Chapter 205 Hell!

"Little lady, let's take a look at the scarf." A salesman asked Wang Ge with a smile.

Definitely not calling her.Wang Ge turned his head, and sure enough, it was an old woman and a young lady wandering around.

Tsk tsk, Wang Ge glanced curiously at their thickly powdered faces, and the rouge smeared on their cheeks like drunkenness. This is the first time after traveling through ancient times, he saw a woman's makeup at such a close distance.Not to mention, it's quite... festive.

Just don't come out at night, especially don't get together or jump out.

In the rear, Sima Chong and Tao Lian hit each other with long sticks at the same time as soon as they came out of the city gate. The people around were full of anticipation, and a child yelled, "Hit it, hurry up!" Then, the child raised his head and asked the elders: "Will those who fight without reason inside and outside the city gate be tied to a high pole for public display for an hour?"


"Hit! Hurry up!" The child became even more excited.

boy!Sima Chong suppressed his hostility, and Tao Lian did not dare to be misunderstood and cause trouble.The two walked in a hurry and began to fight, everyone wanted to get to the front.

They were fined to clean the streets after going to camp for spitting in the street.Also because of this reason, they were assigned to the carpenter class as a patrol officer in the soldier examination field.The rest of the tours with the same post all went to Kuaiji Mountain according to the normal departure time, but the two of them were behind and went alone.

This moment.Tuyi County, County Prison.

Wang Weng and Wang Zhu were two steps behind, led by the prison guards, and walked from cell to cell.Speaking of prison cells, it is not as good as the place where Weiting's pigs stay.The walls between the rooms are all made of earth, but the aisles are quite wide, allowing several people to walk side by side.It's just that the ground is too dirty, full of silt from previous rains.

Those who shovel mud and carry out the dung pots are all sinners.They wore wooden shackles, their right hands were still fixed in the shackle eye, and they could only work with their clumsy left hands.

Wang Zhu was terrified, but luckily his elder father kept holding him tightly with his warm palm.

The jailer stopped in front of Wang San's cell, and said loudly: "You see, if you sincerely correct your mistakes, you can come out to breathe like them." Then he untied the rope that tied the door.

Light burst into the darkness of the dungeon.Wang San leaned against the door, raised his face in panic, extremely haggard.He burst into tears, opened and closed his mouth a few times, covering his face in shame.



"Woo..." The dull crying continued, overflowing from the fingers.

Wang Zhu was already on his knees, the eldest father didn't speak, he didn't dare to open his mouth.

Wang Weng: "I'm not here to reason with you. You have to let Azhu come and see you, don't let the child bear the reputation of being unfilial for you. You heard what the jailer said just now. Only by introspecting and repenting can you come out and breathe It’s time. That’s all right, Ah Zhu, help Dafu go.”

Wang San wanted to rush out, but he flinched because the jailer was right in front of him. He broke down in tears and shouted at his father's back: "If I hadn't just separated the households, could I have fallen into this situation?"

The jailer closed the door and tied the knot again.

"You all blame me...I don't want to be incompetent...I also want to be proud..."

The sound is quickly lost.Wang Weng shook his head, and said to Wang Zhu as he walked: "Who can get so much money by dividing households among us farmers? I also hired tenants for you Sanfang. Man, alas...he used to be at the door every day. Tie the rope outside, now live in the rope, retribution!"

Shanyin County.

Wang Ge walked a few miles, so he quickly unloaded his bags to rest and drink water.The number of stalls on both sides gradually decreased, but there was still an endless stream of caravans and shopkeepers carrying small loads.

Sometimes it's ironic to think about it. In the prosperous Shanyin County, since she came in June and left in September, she has only seen the prosperity of the city twice, once on the way into the city, and once on the way out of the city.

But on second thought, what is this?If you travel to the Jin Dynasty during the Eight Kings Rebellion, what will happen?Probably like what my second uncle said, I don’t know where it was buried.

The wind is blowing, and the wind is driving the dark clouds, which are getting thicker and thicker.

Luoyang is sunny and sunny.

Inside the palace.

The gate of a hall was opened, and the officials who entered the hall with the emperor were: Sili Xiaowei Bian Wangzhi, servant Chu Mouyuan, Zhongshu Ling Wen Taizhen, Sanqi Changshi Lu Shiguang, and Zhongdan Zhongdan.

