Chapter 213 The Moving Tree
"Which one?"

Wang Ge knew that the official Li was sent by the chief examiner, so he could trust her. There was no one around them, so Wang Ge whispered, "Kutu bit 'Erlang' very hard, you can tell that. And he yelled twice at that time. I'm afraid that the surroundings can't understand. Is it possible... He greeted a female bandit? It doesn't even have anything to do with Moganshan? Wu County is next to Wu Xing County. Among the fugitive bandits in Wu County I mentioned to the examiner There are female bandits."

Female official Li stared blankly, and nodded worriedly: "It makes sense." The gangsters from Wuxing County ganging up is troublesome enough, plus Wu County?God, how many bandits are there?
At this time Sima Chong screamed "Ah", and the medical boy went over immediately.

Wang Ge hurriedly said to the female official again: "Ku Tu, Qi Short Man, and Duo Zhi Chong are all wanted. How many interrogations did they have to avoid on the way to Kuaiji Mountain? They worked so hard, they must not come to the craftsman's examination room to make trouble, It's even more impossible to kill me on purpose. Their purpose must be terrible, especially Kutu! He is so skilled in martial arts, who was he trying to deal with?" After she finished speaking, she went to look at Sima Chong.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow at the latest, the county office will be able to learn about Kuaiji Mountain and send more county soldiers here.How much can it increase?Can't expect too much.Mr. Huan Lang told Hutou that in a county, the military strength of the county soldiers is the strongest, but the size of an ordinary county is only 1000 people, and the border and extensive counties only have 2000 people, at most [-] people.When major events happen, it is often the transfer of rural soldiers and wandering soldiers to assist the county soldiers.

So plan for the worst and rely on others rather than yourself.Wang Ge believes that the examiner must be more comprehensive and thoughtful than she is, but at this moment of life and death, she must tell what she thinks, and she doesn't feel at ease if she doesn't tell it.

Sima Chong was full of words and didn't speak out, and he didn't feel at ease.

He curled up, his hands slowly reaching for the boots, and he took out a small cloth bag between his fingers. When he spoke, his mouth swollen into a big blood bubble cracked and oozes blood: "My medicine chair (in the medicine), put, put this. The magic medicine, Use it, use it."

After instructing the drug boy, he opened his left eye and closed his right eye (the upper eyelid was too swollen, so he was actually open), saw Wang Ge, and said angrily, "Your servant, you actually ran into my dream, hiccup!" Passed out again.

The doctor boy untied the stinky cloth bag and asked the doctor to identify it.

Wang Ge sighed, I just found out today that the cheap little man's name is Sima Chong, fortunately he restrained Ku Tu, so that the sharp archer had a chance to shoot the bandit, otherwise more You Yuan would be sacrificed.Sima Chong's martial arts is actually very strong. The doctor said that he didn't have any serious injuries on his body. The reason why he appeared to be seriously injured was because all the injuries were in the open.

The first injury was on the right side of the abdomen, which was smashed by Kutu with his elbow; the second injury was on the mouth, the jaw was crooked at that time, and the doctor came back after being unconscious, but the broken teeth could not be helped (the most obvious The left front tooth was only half left), and it took half a month for the swollen mouth to heal; the third injury, when Kutu's fist rubbed Sima Chong's right cheekbone, caused a large piece of skin to fall off his right temple, The injury to the right eye was also caused by the shock of this punch, and it was milder than the injury to the mouth.

The doctor came to check Sima Chong's pulse, Wang Ge asked softly, "Does the medicine that the boy took just now work?"

The doctor nodded, and Wang Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

Sima Chong suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the sky empty-handedly, and smirked: "Who dares to laugh at me when we mention dung wars in the future? Who would be so kind as to mention Wang Shumaid in front of me? Heh..." He tilted his head, Looking at the doctor wonderingly: "Huan Zhen, retribution, you've grown up like this."

The doctor let go of his hands: "The Qi in the middle is full, after taking two doses of medicine, you don't need to stay here anymore."

Sima Chong looked at Wang Ge again: "Do I have a fever? Wang Tian, ​​why is your face black and white? You are so ugly."

