Chapter 240 Trouble This Time!
With the lesson of the day before yesterday, the warriors became more cautious, and temporarily watched this new weapon from a distance.Its shape is very wide, much larger than that of a mace, and its horizontal distance covers the entire width of the slope, like a monster full of fangs.

On the slope, Liang Shan assisted Ma Jianglang to fix the stakes.Under the current conditions, after the boom is mounted on the pile, it can only be reinforced by a clumsy method of tying ropes in circles.That's why Wang Ge said at the beginning that it is enough to ensure that the wolf hook can be dropped three times.

After the piles are made, the last step is to fix the bamboo stalks filled with sand to the pulling end. Each bamboo stalk is perpendicular to the suspender, and is still tied with hemp rope.The advantage of vertical fixing is that it can be used as a pull rope, and when the bottom of the bamboo stalk touches the ground, it proves that the prying height of the end of the wolf hook thorn is enough, so that Liang Shan spends less energy.

Wang Ge was short, so Ma Jianglang and Liang Shan could only do the work of binding the bamboo stalks.

When adding the second bamboo stalk, the pulling end began to sink, and the wolfhook stabbing end slowly lifted.

Tie another one, and the balance of weight tilts again.

about there.Others stepped aside, and Liang Shan alone pulled the hemp rope and pried the boom.

"Okay, haha!" Liang Shan never expected that such a huge weapon could be operated by himself.He slowly and gently lowered the end of the wolfhook, for fear of breaking it.

The heads of some brave men down the slope were raised and lowered at the same time as the wolf hook thorns, and anyone with good eyesight noticed that the thorns on the weapon were spinning.

Sima Tao suggested: "We can't wait any longer. From now on, a few people go up every hour to observe. Only in this way can we not miss weapons and take complete precautions."

Shenzheng moment.

"What do you mean? Every siege team is an opponent! Sima Tao, since you are in such a hurry, why don't you go first. My team must wait until the evening."

"Actually, one is enough."

"What's the name of this weapon?" asked Ma Jianglang, the head of the No.40 Seventh Warrior Team.

"Yeah, I was allowed to avoid the battle just because it was a competition. Ah Tian, ​​think about it, when soldiers are fighting in the front, facing towering city walls, rolling logs, boiling water, and boulders that can smash people into flesh, how can they fight?" Are you not afraid? But can the soldiers avoid the battle? Let’s not talk about it, let’s talk about the bandits, and Kutu. Those county soldiers and Youjiao watched their comrades die one by one, but they still had to rush forward. When they rushed, Are they not afraid?"

The defenders of the city can't do it, because they occupy a favorable position and there is a three-day manufacturing period, so they are not allowed to take the initiative to admit defeat. They can only wait for the craftsman's flag to be pulled away.

A moment later, the head of the No.40 Two Warriors team asked Ma Jianglang...

"Ma Jianglang, right? Be careful when walking at night in the future!"

"What do you say?"

"Two in total?"

"They are protected by rules, and the brave man can shout to admit defeat and give up the competition."

"in case."

Wang Ge guessed: "It should be a stick, not a spear or bow and arrow."

"Ma Jianglang, right? I remember you."

The leaders of the remaining siege teams all went uphill.

Wang Tian smacked his lips, feeling even more worried.Alas, he understands these principles,'s different!After all, it is worth dying on the battlefield, but dying on the thorny slope will be notorious, right?
On the slope, Liang Shan saw that the brave men were gradually dispersing, and suddenly thought of a question: "What are the weapons for attacking the city?" You can't use your bare hands, right?

Liang Shan nodded with an "oh". "But a wolf's hook can also kill a brave man."

Ma Jianglang wiped his sweat, he had never been upright for the first time, he was threatened eight times, why did he always come at him?

From the beginning of the afternoon, the number of examinees who tried weapons increased.The brave men also climbed up the slope one after another, and they all went in person.There are fifty groups of craftsmen in total, and the total observation time is a quarter, which is too tense. Fortunately, all the weapons are very conspicuous, and after a rough inspection, there is no change from what the brave man knew before, and they are still thorn balls, rolling bamboo and so on.

Wang Tian frowned, and thought: Miss Ge is so ruthless, these weapons are overwhelming, unless they fly over with wings, they will definitely be nested. "Isn't it just a competition, really treat it as an enemy."

Huan Zhen understood, and looked at Wang Ge with a smile.This little girl is good at everything, but she doesn't like to dress up. Look at her face, which is white and black, and there are two black lines under her nose.

"With the martial arts skills of a brave man, if you have rushed to the front, there is no difference between using a stick or a spear to deal with us. Some people are ruthless, and they dare to kill people with a spear. This is especially true with bows and arrows."

How can we deal with this kind of weapon that completely blocks the ramp?
This problem is not easy to solve.Thinking about it, Huan Zhen came to Wang Ge and counted eight bamboo stalks wrapped with hemp rope on the ground.A bad feeling came to my mind!
one left?
"What is this weapon called?"

Wang Ge replied: "Wolf hook stab."

"What can happen?"

"The heart of a little man!"

"There are always people who want to try it, and there are real casualties. It's not good."

Too cruel!In the battle tomorrow, if the weapon is smashed down, and the position of the brave man is stuck between the two rollers, then the head cannot rotate with the rollers, and is twisted into the gap?When people are in danger, their hands will subconsciously go up to block, and the hands will be useless in an instant!

The second wolf hook was to be made next, and the three of them had no time to talk.Last night they wrapped the eight moso bamboo stalks with hemp ropes, and now Wang Ge is making "blade-piercing hemp ropes", Liang Shan is collecting thorns and thorns, and Ma Jianglang is making camphorwood shafts.

Huan Zhen thought they were noisy, so he walked back, Wang Tian caught up with him, motioned for the wolf to stab, and asked in a low voice: "If you die in tomorrow's competition, will you really die? Can't you be saved?"



One wolfhook won't scare you, so two.

Huan Zhen went to Wang Ge's group first, walked around the wolf hook, and then pulled the boom, and found that the wolf hook could be raised and lowered by one person.He went back to the end of the wolf hook, carefully pulled the roller off the ground, and rotated freely.Then shake the bamboo blade with your hand, but luckily you didn't use much force, it was cut really sharp, all three-edged, with bloodletting grooves.

"Mr. Huan Lang." Wang Ge pretended to be shy and lowered his voice.

"Wolf Hook."

Tsk tsk, how cruel!

The warriors finally saw the wolf hook clearly.

Not long after, the head of No.30 Nine Warriors asked Ma Jianglang, "What's the name of this weapon?"

Fu Jun: "The observers of each team only last for a moment. Who observes the ramp next to it? Who observes this place? After the observers come back, would you like to explain the weapons in detail with the other warrior teams?"

So in tomorrow's match, both sides have advantages and disadvantages.

It looks like the character "Hui", with eight thorny rollers wrapped with dense bamboo blades. The hollow of the word "Hui" is about two and a half feet along the edge.The width of each roller plus the bamboo thorns is more than two chi, and the distance between every two juxtaposed rollers should be more than half a chi.

"Wolf Hook."

Only No. 13 ramps are different from the east.

Sima Tao: "Hey? What do you mean by that?"


"Wolf hooks don't have eyes, so don't choose our group."

Huan Zhen left Jingji Slope depressed.This time is really troublesome. It's not that he is ashamed of avoiding the battle, but... he plans to avoid the battle, which team dares to go?

Trouble, trouble!

Because there is a rule, when the defending side chooses the attacking side, more than half of the brave men's team avoids the battle and surrenders, and the quota of quasi-guards will be voided!
(End of this chapter)

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