Chapter 208 Wang Tian's Good Luck
At this time, Wang Ge was climbing the mountain, carefully stepping on his feet, while searching around.

found it!
The "Positioning Bamboo Slip" was pressed under a stone, half of it exposed.The route code is engraved on Jane's yellow bamboo face, and only one character is engraved on the bamboo skin. I don't know if it is seal script or something. The characters look like a little man walking on tiptoe.

Wang Ge didn't recognize the word, so he didn't waste any more time, put it into the material cloth bag, repositioned the "rough line segment" with the position of his feet, and continued climbing.

The first assessment, the first round of competition where every six players take one, Wang Ge won.There are 200 winners.

The remaining 200 candidates will be divided into groups of five for the second round of duels, and only [-] candidates will be retained.

During the time period of the second round of the duel, the first winners like Wang Ge started the first round of the second assessment: the straight road.

The rule is: convert the rugged line segment on the "observation wall" of the previous assessment into an actual route that is [-] times as long.The starting position is designated by the craftsman, and a "bamboo slip for positioning the starting point" is given to the candidates.On the way forward, you can still encounter eight such "bamboo slips for positioning along the way", and if you can pick up five, reach the designated end point, and erect the "bamboo slips for positioning at the end point", you will be considered as passing this assessment standard.

It is allowed to hide or change other people's "positioning bamboo slips along the way".

Elimination rules: Eliminate at the end according to the length of passage.Only half of the people will be kept, and the 100 people who have been eliminated will have to compete with the winners of the same route who will follow up.

It should be noted that "locating bamboo slips along the way" is not only used to correct the route, but some also include rewards.

This involves a trade-off problem.If you want to get all the rewards, you will delay the task completion time. If you have picked up five, forget it. What if there are important rewards in the rest of the bamboo slips that you gave up, and even affect the subsequent assessment?

The broken soil and rotten leaves under Wang Ge's feet kept falling, she hugged the rotten wooden post tightly, looked back, and gasped for a while in fright.

Observing the line segment on the wall, the straight-line distance is only one zhang, plus a few detours and multiplied by two hundred times, it will take more than two miles.

This steep slope is the only way to pass and cannot be avoided.She muttered: "Don't rush, don't rush, safety first." Then she grabbed hold of the vine branch in front of her and pulled it hard. It was very strong. She grabbed hold of the vine to climb up, and continued to use this kind of vine for strength.

I saw the second positioning bamboo slip, one end was threaded with a hemp rope, and it was hung on a short tree not far away.But... Its positioning point is one foot away from the horizontal distance of the route she calculated.

The error is so big?
Wang Ge first made a mark on the position under his feet, and then went to get the bamboo slips.She had to jump up and pull the branch down to reach it.Fortunately, she looked around first, and found a sharp wooden thorn.

The wooden thorns were obviously planted in the mud. If they jumped under the branches, they were likely to be stepped on.This kind of competition is too bad!After Wang Ge took the bamboo slips, he returned to his original position.

Finally climbed up the steep slope and got the third positioning bamboo slip.This proves that the route she calculated is correct, and it also proves that the positioning bamboo slips just now have been tampered with.Wang Ge looked far away, and a candidate in the distance to the west turned his head.

It's him? !This kind of villain who is good at climbing mountains is always in front of her, and Wang Ge will become more and more passive.

County martial arts examination room.

Huan Zhen hunted two geese, two ducks and one chicken.He had already realized that something was wrong. In fact, this mountain is not very wide. He met many brave men on a narrow road. All those who were particularly good at riding and shooting a while ago were as empty-backed as him, and those with ordinary kung fu (compared to him) Said), some hunted geese, some hunted rabbits.

For this test item, a thousand brave men only get [-], and if it goes on like this, it will be won by those who have no fighting spirit!So Huan Zhen killed geese when he saw geese, and he killed chickens when he saw chickens.In the process, he found that it became more and more difficult to meet birds that he despised.

