Chapter 207 Someone Will Come From the North

"The carpenter class, ingenious skills, and military class exam room, the first craftsman skill exam is... a straight line, a one-out-of-six duel! The timing drum will start after three beeps."

September tenth.

At the first moment of the morning.

The first ear-shattering drum sound opened a new journey of Wang Ge's journey as a craftsman.

Fortunately, she came to the military examination room, and the total number of candidates was only 200.She couldn't imagine how crowded the agricultural examination room was!

Fortunately, after entering the arena, I only saw Tao Langjun, who was serving as a patrolman, and did not see the hateful and cheap Sima Xiaolang.Although along the way, the other party did not intend to kill her, but that person is definitely not a good guy!

She moved her gaze back to the observation wall, but unfortunately from this angle, she couldn't see the long lines drawn on the wall clearly.From now on, chores have nothing to do with her.Regardless of Sima or Tao, if they dared to contact her privately through their status as inspectors, she would report them.

The second timed drum.

The rule of "straight line drawing": The observation wall standing in front of the production area is the model map of this assessment. The wall is square, and the length of each side from the ground is ten feet.From the upper left part of the wall to the lower right, a long rugged line with a width of five inches is drawn.There is no rule in the roundaboutness and straightness of the line segments.

Candidates should draw rough and long lines on the material mud board (two feet long on each side) and draw in miniature.The tool is a carving knife.

Candidates first observe the mold wall at a close distance, and when the rattle stops, they must enter the production area.Standing up again, it is deemed to have ended the assessment on its own initiative.

Elimination rules: Every six candidates form a group, and among the six candidates, only one will be retained according to the line drawing standard.If they all meet the standard, they will be eliminated at the end according to the assessment time.The five people who were eliminated were not really eliminated. They needed to undergo a second round of additional test assessment, and only one person was still retained.Those eliminated this time will have no more chances, and immediately walk out of the exit channel, beating the drums.

When Wang Ge first heard about the test items, he was different from other people's astonishment: shrinking the lines!It is the map drawing method pioneered by Peixiu, the Pei clan of Hedong...the "fraction" in the six bodies of cartography!That is the "scale" of later generations.

Unexpectedly, the first test item in the military test room is related to drawing maps.Wang Ge was secretly excited.

Boom!The timing drum is over.

Wang Ge and the other five candidates ran to the observation wall.

Dangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangdangling... The craftsman came over shaking the rattle.At this time, no one thought the rattle was noisy, but hoped that it would last longer.

The starting position of the rugged long line is not at the top, so it doesn’t matter if Wang Ge is short, just keep a little distance.The line segments I can see now have no smooth transitions, and the junctions between roundabouts and straight lines are all angular turns.She planned to walk roughly from left to right first, and then return to... Dog Officer!
The wave drum actually stopped!
She walked the fastest, without reaching the end of the line segment.

No way, the six quickly sat down in the production area.The six production areas are divided into two rows, three in the front and three in the back. As long as they do not leave their respective areas, there is a certain range of movement when observing, and the people in the front row cannot block the sight of the back row.

The first row is exactly one foot away from the observation wall, and the second row is five feet further away.

Wang Ge is in the middle of the first row, the most advantageous!
The position order is based on the results of the emergency training camp and the primary election results of counties and counties, and then comprehensively compare them. Wang Ge took the test as a junior craftsman, and the results of the emergency training camp are top-notch. Who deserves to compete with her?
So when the wave drum stopped, she panicked, and after sitting in the production area, she was already silent.

Wang Ge regards the line segment on the observation wall as a river, and when drawing the "river" in miniature, no matter whether it is roundabout or straight, it must maintain the same reduction ratio.The material wooden board is five times smaller than the observation wall, so according to this ratio, set the width to one inch apart, pick up the carving knife, and lower the knife.

On the west side of the county martial arts competition examination room, the first assessment also started at the beginning of the morning.

A thousand brave young men galloped on horses and charged into the forest.

Huan Zhen and Wang Tian have separated.

There are only ten bamboo arrows in each person's arrow receptacle, which are engraved with marks, and the household registration and name can be found according to the marks, so as to prevent people from hurting people with arrows or robbing prey.

The full score is ten prey.Hunting and killing animals in other ways will not be counted in the score.When the prey has the same level of viciousness and the same number, it will be eliminated at the end according to the length of time spent on hunting.

The first prey Huan Zhen found was a snow-white and beautiful fat rabbit, which was domesticated at first glance.Not only did she not run, she even jumped towards him.

get in the way!He rode over as usual.The rabbit died.

The first prey Wang Tian found was a goose.The owner of this goose must like it very much, and there is a small food bag with a hole hanging around its neck.Wasting an arrow to kill a goose?That's okay?He leaned down, grabbed the goose, grabbed the food bag and threw the goose away, saying to it: "You must learn to stand on your own! Haha!"

Brave Man C also found his prey, which was an ordinary rooster, quite nimble, and kept running downhill.Regardless of it, if you shoot a rooster and go back, he will be laughed to death by others!
"Quack! Quack quack!" The three ducks yelled at Yongfu Ding, turned around and ran, and then stopped to wait for him.

"Get out!" The brave man laughed angrily, ignoring the three ducks, thinking, the county office looked down on them too much, it's okay to use rabbits as mountain beasts, but ducks!
There are ten falcons monitoring the first mountain, flying back and forth and singing.Their task is to scare off the montane, so that the warriors will not have the chance to shoot the montane.

Huanzhen and the others didn't know that from the fifth day to the tenth day of the lunar new year, the poor mountain beasts that were already rare on this mountain had been cleared away, and chickens, ducks, geese, and rabbits were put in according to the number of testers, ten prey per person.During these five days, some of these livestock had died.Every time they pass up an opportunity now, it will be harder to return with full rewards.

And the final assessment, which is closely related to the prey this time, will be even more stringent!
A camp was also stationed in a valley far away from the examination venues of the county martial arts competition and the master craftsman competition.

There are simple grass sheds around the camp, [-] county soldiers and [-] township soldiers are stationed.

In the center of the camp sat two hundred criminals, two criminals each on a large wooden stock.The big flail is five feet long and wide, and the holes for covering the neck are arranged one front and one back.

The wooden shackles were very heavy. If the two criminals moved, they had to be careful. It was impossible to run, because there was a thick rope attached to their left ankles.Even if the left hand is not handcuffed to the shackle, it is useless. Without suitable tools, the effort to untie the rope with bare hands has long been discovered by the soldiers.

Besides, the valley is wet and muddy. The criminals were handcuffed together in the past few days. They didn't know each other before. Who would trust whom?It's over when you're told.

But why bring them here?I have been in the valley for five days, and I don't have to work hard every day, and I still have two meals.

A criminal with gray hair asked the fellow criminals in front of him: "Did you find any difference in these soldiers today?" Vigorous.

The fellow criminal was listless: "I don't know."

"They keep looking north, proving that someone must be coming from the north. It must be related to us."

"So what? We can't move, we can't run."

"Hmph. I have a guess. Starting today, meals will be reduced. Let's see, if I guess right, hehe..."

"Speak straight!"

"Don't worry, if I guess wrong, then there is no need to say."

(End of this chapter)

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