Chapter 209

Since the route map is the same for all candidates, the horizontal distance should always be the same regardless of the anchor point.

Wang Ge picked up the thing he was stepping on, the bamboo slip, and waved triumphantly at him.

Locate the bamboo slips along the way?The examinee opened his mouth in surprise: it's over, he made a mistake.

No wonder I haven't encountered the bamboo slips, when did I make a mistake?He hurriedly moved six feet flat, but he didn't dare to say that the position he moved was right.He looked back hesitantly, what should we do?He now only has four "positioning bamboo slips along the way", which is only one short of the minimum requirement.

Do you keep going forward and gamble on your luck, or do you look back and make sure you get five?
villain!Is this a trick?Wang Ge sneered secretly, taking advantage of the opponent's hesitation, he quickly returned to the correct route.Yes, she hid the bamboo slip she found at the last positioning point in her sleeve, and pretended to take it out from the bottom of her feet, making the other party question herself, at least delaying the time for him to reach the finish line.

Wang Ge took one step at a time, and when she started to run, the circuitous and straight lines had been clearly laid out in her mind and eyes, becoming the real route.

The sixth "locating bamboo slips along the way"!The route markings for Huang Mi Mian are correct.

She has reached the minimum requirements. From now on, all she needs to do is find the "Bamboo Slips for Positioning the Endpoint" within the range of the end point.

the seventh!
The eighth!
Great, got it all.

Already seeing the finish line, there are craftsmen, tourmen, and drummers, and they are lined up with a distance.

"Eliminate! Candidates enter the end point range, and the distance between the two sides and the end point positioning exceeds two feet." On the horizontal line far away from Wang Ge, some candidates also reached the end point range, and when they searched for "end point positioning bamboo slips" on both sides, they were judged by the inspectors. disuse.

Wang Ge went straight to the target and took out the "Bamboo Slips for Target Positioning" that was inserted vertically into the soil and covered with bamboo skin. It was mixed with the grass and was very inconspicuous.

A total of ten bamboo slips were handed over to inspectors.

County martial arts examination room.

Wang Tian returned first, and the county soldiers inspected the ten weasel pups, and all of them died of arrows.After completing the task, Wang Tian reported to the county soldiers, went to the rest area to find Buqu Shihou, handed over the three live ducks he brought back to him, and told him: "They have helped me a lot, find a farmer nearby, and give some Money, take good care of it."

As he came and went in a hurry, Shi Hou had to bid farewell to Tie Lei for a while, and asked Tie Lei to watch over the horse. He put the duck in a basket and carried it to the nearest village.About two miles away from the rest area, not long after walking on the avenue, an old man in common clothes came with a young child with rouge.

Weng asked: "Lang Jun, let me ask you the way. Which fork ahead is going to the county martial arts examination room?"

The toddler was eating a cake, half of his face was covered by the cake.

Shi Hou said "Oops" and said anxiously: "What are you doing there? You hurry to the craftsman's examination room." He pointed twice in the direction of the craftsman's examination room, and continued: "Look at my basket, Fan goes to the craftsman's examination room." Those in the teacher examination room will give three ducks for nothing."

The old man laughed "hehe": "Understood, thank you sir."

Shi Hou turned his head while walking, when the old man was leading the young boy to the fork in the road, when he turned his head, Shi Hou was startled, and hurried on his way in suspense.

The old man sneered, and stepped onto the fork in the craftsman's examination room.

The toddler put down the cake covering his face, revealing his adult face, and his voice was thick and thick like that of an adult: "Did you go wrong? Old thief, don't ask for profit at this time, because of the three ducks, we ruined our big event!"

"What do you know? This person is afraid that we will go to the craftsman's examination room to get ducks. He pointed us to the wrong way. Let's go to the county martial arts examination room according to what he pointed out."

"But what others pointed out on the road is against him!"

"Do passers-by know this? He just left, so it's not as accurate as a passer-by's casual opinion? Besides, you look ugly and don't know it. If a passer-by, I will point you in the wrong direction."