The medicine boy came over with the medicine, Wang Ge took it, and signaled the other party to go to work, and just come by himself.The medicine was very hot, so she returned to Sima Chong, regardless of whether the other party could understand: "I admire you, you are a hero."

Strangely enough, tears welled up in Sima Chong's eyes, and he remained silent.

Outside the examination room, more than 150 brave men who were eliminated came to discuss the distribution first, and set a position to guard the examination room tomorrow.First of all, there is a gap without a fence, which must be guarded.And then...

"Where there are many craftsmen, I will guard them."

"I thought so too."

"Speak seriously. Have you noticed that there are so many shopkeepers staying overnight here, is it possible for people to hide in the baskets they picked?"

Everyone was terrified: "Can there be a second short Qi?"

"Slim girls can also be hidden in the basket."

"You mean, female bandit?"

"Leave the female bandit to me!"

"Hush, behind you, the female bandit is coming."

The brave man who was reminded knew that his companion was teasing him, but he was still startled when he turned around. He was a hulking salesman with a big fake flower and a fur collar around his neck.The shopkeeper put down his burden, and laughed in a very rough voice: "Ha. You all came from the county military competition examination room, I have Jianye's Fenglu and Jianye, all of which are polished with various animal bones, even tiger bones and bear bones. Both."

You Yao, who was closest to here, came over to chase people away: "Don't fall for him! You," You Yan pointed at the salesman's burden, "Choose it and follow me. I've told you so many times during the day, don't go near the fence!"

The salesman followed You Yao to a remote place depressedly. At this time, the conversation between the two was much darker than the night.

Shopkeeper: "Finally found brother. How do you get away and go there?"

You Yan: "There's no need to go there."

"what for?"

"If you start from here alone, you can get closer to Huan Zhen."

"After the matter is completed, brother will dig out his kneecap and give it to me. I want to dig it while he is alive. Mr. Tingwei's uncle, bones are valuable." The shopkeeper pulled out a bone hanging from his neck, sniffed deeply, with a twisted expression.If someone saw this scene, they must feel weird.

"I'm about to talk about this. Don't underestimate these brave men. If you have knowledge, if you are recognized, you are selling horse gear polished by human bones, and that's it!"

"I'm not stupid. I just went there because I saw brother. I'm also talking about business. Who is the little craftsman?"

"I don't know. I really don't know! There are more than a dozen young craftsmen in Shanyin County, and the area I was assigned to patrol is far away. I can't expose myself because of the troubles caused by the idiot Qi."

"I can't bear to hurt my brother. In the early years, we did have friendship with the gentlemen of Qionglong Mountain in Wu County and Mogan Mountain in Wuxing County, but these years, each fled to his own. Who knows what happened? Anyway, apart from my brother, who I don’t even believe it anymore. I just think that Kutu has loyalty and skill, and it’s a pity that it’s in the hands of a little craftsman.”

"It's a pity! Today I took a punch from him in order not to expose it. Don't forget, you and I are paid by the county magistrate Jiang, so just do your job well. In the county martial arts examination room, say something It’s ugly, how many people can leave alive?”

"Speaking of which, many wise insects are also kind to brother."

"Death is good! Let's see, these two days will be even more chaotic."

"Brother, be careful, I will take care of you."

"Yeah." You Yan pretended to reprimand the shopkeeper again, and walked back to the examination room.The shopkeeper squatted down and stared at his back, feeling more and more that he was tall and strong, like a moving tree.

Valley in the moonlight.

Most of the criminals sleep in the Jisi position. They are very hungry and the shackles are heavy. Why don't they sleep.

Su Jun opened his eyes and looked at the fellow criminals in front of him.The other party threw his head back and fell asleep too.He slowly raised his right leg, straightened it, and kicked the opponent's neck fiercely.

With just one kick, the opponent's neck bone was broken.

"Ah! Ah!" Su Jun yelled in horror.

Two men, one tall and one short, ran out of the town soldiers, and the short one called to the county soldiers, "Let's go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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