers, no.

Xu Xun is the smartest among the schoolchildren, and it's really irritating to be irritating!Only a few days after entering school, I have thoroughly studied the master's habit of punishing school children, and I know that only the left leg is hit.

The surrounding schoolchildren laughed, Sima Ti furiously said, "Yesterday the cook lost the pig skin, so it turned out that someone was a thief."

Wang Yun immediately said: "Master, Xu Tongmen is not a thief. The pigskin was thrown away by the chef. I saw it when I threw it away."

Another Sima student looked suddenly enlightened, and shouted: "Did you hear that? No wonder there are people waiting in the kitchen every day, so they want to pick up leftovers."

Sima Ti: "Hmph, it's clear that the two of them are thieves together!"

Xu Xun: "Beggars and thieves often judge others by themselves."

"Speak human!" Sima Wujing, who was in the front row, took the case.

Xu Xun was born in the Gaoyang Xu clan, and Sima and others were all members of the royal family. Wang Yun dared to testify for the former, but he dared not and would never participate in this kind of back and forth quarrel.

Ten math children laughed, some agreed with Sima Ti, some praised Xun, and some ridiculed Sima Wujing for not being able to understand the ridicule.

Outside the bookstore, there were quite a few students listening in, and they were all very irritable.These official schoolchildren rely on their status and make noise every day, which delays listening to the master's teaching.

Yuan Shanfu was not in a hurry, when the schoolchildren had had enough laughs and made a note of who was the happiest, he carried the book case and drew out his trump card...a big ruler to step up the case.

"All those who made noises just now, including those who farted in the rear, come here!"

Inside and outside the pavilion, there was instant silence.

At the beginning of the year, we sincerely set up a craftsman's shop.

The quasi-craftsman and craftsman merged into the examination room, and the total number of people was 110. It can be seen how many people were eliminated just now!

There was a little noisy movement, as the huge timing drum stood in front of it, it quickly became silent.

The last match.

Nine-section bamboo stalks.

No rules!No steps required!
Finish the strips within the assessment time limit, and then check the standards, only the first place will be retained, and the rest will be eliminated.

The duration of the assessment will not be announced, just listen to the timing drum.

There are three inspection standards: the length should not be wasted, the width should be three-point intervals, and after the equal intervals are split, the sum of the widths of the waste bamboo strips should not exceed the three-point distance; remove the bamboo bark and yellow strips, and check the respective thicknesses; check the green bamboo strips. The thinner one wins, and the one with more layers wins.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of the drum at the beginning hit every candidate's heart.

Without standard steps, it is much easier to scrape the bamboo joints. Let the bamboo joints roll under the knife and the debris will fall off.

The second bamboo joint, the third... the eighth.

There is no need to draw a line for splitting. After the bamboo knife has split the first bamboo node, the bamboo knife is discarded and the hand bamboo is used instead.

In the third quarter of the first day, outside the craftsman's [-]th.

The little cart pulled over and stopped, and Bu Qu carried Xie Ju down.

This is the largest official carpenter shop in Zhumuli?Xie Ju stretched his legs and looked at the whole street.Counting the time, the competition is almost over.I wonder if Wang Ge can win?He also only recently learned that if a junior craftsman wants to be promoted to a middle craftsman, he must win the first place in the hundred county competitions.

difficult!It's not just difficult in the assessment itself.If you win two games a month, it will take more than four years.What's more, only Shanyin County has frequent county-level competitions, and she can't live here for a long time.


Si Zheng moment, two moments.

Someone is out!More and more craftsmen came out.Xie Ju copied his hands, seemingly not in a hurry, but he did not let go of every short craftsman.

Not her, no, and neither was that person.

He found out that Wang Ge was on the list of Lin Muyuan's emergency training camp.Is there something wrong with her?
"Tiger?" A black-faced, half-opened beggar-like craftsman came straight towards the calf.

 马轿軿 (píng) cart, 輂 (jú) cart: respectively refer to a cart drawn by horses with curtains and a large cart with roll-up.

  Calf cart: ordinary ox cart.During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the use levels of carriages and ox carts basically continued the Han system.Tongxi (xiǎn) ox carts are the lowest level among high-end ox carts.The time when county-level officials could ride in ox carts (xiǎn) is actually delayed, but because the novel involves Emperor Cheng, the system has changed, so don't go into details.

(End of this chapter)

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