"There are no passersby to point out that you and I are also taking the 'reverse road'."

"Hmph, you are not afraid of death."

"Whether this thing can be done or not, you and I will die, but an early death is a fool! If you dare to laugh at me, before I die, I will kill you, old thief!"

Besides, Shi Hou, when he lost sight of the old man and the dwarf, he threw the duck into the grass nest and immediately returned.

Seeing his angry face, Tie Lei asked in surprise, "The duck was robbed?"

"Tsk! Let's get down to business. Just now I met a dwarf, who should be the bandit 'Qi Duan' who was wanted by Wuxing County a few years ago. I'll report the situation to the county soldiers first."

"Let's go together. I haven't heard of this person. Is kung fu very strong?"

"Taking advantage of my short stature, it shouldn't be a problem for me to beat him alone, but there is a bandit beside him, and I tricked the two of them to the craftsman's examination room for the time being."

"Ah? Are you not afraid that they will cause trouble over there?"

"No! This kind of wanted bandits, they received a beheaded deal, and they were exposed as soon as they made a move. If the target survives a single blow, they are the ones who die. Besides... What if they are not the only ones coming?"

Tie Lei didn't dare to move his nervous face, but his eyes flicked randomly: "Are you serious? Assassination? Who will the target be?"

"I don't know. In this mountain, there are more than a hundred members of the royal family alone."

"As long as it's not Huan Lang and Wang Lang. Why are you staring at me? It's not the truth. Then again, there must be a reward for catching a wanted thief."

"I didn't dare to mess around, so don't even think about it. To deal with this kind of robber, you must win with more."

"that's right."

Unbeknownst to Shi Hou, he had indeed guessed the identity of "Qi Duanren", but the other party couldn't make it through, and soon died at the craftsman's examination room.

From time immemorial, the brave men went down the mountain one after another, one by one extremely anxious, they really couldn't find the prey, so it's better to end the hunting and compete for the length of time.

Huan Zhen also came down, and shot and killed eight prey in total. As soon as he stopped his horse, the brave man behind rushed up to fight him.The two prey that this brave man found were both shot and killed by Huan Zhen first.

Let's fight, let's fight, young people should be more bloody.The county soldiers don't care, this is no longer part of the inspection area, just count and record the number of prey.

Let's talk about Wang Ge.

I have returned to the foot of the mountain to conduct the third assessment: the amount of decimals.

At the same time, it was the second round of the second assessment.

The "decimal quantity" rule: take the provided wooden "liter" device as a model, and separate "gui, pinch, copy, spoon, and combination" in the "liter" device.Those who meet the standard will be eliminated at the end according to the completion time.

Tools: A piece of wood, wide chisel, wooden hammer.

Wang Ge waited in the timing drum, already clearly feeling the difference between the craftsman's assessment and the quasi-craftsman's assessment.That is difficult, much more difficult.

That's why during the emergency training camp, she struggled so hard in the county competitions, and it was difficult for her to compete with the craftsman.

It is also a test of basic skills, and the quasi-craftsman assessment is actually very straightforward, that is, visual inspection of rulers, inches, and distances, as well as freehand drawing of line segments and freehand circles.

But what about the craftsman competition?The first and second items test the strongest control over the "degree", and the third test is the strongest control over the "measurement" device: six grains are one grain, ten grains are one pinch, and ten pinches are one pinch. One scoop, ten scoops is one scoop, ten scoops is one heap, and ten scoops is one liter.

Among them, "Gui" is the most difficult, and can only hold six grains of millet.

The gentle area at the foot of Kuaiji Mountain is limited. The craftsman examination room does not have felt walls and high fences, and only fences are erected with wood chips at some important corners. On the contrary, there are more fences around the rest area.

There are many people watching the game around, most of them are craftsmen.

Three timing drums sounded, and the craftsmen who watched the game were also excited with the examinees, and entered the tense chisel.

The old man and the dwarf can't see anything from a distance, but only when they get close do they realize that they are in the wrong place.

(End of this chapter)

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