Chapter 214
In the case of camping around, it is enough for two soldiers to come over and check the flail criminals.According to the rules, one soldier must stand outside the area where the criminals gather, and he can be seen from the other side of the camp, while the other soldier can enter among the criminals.The two soldiers must always speak out.

Before he got there, the short soldier said cautiously: "It's dark in the night, don't go forward, just stand here."

The tall soldier said: "Be careful, it's not about the dead, let's talk about it at dawn."

"rest assured."

The short soldier approached the edge of the group of criminals sitting on the floor, and asked, "Who was screaming just now?"

Several criminals pointed inward.

Su Jun hurriedly said: "Here, here! The person in front of me is motionless, is he dead? Is he dead?"

When the short soldier came over, the tall soldier shouted, "How?"


The tall villager swung his spear back, and the county soldier who was staring at the two in the camp also swung his spear, indicating that they had received the news.

Borrowing the moonlight, the short soldier found Su Jun, tapped the shackle in front of the prisoner's face with a spear, and then scolded the criminals around: "What are you looking at?" As soon as he lifted it, the criminal's forehead was lowered, and he couldn't feel any resistance on his neck.

It can be determined that the person is comatose or dead.

The tall soldier shouted, "How?"

"It's nothing." After the short soldier replied, he approached, quickly threw something under the shackle, and then felt the pulse on the criminal's neck, and said in a very sharp tone: "The person is not dead, stop shouting, hear No? If he wants to do it again tomorrow morning, call us again."

Su Jun muttered happily: "It's good that people don't die, it's good that they don't die."

The short soldier looked around: "You too, don't make a fuss!" He came out of the range of criminals, and together with the tall soldier, he waved his spear at the county soldier's camp, and returned to the village soldier's camp side by side.

Su Jun let out a long breath, and waited for a moment. He couldn't feel the criminal looking at him anymore. He moved his legs and feet on the ground a little, touched something, and touched it with his left hand under the shackle.

Got it!It is a small sharp iron dagger.

With this dagger, he can slowly release the imprisonment of his right hand, slowly dig out the shackle eye of his thin neck, and wait for the disaster to come with peace of mind.

With this dagger, and if there is someone to respond, he really wants to get out of trouble and leave.But after escaping, he became a real court criminal, and all his previous grievances and innocence were deprived of his freedom.

Haha, ridiculous.It's ridiculous that he can figure out everything, but he is not qualified to make a choice!

September eleventh.

At the beginning of the morning.

There are only 150 candidates left in the military examination room, and they have to compete in the last two competitions.

The fourth test item is closely related to the fifth test item and will be announced together.

The fourth test item: the strategy of the craftsman to defend the city.

Rules: Exams are imitated by "defending soldiers", and within two days, suggestions for improvement are made on the original sharp weapon (mold) for defending the city.

The examiner personally inspected and retained 50 people.These 50 people will form a team with candidates from the carpenter Tiangong skill examination room and the blacksmith skill skill examination room. In this way, each group of three will carry out actual sharp weapon manufacturing.

Now enter the fifth test item: the battle of the craftsman to defend the city.

Rules: After the second assessment in the county martial arts competition examination room, 500 warriors will be retained.These [-] people followed the example of "siege soldiers".Attack the artisan who defends the city!
There are 150 craftsmen guarding the city.

In other words, the last item of the craftsman competition is the third test item of the county martial arts competition.Only those who can resist the craftsman's transformation with a sharp weapon, attack the hypothetical city wall (a steep slope), and capture the craftsman's flag can take the final martial arts test.

Outside the examination room, the people who watched the game had to stay half a foot away from the fence, and the brave men who were eliminated stopped playing around and spontaneously maintained order.

The 28 craftsmen, including Wang Ge, were all painted with thick makeup, so their ages could not be judged.The hair is wrapped in a turban, and the height of half of the people is the same as that described by Kutu yesterday.

The people watched this scene and whispered.Don't worry about eliminating brave men, they can't guess who Ang Jiangniang is, and Kutu's accomplices will certainly not be able to guess either.

