I went ashore by weaving straw shoes and became a master craftsman

Chapter 204 The Arrival of the Artisan Competition

Chapter 204 The Arrival of the Artisan Competition
That night, Wang Erlang had a strange dream.

The dream was fragmentary, and I saw many scenes embedded in the water, light and shadow.

He saw the scrawny Wang San with a messy beard standing beside a wild mountain and river with an ordinary old farmer, who threw Wang San two strings of...money?He also threw away two utensils, which were very small, so Wang San hurriedly picked them up.The dream is too dark to see details clearly.Wang Erlang felt that the old farmer was a little familiar, but unfortunately he was dull in his dream, and before he could think about it, a vain bubble appeared in front of his sight.

I don't know if the scene I saw happened in the dark night, or the dream itself.In the floating shadow like sewage, Wang San is digging holes in the woods to hide things furtively, looking around while digging.

Next, he saw Shu Dalang, who was dressed more raggedly, thinner, and hunchbacked, dug up Wang Sanzang's belongings, ran to the bamboo forest, smashed the bamboo stalks with stones, and took some of the money from a bunch of money. Enter the bamboo cave.The small utensils given to Wang San by the old farmer dropped, Shu Dalang picked them up, put one into the cloth bag first, and put the other into the cloth bag as he gestured at his waist.In the process of making gestures, the silver light of this thing flashed past.

Another group of bubbles replaced.

Wang San quarreled with Ah Shu, and the quarrel became more and more fierce. Wang San pressed Ah Shu into the water tank. Ah Shu struggled, and soon stopped moving. Wang San put it into a sack, carried it to the river, and threw it into it.

Wang Erlang, who witnessed the tragedy, was in more pain than his daughter struggled. The pitiful dream was nothingness for him, and he couldn't wake up in reality. He could only do his best to rush into the river, chasing Ah Shu, and trying to get her out of it. Shen Jiang was rescued from the sack.

The bottom of the water on a winter night is pitch black.The tether of the sack was loose, and Ah Shu continued to sink alone.

Sudden!A wisp of flame appeared.Wang Erlang drifted over and gradually saw clearly that it was a handful of dead grass that ignited the flame.

He was bounced away by some kind of force, and what appeared in front of his eyes was still a mass of dark shadows.He didn't jump into the river at all.

There was a voice in the darkness, Wang San lit the hut with the fire, and his nephew Wang Zhu ran over to stamp out the fire, but was kicked down by Wang San.Wang Zhu cried and begged: "Father, please stop, do you even want to burn your second uncle to death?"

Wang San: "He forced me. I won't burn him to death. Wait until he finds out that I killed Wang Shu? Remember, I am your father, and it is me, not him, who you are filial to!"

what!Wang Erlang desperately wanted to rush to Wang San and beat the beast to death.What kind of world is this, God!What kind of world is this, it can make people hate like wolves!

Sigh... Wang Erlang's throat swelled anxiously, his face and neck twitched, and he finally woke up.

What did you dream about just now?He smiled foolishly, dreaming that he had lived three lives.It is impossible for a person to live three lives, he is quite content with this life.

I hate Wang San, a bastard who did evil together with Jia Feng, but fortunately they separated.Stop thinking about it, go to bed quickly, he will go back to Jiashe Village after dawn, first stay in the village for a while, let A Zhu stay in Weiting.

August nineteen.

Wang Tian and Huan Zhen gathered together and set off for Shanyin County.Cheng Shuang acts as the head of the pavilion temporarily.

Followed by Shi Hou and Tie Lei.Iron Wind stayed in Weiting.

August [-]th, late at night.

Xuancheng County.

Jing County, where the city gates were closed, was filled with wailing.

The county magistrate ordered the head of the prison gate pavilion to release the criminals from the county prison, and meet up with the confidant soldiers, servants and concubines who had been waiting for a long time, and the refugees who have been accommodated by the county government in the past two years. By.

The city wall is so high that the people cannot escape with their wings.

