Chapter 206 Don't Trust People Easily

There was a sudden shout in front of him: "Little lady, just go!"

When Tao Lian appeared, Xiong Kuo's body was like a new tree in the forest.When he was side-by-side with Wang Ge, he tapped the ground with a wooden stick, flew into the air, and rushed towards Sima.

"Many..." Before he could say thank you, Wang Ge saw Zhuang Xia miss his hand!

First, the end of the stick slipped and fell in embarrassment. The opponent rolled on the spot very quickly, swung the stick, and swept Sima Chong's legs with one stick after another.

Some people act bravely (poor in martial arts), but she runs away, isn't it good?So Wang Ge witnessed the furious Sima Chong "jump rope".

At the first jump, Sima Chong scolded: "Get out!"

Second Jump: "Leaving Hefang Township..."

Three jumps: "You are against me..."

Four jumps: "I didn't know each other before..."

Wu Jump: "When did you offend you?"

Mud and water flew.

Tao Lian was at a disadvantage on the straw sandals, which slipped when they got muddy.He didn't have the time to talk back, he could only stabilize himself in a squatting position, and pressed forward step by step. The "huhu" of the long stick dance was windy, and he vowed to sweep Sima Chong's leg.

After six jumps and seven jumps, Sima Chong found out the frequency of the stick sweep, stepped on it with one foot, and kicked Tao Lian over.

Wang Ge secretly called out!

Tao Lian tried his best to hug him, and Sima Chong was hugged tightly by his ankles and fell down on the ground.

"Ah!" Sima Chong was about to die of anger, he would rather make a fool of himself in front of the world than in front of the servant girl.boom!He hit Tao Lian on the jaw, the two had fought before, and the opponent was no match for him at all. "What the hell is the fool doing? I'm on my way, why do you keep stopping me? Ahhh!"

"You promise not to grab the little lady's straw mat to shelter from the rain, and I will let you go."

Sima Chong was taken aback for a moment, and then cursed: "Let go of your shit!"

"Then why do you keep following her?"

"I'm on my way!" Huh?Where did the maidservant go?

"If your heart is right, you should avoid it along the way!" Tao Lian saw that Sima Chong was no longer struggling, and followed the direction he was looking.Ok?Where is the little girl?
Wang Ge ran away.

Grab her straw mat?God, this strong man's brain is...a little naive.Since the other party and gangster Sima knew each other, there was no need for her to stay any longer. She returned to the official road, scraped her feet together to scrape off the mud, and walked quickly against the wind and rain.I hope that if you are lucky, you will meet a team of merchants. Even if the gangsters catch up again, they will not dare to commit crimes in public.

The cold clothes were drenched early, and it was heavy and cold. Fortunately, the sky was getting brighter and the raging rain gradually became lighter.

The rain stopped.

Wang Ge ran to the woods on the other side, looking for a hidden place, solved his personal problems, changed into dry clothes, and walked by the edge of the forest where he could look at the official road, observing the road from time to time before leaving the forest.

She really saw the gangster Sima!She hid behind a tree, motionless.Sima Chong quickly walked forward and disappeared.

The strong man with a bad brain also appeared on the official road with a limp.

Wang Ge still didn't move.

At this moment, Kuaiji Mountain North.

A gentle area at the foot of the mountain is the county martial arts examination room.As soon as the rain stopped, some people couldn't wait to ride their horses and began to rush towards the hillside.

Huan Zhen and Wang Tian are also in it.

It's a pity that it was getting late, and the young warriors could only run uphill, yelling in the forest for a while, and having fun with their mounts, they had to rein in their horses and return.

The competition began on the tenth day of the lunar new year.On the fifth day of the lunar new year, the top of the mountain was sealed and all kinds of mountain beasts were released.

The first test is hunting, who shoots more wild animals on this mountain, and who hunts more ferocious beasts.

The mounts are all my own. Until the fifth day of the new year, the mounts must be adapted to climbing the mountain and drilling the forest.Of course, young men hope to meet real mountain beasts in advance to show off their prestige.

So, how do ordinary people participate in this kind of competition selection for quasi-guards?It's just a strong war horse, who can afford it?It has to be tamed.

To the east along the roughly parallel position of the military competition examination room in the county is the military examination room for carpenters and blacksmiths.

