Chapter 229 Huan Caution

In the short period of silence, click, click... the blood of the corpse flowed into a thread along the long, wolf-toothed blade.

Wang Ge was weak, lost the weight of a corpse, and still couldn't hold on for a few breaths, and the spike hit the ground again with a "thump".

At this time, dozens of brave men, including Huan Zhen and Wang Tian, ​​all took the risk of violating the examination rules to climb the steep slope.The chief examiner appeared at the top of the slope, staring at the military officer who was about to climb halfway up, half joking and half angrily said: "Is this going to attack the city?"

The military officer immediately turned around, winked and reprimanded Zhu Yongfu: "Go back! I will discuss important matters with the chief examiner, and there is no danger. What are you going to do next? Go back!"

Examiner: "Oh, don't worry, just in time, help us remove the corpse of the bandit."

Huan Zhen, Liu Qing, and Fu Jun, who were following the military officer, were all senior officers. The three of them stepped forward, while the rest descended.

The corpses of Li Mei and Li Kneeling are easy to carry. Li Dao was pierced all over and had to be pulled off, which was very laborious. Liu Qing and Fu Jun really didn't want to look directly at the bloody hole on the bandit's corpse, but they had to. The three of them had to take advantage of this opportunity to take a closer look at this new device.No wonder the culprit at the bottom was beheaded directly. It turned out that there were four long horizontal blades on the edge of the board that was densely packed with sharp blades.Each long horizontal edge is thinned from the whole piece of wood.

Huan Zhen reminded Liu and Fu to be careful not to cut their hands with blood-stained bamboo or wooden blades.When he dragged the bandit's corpse downhill, he looked up and saw that Wang Ge was no longer there.

After the three corpses were dragged into the maple forest, some people checked the corpses, and some checked the dead leaves.

Huan Zhen stood up and left the withered leaf clothes, Wang Tian followed and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong with the fake maple leaves, but there's something wrong with the base fabric." Huan Zhen touched the withered leaf clothes just now, and poured some water on his hand, and his left hand was stained black.

"The cloth faded?"

Huan Zhen unplugged the bamboo pot, poured it into his hands and rubbed it lightly to wash off the black. "It's not that the dye has faded, it's because someone has deliberately rubbed it into charcoal powder."

Clothes made of dead leaves, sewn with maple leaves, kneaded into... charcoal powder?Wang Tian questioned, looking at Huan Zhen.

Huan Zhen nodded: Yes.

"If it encounters a fire, won't it help the combustion?"

Huan Zhen: "Well. The three withered leaf clothes are like this, which proves that it is not accidental." He walked to a place where there were few people, and Wang Tian followed closely.

Huan Zhen continued to talk about his guess: "Assuming that these three bandits are not from Kuaiji County like Qi Duanren and Kutu, then they will not carry clothes with obvious targets and difficult to hide on the road."

"Brother Huan means that the local merchants have colluded with bandits from other counties?"

"Based on this assumption first to get the clues. Then assume that the merchants in Shanyin County are in harmony with the gangsters, so there is no need to dye the maple leaves on the clothes to look like the real ones. Did you notice just now that every leaf is flawless? , were obviously carefully selected. Therefore...the hypothesis of incongruity does not hold."

"I understand." Wang Tian suddenly realized: "There is another force, which has long discovered the local merchants colluding with the bandits from other counties, and then tampered with the black cloth. The charcoal powder is added to worry about the dye used for those fake maple leaves. Is it possible to delay the fire? It must be!"

"The point is not just the fire. Think about how laborious it is to dye hemp and sew this kind of clothes that can be hidden in the maple forest without revealing the flaws? How can you only make three pieces?"

"Ah? Then should I remind the military officer?"

"Don't worry. Let's find Sima Chong first and ask him to remind the master craftsman as the chief examiner."

"Let's inform the military officer first, and then ask the military officer to find the chief examiner... huh? Brother Huan won't even doubt the military officer?"

"It's called prudence."

