Chapter 215 Catapult and Spike

Luoyang City, the Imperial Palace.

Tai Chi Hall, East Hall.

Wang Shiru had just been transferred from the governor of Yuzhou to the governor of Yangzhou, and before he could go to Jianye County where he was stationed, Jianye was sealed off, and he knew nothing about the situation in the……

"I request you to return to Yuzhou again."

Emperor Sima Youzhi still looked at the map on the desk, as if he hadn't heard it.The city wall of Jianye County was repaired and rebuilt by the Zu family at their own expense. It took three years to make up for the weakest Dongqu pass, and the garden warehouse for storing grain in the north was also included in the city.

Seeking help, Wang Shiru looked at Captain Bian Sili, who sat on the opposite side and was closest to the emperor.

Bian Wangzhi: "It is now certain that Zuyue harbored resentment over the transfer of the governor of Yuzhou. He mobilized his troops to create chaos and sealed off the city gate of Jianye. The situation in the city is still uncertain, but with his strength, he dare not provoke Sizhou!"

The rebels didn't dare to provoke Sizhou, so there was no point in attacking Yuzhou.

Sima Youzhi frowned, and finally spoke: "Yuzhou is the foundation of the ancestor's family. Zuyue has been thinking about going back to Yuzhou all these years, and I have fulfilled his wish. How can there be resentment?"

Uh... the officials below bowed their heads, what do you mean?
Bian Wangzhi still made a serious and powerful analysis: "Zu Ti died of illness. When Zu Yuechu took over his brother's position, it was easiest to subdue the Yuzhou tribe left by his elder brother. But at that time Zu Yue was transferred by His Majesty to be the Governor of Yangzhou, and the state soldiers could not lead I had to leave, so I had to take up the post alone. Now that the governor Wang has been operating in Yuzhou for many years, the people loyal to Zuti have dispersed, and His Majesty has transferred Zuyue back. It's equivalent to being emptied overnight... Well, that's it." Why did the emperor stare?You asked yourself, am I right?
Sima Youzhi changed the subject naturally: "Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Kuaiji County."

Ting Wei Huan Maolun said: "In the past six years, all the wanted criminals in Wu County and Wu Xing County were taken in by Zuyue and escaped from Ting Wei's Mansion. According to the investigation of Ting Wei's Mansion, there are also Mogan Mountain and Qionglong Mountain. Dozens of bandits have already entered Kuaiji County, and their destination is Kuaiji Mountain.” Wu County, Wuxing County, and Kuaiji County, the three counties are connected, and they are rich in salt, copper, rice, and silk!If the rebels take Kuaiji County, not only will they have the capital to recruit soldiers, but even if they are defeated, they can also flee to sea.

Sima Youzhi: "As I remember, your family is in Kuaiji County."

"Yes. Counting the time, it's time to conduct the county military competition assessment for the quasi-guard army in Kuaiji Mountain."

"The assessment of the county military competition... The juvenile guard camp is my face, as long as the assessment of the county military competition is destroyed..." Sima Youzhi pointed to the location of Kuaiji Mountain on the map, "The county office and the capital pavilion will increase troops to Kuaiji Mountain. The defenses inside the city are weakened."

Needless to say the rest, Zuyue's goal must be to capture Kuaiji County!The chaos in Jianye City is a cover, and the chaos in Xuancheng County is a check!
Zuyue lacks capable generals, he must not be in Jianye City himself!

Craftsman examination room.

The first defense tool that Wang Ge wanted to transform was of course a trebuchet.The molder is a rotatable, lever-type wooden device with the simplest principle.There is only one swing arm, and one end is a groove for holding stones (the wood with the groove is made separately and tied to the lever), and there are more ropes at the other end for multiple people to pull the lever hard and throw stones.

The entire lever of the mold is carried on the four-legged wooden frame, and one of the four-legged wooden frames is engraved with the word "Ma Jun". Jun.A thick wooden pole is erected at the center of the "X" cross on the top of the wooden frame, and the top of the pole crosses out from the fork-shaped shelf to firmly support the horizontal lever shaft (the lever and the short shaft form a "ten" character).The lever can rotate because of the thick wooden pole at the bottom. The principle of rotation is actually the same as that of the spike designed by Wang Ge.

