Chapter 230 Tao Lian Is Bait?

An arrow hit Tao Lian's throat, and the sudden and huge penetrating power did not bring him down, which shows how strong his strength is.

But he hasn't shown his full potential yet, not even playing to his heart's content.He thought that Huan Zhen could not escape with his wings, and was waiting to be slaughtered in despair.

I didn't expect it to be...

The blood was flowing, Tao Lian was so unwilling, he rolled his eyes with difficulty, and searched for the groups and figures hiding in the forest. Which of these figures in the dark place is Huan Zhen, the nephew of Jiang County Magistrate's enemy?

Which one is it?
Almost everyone who witnessed and participated in this fight was startled in place by the sudden arrow.

The moment Tao Lian fell to the sky, he suddenly realized as if he had returned to the light.He is bait?He was used as bait!Because the master knows the master, this arrow is too powerful, the momentum pierces the clouds and cracks the rocks!The archers must have been eyeing him.An archer is not a brave man, and a brave man cannot practice this kind of fierce arrow at his age.Tao Lian's bad luck, it really was brought by the little craftsman, if he had known it would have killed him, if he had known...

boom!Tao Lian died.

Back in time.

half a quarter ago.

Bian Yan to join!

Xie Yi and Lu thief Cao resist Tao Lian from chasing several teenagers at the same time.

"Ah!" Tao Lian swung his stick violently.

In just two short breaths, Tao Lian's momentum changed drastically, and he no longer concealed his murderous aura.Only halfway down the slope, he supported the ground with a stick, and after only two pushes, he reached the bottom of the slope like flying.

"Stand back, all the gangsters! Those who rebel will be regarded as traitors!" Xie Yi rushed down the thorny slope with nine thieves.

"Brave man back!" The military officer ordered.

Tao Lian took a huge stride, the broken stick was spinning in his hand, the sound of the wind blew across Cao's neck, blood splashed out following the direction of the stick.

Yongfu can't wait any longer.Huan Zhen told Wang Tian: "Stay here and don't move. Liu Qing!"

"Brave man back!" Ten soldiers from the county scattered on both sides of the military attache and surrounded Tao Lian.

As soon as he stood firmly, there was a heavy blow from the bottom of the slope. Tao Lian hit a soldier from the county with his swing, and the soldier fell to the ground and stopped moving.Sima Chong was anxious and hated, his fists clenched, he was instructed by Xie Yi, and he already believed that Tao Lian had hidden his martial arts, but he never expected that this guy's martial arts were obviously stronger than Ku Tu!
It turned out that Tao Lian approached him to kill Huan Zhen or Wang Tian?
Another county soldier was thrown into the air.

Xie Yi's ability to withstand Tao Lian's stick without letting go of his own stick shows that he is worthy of the position of "thief Cao Shi".

No.It was an arrow, and it hit him.

Bian Dan: "The second team of brave men, obey the order and protect Huanzhen."

"I'll go first! Remember, everyone, don't get entangled by him, retreat as soon as you hit him, and go up again." Huan Zhen hurriedly confessed, pointing his toes to the ground, and kicking.The stick was raised high and hit Tao Lian.

Huan Zhen confidently handed over his back and sides to his colleagues. He didn't order his team, but all nine members followed.

Those who were hit by Tao Lian were killed or seriously injured, but they didn't get up.

Liu Qing: "Understood! Take care of yourself." He is Wang Tian's boss, and ordered: "Seventh Warrior Team, protect Wang Tian!"

Sima Chong stopped in embarrassment, found Wang Ge's position vigilantly, and stood beside her.

"Huan Zhen! He's a bad guy! Take Wang Tian away!" Wang Ge shouted clearly with all his strength.

From the thorny slope, he couldn't quite hear what Tao Lian was shouting. Wang Ge was dazzled by the fighting figures, so he could only follow Tao Lian closely, because he was the tallest and strongest guy, so he was easy to identify.The fighting area was obviously shifted by Tao Lian, moving to the maple forest.

More than a dozen people attacked in turn, but Tao Lian gradually led the attack range to the woods.Once in the woods, everyone's long sticks have no advantage.

Phew... Tao Lian immediately turned around, and the stick danced in an arc. Huan Zhen didn't attack with this move, but rolled to the ground, and the stick swept Tao Lian's calf.