Today's craftsman competition is actually nothing to watch. The 150 examinees are led by craftsmen into the utensil shed. There are all kinds of defensive weapons on the utensil shelf, all of which are of course scaled down models.In addition to equipment such as rolling logs, forks, stones, two-wheeled knife carts, and spikes, there are sand tables for auxiliary objects, large hanging gates (city gate gates), and trebuchets.

In this assessment, the materials given to candidates are very simple: three wooden tablets and a carving knife.

Craftsman: "The fourth assessment lasts for two days. Each person can only leave the assessment area twice a day, and each time must not exceed a quarter. If you exceed the number of times or exceed a quarter, it will be considered as voluntarily ending this assessment. You can wait." clear?"

Wang Ge followed the crowd and shouted: "Understood!" This is the time set aside for candidates to eat and go to the toilet.

"Record the map of the defensive weapons and equipment to be modified on the wooden tablet with a carving knife. No matter how many types are modified, the examiner will choose at most three types. Materials must be consumed to make tools. The type of materials is the second assessment. The rewards on the 'Bamboo Slips Along the Way'. You hold one copy of the material, and the candidates who team up with you each hold a copy."

Taking Wang Ge as an example, she got all the "Bamboo Slips Along the Way", the rewards are: wood, bamboo, iron (iron is precious, the character like a little man walking on tiptoe is the word "jin", which represents How many weights of iron), hemp rope, winch, iron chain, sand, carpenter's tools.

"Each material has a fixed number, so be careful when making a drawing, try not to use reward materials that you don't have, and don't over-consume the same type of materials. Can you understand?"

"Understood!" It means that the candidates who form a team with them may have complete materials, but the other party also needs to use them. After forming a team, they may not be willing to share materials.

After the craftsman finished admonishing, candidates can walk freely in the utensil shed area.Wang Ge just watched the model of the equipment in general. Now, while observing carefully, he tried his best to recall all the war-related knowledge he had seen in the museum in his previous life.

Outside the examination room, due to the addition of more than 100 brave men, the examinees were also blocked by the utensil shed, and the common people who watched the excitement gradually became bored.

County martial arts examination room.

It was also at the beginning of the morning that eight hundred brave men entered the mountain again.They had to stay in the second mountain for two days. Basically, each of them only exchanged for a piece of meatloaf. Who knows how harsh the follow-up assessment items will be?Gotta save the rations for last.

The idea is right, but they still underestimated the harshness of the dilemma they will face later, which is far more serious than they imagined!

There is no need to waste time after passing the first mountain. Huan Zhen, Wang Tian, ​​and Yu Xi walked together.Yu Xi asked: "You said, can the craftsman's examination room be peaceful today?"

Huan Zhen: "Take care of yourself first."

"Hmph, I'm not afraid! What beasts can there be in Kuaiji Mountain?"

"If the county soldiers can release domesticated poultry in the first mountain, they can release tigers that have been hungry for several days in the second mountain."

Yu Xi drew his bow and said "whoosh": "Then I will kill tigers when I meet tigers, and wolves when I meet wolves!"

Huan Zhen looked at Wang Tian suspiciously, but the other party was rarely quiet.

Wang Tian thought about it and said, "Those bandits must be hired by others, and their purpose cannot be to disturb the craftsman's examination room. Is it possible...their target is actually us? As long as we hide in the mountains in advance, when we are scattered , to fight more with less, we don't just..."

Huan Zhen: "You also thought of it."

"Brother Huan also thinks so?"

Yu Xi was frightened: what are they talking about?
Huan Zhen: "If I were a bandit, now is not the time to act. Desperate bandits, of course, must create the greatest momentum if they go out collectively, so as to damage the authority of the government and disturb the hearts of the people. So..." He raised his head, looked at A passing Falcon. "If a hundred of the quasi-guards have just been selected, and most of them are killed by the bandits, then the imperial court will lose all face!"

(End of this chapter)

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