Chapter 201 All inferences are correct

Danying was afraid of being exposed, so she didn't enter the wheat drying field.I could only see clearly that Jia Feng left first, walking faster than when he came.Wang Sanlang came out after a while, on the contrary, slower than when he was carrying goji berries, and turned his head several times on the way to look in the direction Jia Feng left.

Huan Zhen thought about it and said: "Looking at it this way, Wang San should have had a conversation with Jia Feng in the wheat drying field. The result of the conversation must not be what Wang San wanted! Jia Feng came in a hurry, and went even more hurriedly...not called king. San's intentions... can be deduced, let alone Jia Feng's intentions."

Cheng Shuang hesitated to speak.

Huan Zhen smiled: "But all the inferences are still based on...assuming that Wang San and Jia Feng had an undisclosed deal. Wang San looked back many times, and it may be that ordinary farmers saw the common people and looked at them with curiosity."

Cheng Shuang heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Mr. Ren also said the same thing. Alas, this case is difficult to investigate. We can only find reliable tenants and let them pay attention to Jia Feng's unusual behavior. Wang San is easy to keep an eye on. Suppose he The two really have a deal, and the time to meet again is likely to be next month when the household registration is checked and the rent is paid."

Huan Zhen said nothing.He had to leave for Shanyin County [-] days before to participate in the selection of the "quasi-guard army" military competition in early September.Before leaving, the fish case must have a result!

In fact, to prove that Jia Feng has a connection with Wang San, one can also investigate the small tenant farmer.How could Ren Tingchang not think of it?It's just that it's very troublesome to take the child's confession. The trial is light, full of lies, and easily disturbs Jia Feng.

This kind of thing needs some means, let Tie Lei go to Jia She Village.

The words are divided into two parts.

The sixth day, the moment of the first unitary.

Inside Qinghe Village, Wang Yun hugged the trunk tightly, endured the pain in his leg and ran into the sweetgum forest.He was very scared, his boy servant who built the zither was caught by Sima Ti and Sima Wujing's boy servants.Then Sima Ti's seven men started chasing him. Some of the opponents held mud in their hands, and some grabbed weeds. After chasing into the forest path, they screamed.

Fortunately, these seven people were all punished by Master Yuan yesterday, and it was even more difficult to run.

"Wang Yun, this is the fate of your talkativeness, you can't escape!"

"Ha, look at your cowardly mouse, how brave you were yesterday?"

Sima Wujing turned his back and shouted: "Wang Yun is going to be beaten for Xu Xun, come and see!"

Oops!Wang Yun suddenly understood that these people were not unable to catch up with him, but they wanted to attract Xu Xun to deal with them together.No, he had to remind Xu Xun.

Seeing Wang Yun turning around and running through the forest, Sima Ti became more and more sad and indignant: Master is biased, biased!Look at how fast this vertical boy runs, it seems that there is a knack for beating people with a bamboo ruler, the momentum is the same, but the strength is absolutely different! "Stop Wang Yun, he wants to report!"

Sima Wujing roared: "Throw him!" Throwing the mud, jumping with one leg, hitting the ground with one leg, picking up the mud and throwing it vigorously.

At this moment, the angry howl broke the tone, pulling the long tone from far to near.

It's Xu Xun!
Yesterday, only he was beaten in the right calf, he walked sideways and walked with all his might, dragging a long stick with his right hand. "Ah... a swarm of rats! See how I get rid of rats!"

"Everyone stop!" Liu Bo and his classmate Meng Tong came over from the university and stopped the farce.

Meng Tong went to find Master Yuan.

Liu Bo snatched the stick from Xu Xun's hand first, then went to Wang Yun's and picked him up. "Don't be afraid, it's fine." Liu Bo patted the wet mud off the little guy's feet.

"Brother Liu." Waiting for Master Yuan to follow Meng Tong, Wang Yun restrained his surprise, let go of Liu Bo, and honestly stood side by side with Xu Xun.He knew that brother Liu went to school in Qinghezhuang, and the university abbot was not too far from the primary school abbot, but usually his studies were tight, unless there was a holiday at the end of the month, who would spare time to meet him?