Wang Ge is still far away from here.

It was getting dark, and she finally met a caravan, which should be a big caravan. She walked forward, but the mule cart still couldn't see the end.

Under the official road and in the narrow area outside the forest, every few feet away, someone was cooking food in a small earthen stove.Through the light of the fire, it was possible to see that these people were both male and female.Wang Ge was relieved and returned to the end of the line.Unload the basket, drink water first, and then take out the cloth bag wrapped in the bedding, which contains the extra wheat cakes given by the cook this morning.

In this kind of weather, the cake will go bad after two days...cough cough cough!

She was choked by Bing Mozi, didn't the gangster Sima walk ahead?Why are you standing in front of her again?Don't be afraid of him, there are so many people.

"If you take another step forward, I will call for help." She warned directly.

Sima Chong sat down on the ground, put the wooden stick across his legs, brushed away his muddy hair, and said wearily, "Do you have any more cakes? Just give me half of it."

Do you dare not give it?There were six more in the cloth bag, Wang Ge took out one and threw it to the opponent.

Sima Chong ate a few mouthfuls to relieve his hunger, and said, "Are you going to Kuaiji Mountain? The military examination room?"

"How do you know?"

"Me! The inspector of your examination room." Sima Chong raised his eyebrows meanly, and then said: "Be careful during the exam, don't let me catch you cheating."

"There's shit in the pie."

Sima Chongle's mouth froze, and he asked, "What did you just say?"

"Here's the cake, eat it quickly." Wang Ge turned around and looked at the road behind him.

Sima Chong was puzzled, leaned on the cake and sniffed lightly, and then sniffed harder.The smell is not very good, but there is absolutely no feces.

"Ba, ba" came the sound, Tao Lian also came over, using the wooden stick as a crutch. "Where did you get the food?"

You are the one who eats shit!Sima Chong threw the cake, Tao Lian caught it, surprised and confused.

"I've already bitten it, how can I still hurt you? If you don't want to eat it, give it back to me!"

Tao Lian took two steps forward, and saw Wang Ge's cake... which was blocked by a car.

"Give it back to you!" He threw the cake back with dignity, sat beside him, and sighed heavily.

Without waiting for him to speak, Wang Ge took out a cake and threw it over.

It's annoying!These are all the rations calculated by the chef. For such a big caravan, they don't ask for food, but let her beg for it.

Tao Lian explained embarrassingly: "This caravan is very stingy, and they don't even give hot water to passers-by. Don't worry, young lady, I am going to Kuaiji Mountain on this trip. If you drop by with me, I will act as a guard and return the favor of wheat cakes." .”

I see.Wang Ge asked in a low voice: "Why don't you even give hot water to passers-by?" Isn't it afraid of a bad reputation if you are so stingy?
Sima Chong raised his voice: "I saved people before, but I was blackmailed. Just in time, there is no need to do good deeds with hypocrisy!"

The car in front of the three moved.The coachman shouted: "You three give way, don't get so close!"

Embarrassed, Wang Ge moved back ten steps with the basket in his arms.

Tao Lian: "Little lady, don't wander around, I'll go pick some branches."

Sima Chong went to the coachman and said, "Tell your master, take good care of every animal. If there is any dung left on the road tomorrow, I will sue the officials. Do you hear me?" He came back, looked up at the sky, look around.

Wang Ge quickly took a peek at him.

"I'm going to pick branches too, and I'll be back soon. Remember, don't trust people easily." Sima rushed towards the direction Tao Lian left.

Wang Ge thought deeply about this warning, and spread out the straw mat, one side was not so wet, it was better than sleeping on the ground.She put the basket in front of her eyes, lay on her side towards the side of the road, and stared at the direction in which the two left.Don't trust people easily... Do you mean the caravan, or the strong man?
If Mr. Sima Lang really intends to murder her, what is he going to do to warn her?
Alas, in the face of absolute power, no matter how vigilant she is, it is useless.She is running desperately now, and the other party is chasing her, she must not be able to escape.It's better to rest quickly and get your strength back.

What will the military examination room look like?

Do you want to go to the army to fight?Test siege equipment?Isn't that a carpenter with heavenly skills?It's really puzzling.

(End of this chapter)

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