I went ashore by weaving straw shoes and became a master craftsman

Chapter 200 Agricultural Examination Hall and Military Examination Hall [Thanks to the 3rd leader: F

Chapter 200 Farmer Examination Room and Military Examination Room [Thanks to the third lord: Feng Xiao]

"Hi! Girl, hiccup, kao, hiccup..." In just a few words, Xie Ju pouted his lips angrily.

He was really startled by Wang Ge's appearance, and after one hiccup, countless hiccups followed.Woo...it looks so stupid in white clothes.

"I didn't pass the exam." Wang Ge answered the question first, so as not to worry the little guy.Then he looked him up and down again, admiring: "Huzi, I didn't dare to recognize you just now, you are so handsome!"

"Really?" I dare not recognize you even more.

"Hmm! Seeing Ah Ju today reminds me of what Mr. Zuo said...Zhilan was born in the deep forest, and it is not because there are no people that it is not beautiful."

Xie Ju followed up with the next sentence: "A gentleman cultivates morality and morality, and he does not need to be poor to change his morals."

The two boasted to each other, making them even more happy.

Xie Zheng's hiccups come and go quickly.He knew that Wang Ge couldn't spend time outside, so he walked with her to Linmuyuan. "Before I came to Shan'in, I met Brother Yun on the other side of Nanshan Mountain."

"My younger brother? I see. He must have gone to Qinghezhuang for the exam and traveled around the Nanjiang River. He has always wanted to see the boats I told him about, and he also wanted to see the mountains where I studied." I can't say any more, the more Say more miss.

"Brother Xun is very good." Xie Ju sincerely praised, briefly talked about how he met Wang Xun and talked with him that day, and then sighed, "I didn't expect Yuan Langjun of Chen County to be in Tuyi County."

Wang Ge...is this Yuan Langjun really the Yuan Langjun mentioned by Xie Ju, who is more intelligent than Liu Po?It is true that people cannot be judged by appearances. Yuan Langjun looks rough, and every time he appears and leaves, he is very mysterious. He does not look like a Confucian scholar, but a chivalrous man.

Seeing her appearance, Xie Ju knew that she really didn't know Yuan Yanshu's background.It's time to get down to business. "I heard that this craftsman competition is different from previous years."

Wang Ge Surong listened, Xie Ju has a special status, and his "hearing" must have a basis.

"Candidates should be allowed to choose agriculture and soldiers in advance, and enter the agriculture examination room and military examination room respectively. Different examination rooms have different assessment methods and rules. The two types of examination rooms have the same number of seats, and the top [-] candidates will be selected for each examination room. .”

"The total number of people retained is too high." Meng Nvli said that in previous years, only 60 junior craftsmen in Kuaiji County and carpenters were admitted.Twenty more this year! "Choose farmers? Choose soldiers?" she muttered in a low voice, which was really novel.

"If this news is true, how will the girl be chosen?"

"Choose a farmer." Wang Ge smiled, "I was born in a farming family, and I have always hoped to make farm tools that make it easier to open up wasteland and cultivate land." This time when she returned to her hometown, she wanted to study the plow carefully, so she had to let Quyuanli be born in advance.

Xie Ju rubbed his hands, quite excited: "Sister Ge, do you believe it? I expect this wish to come true more than you do."

"Of course." Ha, the little guy even blurted out "Sister Ge".

"After the master craftsman competition, do you stay in Shanyin County temporarily?"

"No, I'm going home. Today I know how far I am from the craftsman. After I go back, I want to go to the government office to practice for a year or so. Next year...maybe the year after, I will come to Sanyin again."

When there were more than forty people left in the competition just now, she was eliminated. She was the last among the quasi-craftsmen to be eliminated, but this kind of achievement is meaningless, the only advantage is that she doesn't have to be punished.Of the [-] contestants, those after [-] were all left in the craftsman's workshop, and it was unknown what punishment they were asked to do.

The wind brings coolness, long streets and short gatherings, and we will finally say goodbye.

After Xie Ju boarded the car, he didn't let Bu Qu close the door.He watched Wang Ge off, and after the farewell, he would not see him for at least half a year.

Wang Ge took a few steps and turned his head, he would enter Linmuyuan, ran back a few steps, waved at the little guy, and shouted: "Huzi, when I go back to Duyi County, there will be a reunion!"

"Don't forget this appointment!" I will return to Nanshan tomorrow, and I will wait for you in Tuyi County in advance, and there will be a reunion.

Shenzheng in the afternoon.