"Okay, okay, I understand Huan Xinxin, ah no, Brother Huan." Combined with the gangster incidents of the past few days and so many martyrs, Wang Tian knew that he could no longer play around regardless of priorities.It's not that he doubts the military officer, but that the chief examiner at the Master Craftsman is more trustworthy.After all, Ku Tu and other bandits were all in the craftsman's examination area.

As for the person who conveyed the message to the chief examiner, the most trustworthy person was Sima Chong.

Unity time.

The military officer returned to the maple forest in the twilight, his brows furrowed into knots.He met hundreds of pairs of eyes in the forest, and said depressedly: "That weapon for defending the city is called the Spike. It is said that it is not powerful enough, and needs to be improved."

The brave man looked at each other in dismay: "Not enough? Three people were killed in one shot, still not enough?"

"Isn't it a competition? Do you really regard us as the enemy of the siege?"

"Do you really want our lives?"

Military Officer: "Silence! The examiner over there said that since it is a competition to teach soldiers, you should enter to defend and exit to fight. If you are slack in attacking the city and lax in defending the city, it is the same as a craftsman who smelts iron without stripping or forging. The sword can't stop cutting the hemp rope. What's the point of teaching soldiers like this? Why do craftsmen candidates work so hard to make weapons? If you wait to go to the battlefield in the future, will you first ask the enemy soldiers to put away their weapons and wait for you empty-handed?"

Xuzheng moment.

The near-round white moon was lifted up into the sky by the branches of the fangs and claws.

In the clearing between the thorny slope and the maple forest, brave warriors fought with corners and with branches.

Except for the pottery stoves in the designated areas, fires are not allowed in the mountains, and craftsmen and candidates have no way to make utensils, just like wanderers and craftsmen, standing on the top of the slope to watch the excitement.

Huan Zhen and Wang Tian each danced with branches, and as they collided continuously, the two seemed to lose their temper.Huan Zhen took a step back, and raised his voice with half praise and half sarcasm: "You have made great progress. If you had this ability earlier, you would not have lost to Sima Chong."

Wang Tian's voice was even louder: "That guy Sima Chong, if I hadn't seen him make meritorious service, I would have kicked him back to Zuyi County."

"Hmph, the cowhide blows to the sky."

Wang Tian shouted: "Sima Chong, I know you are here, if you have the guts, come down and compete?"

"Shut up!" With a roar, a fierce man rushed up the thorny slope, tall and broad, like a moving tree.

Huan Zhen and Wang Tian looked at each other: who is this person?

Tao Youjiao?Wang Ge looked at the familiar figure of Mr. Huan Lang under the moonlight, and then looked back at Sima Chong, the only Yougu who was not far away from her, standing firmly on the top of the slope and wearing a veil.

Tao Youku, Sima Chong... Sima Chong, Wang Tian... Wang Tian, ​​Huan Langjun... Huan Langjun, Sima Chong... Sima Chong, Tao Youku!A relationship thread that was twisted out suddenly was connected end to end in Wang Ge's mind.

The moonlight weakens the redness of the maple leaves.

On the mountain where the bandits are hiding, the impetuous atmosphere is getting stronger.At the foot of the northern mountain where they were hiding, hundreds of people dug a ditch all day long, and they didn't stop at night. What exactly did they want to do?When the ditch is wide enough, will those people go up the mountain?
The bandits were not afraid to fight those hundreds of people, but if they fought like this, their positions would be exposed.If they can't fulfill their employer's orders, they can't return to Danyang County. They have false identities, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and they have to live in exile.

But when the employer gave the order, let them stay on the north slope of the mountain and not run around.Moreover, in the current situation, even if forced to relocate, they cannot move east or west.Because the mountains to the east are full of green tamarins, their withered leaves will become a burden.As for the west, it has been occupied by a small number of people digging ditches.

Can only go south?
But the group of bandits has no leader, who will order it?Who dares to risk being irritated by their employer?

Employers recruit gangsters sporadically, which really ensures that the gangsters have their own selfish intentions, and everyone will not be betrayed by one person's words.But it also caused these bandits to lose their only chance to escape from being burned.

After tonight, there is no escape!
(End of this chapter)

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