Huan Zhen swung his stick face to face, and confronted Tao Lian head-on.

Everyone moved, some spread out, some stepped forward.

When Wang Ge shouted "he is a bad guy", some county soldiers who reacted quickly rushed towards Huan Zhen and Wang Tian.

If it hadn't been for Wang Ge's emphasis on "not standing under the rock wall", Huan Zhen really despised Tao Lian, and when Tao Lian reached the bottom of the slope, it was too late to drag the unconvinced Wang Tian back into the woods.

The field thief Cao shouted: "I am Huanzhen!"

The military officer's spear was smashed out of his hand, Xie Yi and Lu thief Cao attacked Tao Lian's back at the same time, and the youngest Tian thief Cao Jimin threw the spear away.After the military officer retreated out of the attack range, he shook his hands sharply, his arms were numb.

To be honest, at this time, no one would associate Tao Lian's actions with the assassination.Including the chief examiner, Xie Yi, Sima Chong, not to mention Huan Zhen and Wang Tian.

Tao Lian grabbed the neck of a soldier in the county with his left hand, pinched it casually, held up the corpse and looked back with a serious smile: "Looking for death!" He knew that this person was not Huanzhen, and his age was not right.

Bang, bang!

Xie Yi fought back!

Sima Tao joined.

This kung fu is too terrifying, murderous and wild, anyone who is close can feel the ground trembling.

Fu Jun: "The Third Warriors Team, obey my orders and protect Wang Tian."

At this time, Tao Lian, who didn't grab the spear, was chasing Xie Yi angrily.

Fearing that Huanzhen would be impulsive, she shouted again: "Those who know their destiny don't stand under a rock wall! Don't stand under a rock wall!" This is what Huan Zhen emphasized when he taught Hutou before. Courage is commendable, and recklessness is stupid .When explaining this sentence, Huan Zhen also used Wang Ge's example of not letting the tiger's head get close to the wild mountains and rivers.

Cha Cha Cha Cha... The endless leaves shattered under their feet.

Just when Tao Lian turned his head, he was hit by gravity on the neck, and the strange feeling made all his strength disappear quickly.Who hit him?

Too late to beat around the bush to remind!

Xie Yi anxiously: "Stop him! Don't enter the forest!"

Many people gasped, the little craftsman was sure, the bandits were going to kill Huan Zhen.

"Huan Zhenzhuzi! Your uncle Huan Shi is dead, haha." Although Tao Lian had seen a portrait of Huan Zhen, it was dark and he couldn't tell which young man it was. "Huan Zhen, why don't you give your uncle a ride?"

It can be seen that Wang Ge's words are true.

Both sticks were broken.

Only Wang Ge had an idea and put on the whole thread.Huan Langjun and Wang Tian are both benefactors of her family, especially Huan Langjun is Hutou's senior brother and Master's disciple, even if she puts herself in danger, she can't let Huan Langjun be in danger.

There are still ten thieves on the thorny slope, but Xie Yi didn't give an order, they must protect the chief examiner.

The situation is critical!The bandit Cao and the county soldiers combined were no match for the bandit.It was dark, and the figures were chaotic, and it was impossible to shoot.

Huan Zhen and Bian Yan retreated.

Sima Chong was angry at Huan Zhen and Wang Tian's provocation, but Tao Lian suddenly rushed downhill to fight Huan Zhen and Wang Tian for him.

Sima Tao: "The first warrior team, listen to the order and protect Huanzhen."

Tao Lian shouted: "Huan Zhen, son, don't be afraid!"

A soldier from the county and Cao the thief were swept across the abdomen and chest by Tao Lian almost indiscriminately. The thief Cao flew up and fell, spurting blood from his mouth.

The transfer of Tao Lian to Jingjipo was decided by the examiner and the thief Cao Shi Xie Yi.Instead of keeping the suspicious person out of sight, it is better to follow Tao Lian's wishes and put him and Sima Chong in the same tour patrol team, so that Sima Chong can monitor them.

Another martyr.

It’s over.

No, Gan, Xin!Tao Lian finally searched for the boy he suspected, but he still didn't know which one was Huan Zhen.After he fell to the ground, the arrow that pierced his neck was pushed back by the ground.

Tao Lian died instantly.

Who shot the arrow?

(End of this chapter)

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