Wang Zhu rushed to Weiting with a heavy sack on his back, out of breath.

Jia Yu was carrying firewood, and Wang Dalang was weaving Shau Kei in front of the small hut to the west.

"Azhu? Dalang, Azhu is here."

"Mother, uncle. My father asked me to come. These are jujubes I picked from wild mountains."

"Tsk!" Jia Yu was so distressed that she loosened Wang Zhu's collar, and sure enough, her shoulders turned red. "It's not a shortcut, don't carry such a heavy load in the future, or drive here."

"Well. Actually, it doesn't sink."

Wang Dalang groped to pick up the thorns.

"I'll do it." Wang Zhu first helped the uncle to stand aside.He didn't find it strange that the original thatched hut was changed into a thatched hut. When he put all the Shau Kei and Vitex into the house, he saw and smelled something wrong, and asked in surprise, "Have you bought a cow at home?"

"I bought a calf." As soon as Wang Dalang finished his words, Wang Peng's high-pitched voice came from outside the courtyard.

"Brother Zhucong? Brother Zhucong is here!" Wang Peng jumped off the back of the bull with a muddy face and ran into the yard.Behind him is Wang Erlang carrying farm tools.

The calf stopped stupidly, and after Wang Erlang took the rope, it followed obediently.

Wang Peng ran to Jia Yu first, and carefully unfolded the corner of his clothes: "Mother, look at the crickets I caught." Then he ran to Wang Dalang, "Father, you touch them, five of them. Brother Zhucong saw that they are very majestic." It may have jumped, it’s hard to catch! When the elder sister comes back from Shucong, weave a cage for them, and we will fight crickets at night. Oh, Shanzao? I haven’t eaten Shanzao for a long time, Second Uncle, come and see, Brother Zhucong carries Shanzai ...Ah, the cricket has escaped, don't let the big goose eat it, hurry up, hurry up! Ah!"

was eaten!
A chatty grandson is worth a flock of geese.In the joy of the whole courtyard, Wang Weng came back pushing the wheelbarrow, and Wang Erlang carried Aai down.

Not long after, Wang Shu came back.

After cooking dinner, Wang Zhu squatted by the stove, looked out of the courtyard and asked, "Auntie, brother Hecong?"

"A while ago, it was raining heavily at night, and Ah He helped the pavilion guards watch the night, waking up the leaking tenants at home. Cheng Qiubao praised your Brother He Cong for his work, so he asked him to watch the night every night, and the kitchen cook took care of the meals."

"Really!" Wang Zhu got up and whispered, "Isn't that the same as a pavilion official?"

"Shhh. Let's just know it ourselves, don't tell the outside world."

"Hmm! Hey, that's great."

At night, Wang Zhu lay next to his elder father, with the new cold clothes that his elder mother sewed for him folded beside his pillow.The fabric is newly purchased Gebuli, and the filling is thick with reed wadding.He didn't expect that his eldest parents would prepare cold clothes for him when he was not here.

He was growing tall, and he was with his father every day. My father never cared whether his clothes were too small last year?Last month, he picked a lot of goji berries from the mountains, and he wanted to sell them in the village. He bought some cloth to change last year's cold clothes. He didn't think about it. He put the bag of goji berries in the sundry house for a day, and my father took the bag of goji berries. After taking it away, he also scolded him for being unfilial, and scolding him for following his grandmother and rat nature for stealing things.

Before he left this morning, his father did not mention asking him to pay more attention to his eldest parents, and reminded him several times not to forget to ask Sister Shu Cong if she had any promises.Heh...he just didn't ask!
Sister Shu Cong is the girl of the second wife, and her eldest parents are involved in the marriage, and her father cares about her, so is it the turn of the third wife to intervene?
Hai Zheng.

Inside the pavilion, the candles were still burning.

Cheng Shuang just came back from Linshui Pavilion and told Huan Zhen that Dan Ying followed Wang Sanlang and found out an unusual and unusual thing.

Wang Sanlang went to the east of the village and exchanged food with the landlord's family with a bag of wolfberry flowers.This was a common practice, and many villagers did it.But Wang Sanlang stayed in the wheat drying field of the landlord's house for a long time with a bag of ordinary wolfberry flowers.During this period, a small tenant farmer named Jia Sanyang ran out of the wheat field and called the owner, Jia Feng.

 From the 29th of the end of the month to the [-]th of January, there is a double monthly ticket event. Wukong has the audacity to ask for a monthly ticket, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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