County magistrate Jiang Yang climbed up to the turret, looking at the occasional flames in his vision, dissatisfied, and soon sank into the inflated joy of controlling life and death. "Huan Shi! Not honestly being your county magistrate, killing my nephew under the guise of trying a case, using my Jiang clan as servants, and digging up the twelve cellars of beef tendons that I worked so hard to prepare, ruining my big business. Hateful! Hateful!! The day of revenge is not far away... Let’s start with Huan Zhen, who helped you to torture me..."

After dawn, Jiang Yang accompanied Cao Shi and the head of the prison gate to check the streets and alleys near the county office.

"Out of ten households, three households had their strong men killed. How did they do it?" Jiang Yang was dissatisfied.Every strong man is a vanguard who will attack the city in the future. If one of these people dies, one of his confidantes will have to be added when there is an incident.

The head of the prison gate said: "Those refugees are red-eyed, and there are criminals who take the opportunity to avenge themselves."

With Jiang Yang and the others at the center, looking down at the desolation of the whole city, it seems to form a huge "chaos".

August 21.

Shanyin County.

A resume was added to Wang Ge's pass bamboo card: junior boat craftsman.

It turns out that there are special rules in the order of craftsmen: shipbuilders, blacksmiths, and carpenters with natural craftsmanship can be directly promoted to junior craftsmen if they can transform two pieces of utensils that meet the national standard.As long as the previous craftsman level is a craftsman.

Haha, what a surprise!I am a craftsman, already a craftsman, the youngest craftsman in Kuaiji County.Wang Ge couldn't help pursing his lips in joy, and there was a little Wang Ge in his heart who was already winking and rolling happily.

The nervousness about the upcoming exam has eased a lot, but you must not be complacent!

What the female official Meng warned just now is correct: "The further you go, the wider the world will be. Many capable people are craftsmen who combine two or even three types of craftsman skills. Your talent has opened up another way. Cherish it, and never let it breed slack and waste your talent."

Yes, she wants to pretend that she doesn't know about it, and she still has to fight and fight with all her strength!
On the same day, Huan Zhen and Wang Tian arrived at Kuaiji Mountain in the south of Shanyin County, where the quasi-guard army's county military competition examination room is located.

August 22.

Tourists from various counties and townships entered San'in one after another, and joined with those from the local counties and townships to serve as patrol officers for the artisan competition.

Among the tours in Tuyi County, there was a Wang Ge who met by chance, and the other party regarded her as an enemy... Sima Chong.

As soon as he entered the county seat, he looked around and smiled grimly: "Little Shumaid, hum, I'm here!"

"threw up!"


The sound of spitting came from behind him, and Sima Chong turned his head immediately, just like on the way, unable to catch anyone.Smelly shameless, have the ability to spit on him face to face.

"Bah, spit, spit!" Sima Chong spat at each of the three suspects.

An old man holding a mahogany stick scolded: "You are not allowed to spit in the street! Where are you two soldiers?"

Just like that, Sima Chong found his opponent... Tao Lian, the old man drew a circle on the ground and punished them to squat face to face for an hour.

August 25.

Candidates for each emergency training camp are classified and announced.

Wang Ge was transferred to the military examination room by the government office, and Meng Niangzi, who also reported as "agricultural craftsman Shike", was not transferred, and was still in the agricultural examination room.

August 26, Luoyang.

At the court meeting, Sili Xiaowei reported, "It is suspected that there is chaos in Jianye County, Danyang County. The city gate has been closed for several days. There are bandits outside the city. The scouts cannot approach. I don't know what the situation inside the city is."

It's finally autumn.

Shuo Ri.

The training period of each emergency training camp is over.Wang Ge put his bags on his back, left through the south gate, and went to Kuaiji Mountain alone.

The military examination room is set up there, and the deadline for gathering is the beginning of the fifth day of the new year.

She can't walk in a day, but fortunately there is enough time on the road.

In order to make the luggage lighter, Wang Ge put on cold clothes in advance.On the way, temporary sheds, shopkeepers' cars and huge cargo loads were lined up one by one.Most of the fixed sheds sell farm tools and pottery, and the shopkeepers' cars are colorful, and they are full of hangings, wishing they could fall out.

 Prison Gate Pavilion Chief: County official, responsible for supervising the county prison.

(End of this chapter)

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