The four walls of this hall are full of maps, walking to the most detailed map wall of Jing, Yang, and Yu, Emperor Sima Youzhi looked at the ministers: "What do you think about this Jianye rebellion, please tell me. "

Bian Wangzhi spoke first, pointing to the location of Wu County on the map: "Wu County, Jiaxing and other places may soon be in chaos..." Wu County is adjacent to the east of Danyang County.

Chu Mouyuan: "Xuancheng County has to guard against..." Xuancheng County is adjacent to the south of Danyang County.

Wen Taizhen: "You can adjust Jingzhou's soldiers to fight against thieves..." Jingzhou is an upper-class place in Jianye, and there are barbarian soldiers who are good at fighting.The governor of Jingzhou is Tao Gongyuan, so there is no need to doubt his loyalty!
Lu Shiguang, Zhong Dan...


Shanyin County.

The storm is about to come, and the wind is rustling.

Wang Ge was walking against the wind, and her fat trousers were bulged in the back, left and right. If it wasn't for the weight of her luggage, she would have to be blown back to Shanyin County.

work hard!Forward!She lowered her head and imagined herself as Ning Caichen... Sure enough, she was unlucky to see a "ghost".

"Ah!" Suddenly feeling her head loosen, she yelled in alarm and hurriedly covered it, but it was too late, and the scarf was blown away.Fragments of oily hair danced wildly, crackling and hitting her face and eyes.

Sima Chong in the back is really unlucky, he was just blinded by the dirt, and he was about to rub it, bang!Wang Ge's scarf hit his face like a slap in the face.

What cloth?This... taste!
Wang Ge turned her head and saw it, so she hurried over in fright, the wind blew her up, and she rushed to Sima Chong. "Lang Jun, I've offended you." She saluted reluctantly (the other party has a long stick in his hand, so he must be polite), and was almost blown away by the wind.

As soon as he raised his head, he met Sima Chong's eyes briefly.While grabbing the scarf, Wang Ge squinted his eyes and turned around, pretending not to recognize the other party.hell!What a coincidence.Isn't this person the brave village soldier who fought with her dung?Mr. Huan Lang mentioned once that the other party's surname was Sima, and his name was... Sima Zhong, Sima Dong, or Sima Kong?

hell!Wang Ge!It turned out to be Wang Ge, the little vertical servant! !Sima Chong gritted his teeth in hatred, the sand in his eyes hurt even more.What should he do if he slows down?It's so easy to meet an enemy, what should I do?It was one thing to punish her secretly, but not explicitly.

So excited, but helpless.Follow her first.

Tao Lian surpassed Sima Chong and cast a look of contempt, but found that the other party ignored him at all, and only squinted his eyes, staring angrily at a little girl in front of him.

Tao Lian surpassed Wang Ge and glanced curiously.

Another one with a long stick.It was enough for Wang Ge to see him out of the corner of his eye, and she didn't dare to look at this person, even if the other person was on their way, she would not stare at his back.

In less than a moment, Dou Da's raindrops began to hit the ground.

Pedestrians on the road ran to the woods on both sides, and so did Wang Ge.What is not struck by lightning, let's hide from the rain first.

As soon as we arrived in the forest, it rained heavily.Wang Ge unloaded the basket under the tree, untied the rope, and squatted down. The straw mat was just right on the top of his head and the basket, and there was still a small piece left to protect his back.

How much rain can the branches block.Sima Chong was quickly watered and had nowhere to hide, so he could only stand close to the tree trunk as far as he could, keeping a close eye on Wang Ge from a distance of ten feet.

Wang Ge turned around and squatted.

In just a dozen or so breaths, the sky was getting darker and darker.

Sima Chong moved, jumped, and moved under the tree opposite Wang Ge.

Wang Ge became more and more afraid, this person would not want to harm her, would he?No, I can't be in such a stalemate anymore, she put the basket on her back, supported the straw mat, and walked in the direction of the road.

The ground is muddy.She turned her head in a hurry, and Sima Han was indeed following her!
How to do how to do?How can I get rid of him?
(End of this chapter)

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