Liu Bo really came to see Wang Yun, but unfortunately the timing was not right, so he had to bow and leave.

Sima Ti and his gang knew they were wrong, so they all hid in the woods.Sima Wujing only cared about hiding his upper body, sticking his butt out of the tree.

Yuan Shanfu: "Come out. You don't feel ashamed yourself, so why should I bother? Within two days, the story of the fight will spread throughout the manor, and in a few days, Nanshan Primary School will also know about it. Just for jokes, to promote their talents and spread your notoriety. Ha!"

so serious?Sima Wujing came out first. "Master, I know I was wrong."

"I know I was wrong too."

"Master, I knew I was wrong just now." Sima Ti ran out regardless of the pain in his leg, with a sincere expression on his face.

Yuan Shanfu looked at Wang Yun and Xu Xun.

Xu Xun raised his head, more sincerely than Sima Ti: "I can already recite the text assigned by the master backwards."

Wang Yun stared blankly, but she was very honest in her sincerity: "I can only do my back."

Sima Wujing was furious: "The master didn't ask about the homework again!"

Yuan Shanfu nodded: "Well, I'll bring up the homework tomorrow. I don't blame everyone today, as long as you truthfully identify who made the idea of ​​today's battle? I will only punish him, and I will only ask him about the homework tomorrow."

Both Xu Xun and Wang Yun lowered their eyelids and did not move.

There are seven people in Sima's small gang: three torturers immediately point to Sima Ti; two torturers point to Sima Wujing; Sima Ti points to Sima Wujing; Sima Wujing points to himself.

Sima Wujing blinked his eyes.

Yuan Shanfu: "The rest go back and recite books. Sima Wujing, follow me back to Shuxie."

The eighth day.

The news brought back by Tie Lei makes Huan Zhen finally finalize that Wang Sanlang has a deal with Jia Feng!

Jia Sanyang originally only worked as a sheep herder, but after the death of Shu Dalang, Jia Sanyang was arranged by Jia Feng to dry the wheat field.The child was actually innocent. Jia Feng lied to Jia Sanyang, saying that Wang San in the west of the village owed food, and if he came to the wheat field, he would tell the owner immediately so that he could collect the debt from Wang San.

So as soon as Wang Sanlang brought wolfberry flowers, Jia Sanyang rushed to inform Jia Feng.

Don't look at Tie Lei who likes to laugh, but his heart is more ruthless than Tie Feng.Jia Sanyang, who didn't know how to scare him, frightened the child so much that he was restless day and night, and yelled like a ghost from time to time. The more the family asked, the more scared Jia Sanyang became. He just shook his head and didn't say anything.

This is for later.Of course, even if Huan Zhen knew, he wouldn't care about Jia Sanyang, what he cared about was the other news brought back by Tie Lei.On the day Wang Zhu returned to Jiashe Village, he was beaten by Wang Sanlang. Wang Zhu was wronged and left home, but was chased back by Wang Sanlang.

The matter quickly spread in Jiashe Village.Tie Lei turned over the wall of Wang's courtyard at night and overheard the quarrel between the father and son.

At first it was Wang San who scolded Erlang for being unfilial and refused to do what he told him.What Wang Zhu argues is: "Wang Shu is a second wife. Her affairs are in the care of her eldest parents and her second uncle. My father can also ask, but I can't!"

Arguing and arguing, Wang San scolded his son for following his mother and being a mouse.Wang Zhu cried: "Don't blame me again, I will only explain the last time, I didn't steal any money! I don't know where I got that money? If I really wanted to steal it, how could I just steal a piece of money?"

Another money!

How did Wang Shu get involved?

It's complicated and confusing, but Huan really has a hunch that all his inferences are correct, and the truth of the Yu case is only a curtain away.

Tie Lei came up with an idea: "Why don't I take Jia Feng and Wang San captive? Use some tricks to recruit them."

Huan Zhen: "Means must be used, but not this kind of means. Tomorrow morning, I will replace Tie Feng and go to Jiashe Village..." Tie Feng is more meticulous than Tie Lei, "Do as I say, and then keep an eye on Wang Sanlang."

(End of this chapter)

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