Especially rabbits, I have never seen one.Suddenly, he had a bad idea, wouldn't the wild beasts all over the mountain be cleaned up?Wouldn't it be based on the number of a thousand warriors, and exactly ten prey per person would be released?

If that's the case, kind of sucks.

Boost!Wang Ge realized that he had made a big mistake and was too influenced by the surrounding environment.In fact, it doesn’t have to be like this. Everything needs to be based on observing the direction of the line segments on the wall and the proportional distance corresponding to each inch. Could it be that the direction is changed because of the rugged mountain road?

No.The mountain is not yet ready to change the line.

From now on, it's enough to just glance at her in a hurry on the way, you have to believe in yourself!She wants to extend every inch of the "rough route", spread it out, and cover it in the actual journey!
Take out her footsteps to measure the size.

The rugged route is turned into a three-dimensional module, spread out...just like the navigation map of the previous life, let's go!

Her feet are really speeding up slowly, she concentrates, even if she falls, she still concentrates on the overlapping of the imaginary line and the real line.If she followed every step correctly, she would definitely encounter "locating bamboo slips along the way".

So what if someone makes trouble?When she surpasses, that person is nothing to be afraid of!
The words are divided into two parts.

Wang Tian believed in the horse and walked slowly, and kept calling for poultry, and the bow and arrow were ready to be fired at any time. "Cuckoo, come out, there's something delicious."

what to do?It was almost noon, and he hadn't encountered a single mountain beast. When he planned to hunt a few poultry first, he found that he hadn't encountered any poultry either.

There is movement!
Wang Tian was so excited that he suppressed his murderous aura, dismounted, and signaled the horse not to move. He tiptoed forward and saw three ducks.

"Gah." The one in the middle turned around and ran away.The other two followed.

Can I make them run away?Wang Tian smiled triumphantly and raised his bow.

The one in the middle stopped, turned its head again, looked at Wang Tian, ​​made a "crack", and then turned around and ran away, while the other two followed it to stop and go.

"Where is it leading me?" Wang Tian followed curiously.

The three innocent ducks who are not afraid of people swayed to lead the way, while looking back frequently, for fear that Wang Tian would not be able to keep up, which made him even more curious.

A duck was taken away by the bamboo arrow that arrived first.

Yongfu Wu's arrow passed through the duck's position just now, and firmly wedged into the mud.

Huan Zhen didn't dare to be careless, stared at Yong Fu Wu, leaned down, and hooked the dead duck with his bow.

Yongfu Wu sneered, and said proudly: "You are alert. I am Sun Wu of Kuaiji County."

"Huanzhen, the head of Weiting Pavilion in Tuyi County."

"Are you the pavilion chief?"

This time it was Huan Zhen's turn to smile proudly, clamp his horse's belly, and ignore the other party.

The three Chunliang ducks stopped and "quacked" around a soil hole covered by grass.Wang Tian pushed the grass away, and it was dark inside, so he poked a longer thin stick into it.

Touched a foreign object, soft!

He bent the thin stick into a circle, tied the circle to another stick with a branch, probed into the hole again, and hooked out again and again.

Check it out!It turned out to be a weasel!This is a mountain beast, not a tame beast released by the county office.The little wolf was trembling, Wang Tian continued to probe the hole with a wooden stick, just like before, he encountered a soft foreign object again, and it was still there.

I see, the county soldiers captured or killed the rat wolf, but they didn't find the nest where the pups were born.The weasel cubs live in one litter, and if he is lucky, his hunting mission will be completed in one go.

The three ducks all looked at Wang Tian, ​​with obvious meanings: How are you doing, did you come here for nothing?

At this time, Wang Ge also surpassed the examinees in the side direction, and the horizontal distance between the two routes was only five feet away.It was more than twice as close as the horizontal distance when she first climbed the steep slope.

This shows that either she or the other party must have made a mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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