The disadvantage of the trebuchet is that it has to constantly load stones of the right size during the battle, but how can there be so many stones in the mountains?Small ones don't work, and large ones consume the strength of the team members during the stone loading process.There is also danger. During the stone throwing process, only three team members are pulling the rope, and the stone is easy to roll down and hurt people.

Therefore, the "Spike Pai" of later generations can be used instead of stones.

What is Spike?It is not the same thing as the spike made by Wang Ge.

Spike rackets are large wooden boards wedged with inverted blades.

Specific modification: Change the grooved wood that holds the stones into a six-foot-long, five-and-a-half-foot-wide plank.In order to reduce the weight of the wooden boards and save iron materials, Wang Ge first painted the wooden tablets with inverted knives. Two days later, depending on the specific conditions of the iron materials, some of the iron knives could be replaced by moso bamboo.Moso bamboo certainly cannot be wedged into the wooden board like iron, but the method of mortise and tenon can be adopted, first wedge the bamboo material, and then sharpen the tip.

The wolf tooth racket of later generations has four long blades around it, and is equipped with four iron rings for hanging hemp rope. These accessories are unnecessary for the wolf tooth racket transformed by Wang Ge, and only the rope needs to be left between the densely packed inverted blades. Where it is tied to the lever will do.

There is no need to change the thick wooden poles that hold the levers.

But for the four-legged frame, she drew two types, one to maintain the original shape of the model, and the other to change to a two-wheeled cart.Whether you can use a cart, you have to wait until the day after tomorrow to observe the steep slope terrain.

After Wang Ge painted two kinds of spikes, he continued to search for molds in the utensil shed with the wooden tablet in his arms.

At this time, under a tree far from the examination room, came an old woman with a dark face and a bun wrapped in a kerchief.She was over half a century old, carrying a basket, as if she was tired from walking, and pretended to look at the examination room, but in fact, she saw that the examination room was surrounded by strong young men, and she was afraid.They are the ones that passers-by talk about, brave men who were eliminated from the county military competition examination room?
what to do?There are so many Mrs. Yong, and they are all descendants of the aristocratic family, if someone recognizes her, it will be troublesome.Few people know that Qi Duan from Mogan Mountain is the son of the "baboon lady" in Qionglong Mountain.Her husband died early, and in this world, she is the only one who doesn't call him Erlang.

he has a name.

The old woman was mourning when a salesman wearing flowers and powder came over. Although he was ugly, he was polite and asked her, "Grandma, do you want a comb?"

The old woman shook her head, removed the cloth from the basket, and asked, "Do you want meatloaf?"

The shopkeeper sniffed it, and asked disgustedly, "What kind of meat?"

"What kind of meat can it be, of course it's chicken."

"Chicken? Why does it smell stinky?"

"It's your comb that stinks."

the same moment.

In the middle of the second mountain where the [-] warriors were about to enter and the valley where the [-] criminals were staying, in a patch of weeds, the ground undulated strangely.

It turned out to be a person.There are countless fake dead leaves sewn on his clothes, even if someone walks past him, it may be difficult to find him hiding. "The Falcon just passed."

Another piece of "land" was turned over, and his face was exposed to the sky. It was a middle-aged man with a thick beard on half of his face. "Falcons are such a nuisance that it is impossible to guard against them! If it weren't for them, why would we suffer from this kind of crime?"

Some people also lay on their backs, smelling the stench of mud. "It's almost over, isn't it? Then I must kill a few more little animals to relieve my anger."

"Don't focus on killing people, we still have to take Su Langjun away safely."

Sharp arrows fly.

The falcon mentioned by the gangsters just now flew over the second mountain. It overlooked the brave man who entered the mountain and shot an arrow at a fake tiger. teacher examination room.After it saw a thick tree, someone attacked it, but it still ignored it.The falcon left Kuaiji Mountain and headed for Duting outside the county seat.

It's called Yunzhu, and its owner is the most powerful Erlang in the world, Wang Yue.

Its mission is to bring news about someone in the valley to Wang Yue.This is the only mission of Yunzhu, which is different from other Falcons!
 Sizhou: Refers to the surrounding area of ​​the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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