Chapter 241 The Battle Begins

That night, military attache Han announced the rules for tomorrow's "siege".In addition to what I said before, in addition to retaining [-] places in the brave man team and winning the craftsman flag as the winner, many details have been added.

Fifty siege teams.

Fifty groups of craftsman candidates.

Siege duration: All teams ascend the slope at the same time.The duration of the battle must not exceed half an hour, otherwise it will be considered a failure.

Bravery weapon: long stick.It is not allowed to carry other sharp weapons (including stones), if they are found, they will be eliminated immediately; if they carry other sharp weapons and use them, they will lose their status as rural soldiers; those who use other sharp weapons to injure or kill craftsmen will be convicted according to the criminal law.

During the siege: it is not allowed to climb the ramp, and it is not allowed to threaten or insult the craftsman candidates. Those who have the above behaviors will be eliminated.If you are unable to attack the city or refuse to obey any orders, you can shout "admit defeat" and withdraw from the competition at any time.If a team loses five brave warriors, the whole team loses; when Shichang admits defeat, or is eliminated for violating the rules, the whole team loses; at the second quarter of the day, if any brave warrior stays below half the length of the ramp, the whole team loses; the attacking side is not allowed to fight , to seriously injure craftsmen and examinees, to destroy weapons, let alone torturing and killing, once the rules are violated, the crime will be punished according to the severity of the crime.

Rules for the attacker to choose the defender: Tomorrow morning is the first round, the attacker chooses the defender, and fifty teams of warriors can freely choose fifty sets of ramps.In order to prevent the same craftsman team from being selected by multiple warrior teams (each craftsman team can have at most two first-round battles), the warrior teams are allowed to negotiate with each other tonight and report to the military officer their respective selection ramps.It can be changed before tomorrow morning.The defender with no one to choose wins and enters the second round.A ramp that was repeatedly selected appeared, and the second battle was postponed for half an hour.

Rules for the defender to choose the attacker: the afternoon is the second round, and the defender chooses the attacker.The winner of the first round, the defender and the attacker, is eligible for the second round.Because the numbers of the two sides are definitely not equal, the defender can either choose only one warrior team to fight, or choose multiple, or even choose all of them.In order to prevent the same brave team from being selected by multiple groups of craftsman candidates, the defenders are allowed to negotiate with each other.It can be changed before the early afternoon.

It should be noted that if a certain group of defenders chooses the brave team, it is "select all", and the number of avoidance exceeds half of the total number of attacking teams, then there is no need to fight, the county military competition ends early, and all brave men are eliminated.This year in Kuaiji County, there are no quasi-guards!

The moon sprinkles silver frost.

Boom boom boom!
The golden drums are beating!

"Kill, kill!"

"Yes. According to my guess, this group of candidates made all the remaining materials into rolling log type weapons. We want to rush upwards and hit their trick. We should..."

"Haha." Wang Tian smiled uglier than crying.But there is indeed an inexplicable joy in my heart, how fun it would be if they were all eliminated by Aunt Ge.When my father heard the news, what expression did he have on his face?
September [-]th, the beginning of the morning.

Fifty chiefs have already reported the negotiated ramp to military attache Han. The tenth ramp has been repeated, and no one has chosen the No.13 ramp.No evasion squad.


The warriors knew in their hearts that the second wolf hook must be more ferocious than the first one.

At this time, there was a huge sound of smashing piles on the No.13 ramp.

In other words, the two warrior teams chose to fight against the tenth ramp.Wang Ge's group of candidates entered the second round tomorrow afternoon ahead of schedule.

The five hundred warriors with high spirits stood down the slope in order.They selected craftsmen in the same order as the team number, the first team fought on the first ramp, the second team fought on the second ramp... Only the tenth team and No.13 team fought on the tenth ramp.

Huan Zhen: "Don't worry about him. We are the fifth team of brave men, and the fifth ramp will be captured tomorrow morning. According to previous observations, the most difficult weapon on the fifth ramp is the thorn pile. The thorn pile is written by Mozi "A kind of improvement of buried piles recorded in the article Bei Mo Fu, which was originally used to stop war horses. Craftsman candidates use this kind of piles that are difficult to destroy in a short time to limit the wide road we climb, and keep throwing them in the gap left The log."

The loud roar not only made the craftsmen panic, but also made the courageous man's rapid climbing momentum even more frightening.Inspired by the sudden clamor, Wang Ge couldn't help his blood boil, he only hated his group for missing this battle.She hurriedly climbed up to the second wolf-hooked stake and looked down the slope, only then did she realize that many brave men had hidden their kung fu before.

Avoiding battle rules: only the attacking team is allowed to avoid fighting.Before each round of battle, Shi Chang reported to the military attache whether to avoid the battle.Among the brave men's teams, they are not allowed to discuss the avoidance of war, and those who violate it will be severely punished as disturbing the morale of the army.

For the 13th Brave Team, Wang Tian asked Liu Qing: "In the second round tomorrow afternoon, if the No. [-] craftsman chooses 'All', will our team fight or avoid?"

As he spoke, he drew on the ground the shape of the thorn stake and its position on the slope. "A total of three barriers like this were set up. For each barrier... thorn stakes were placed on the left and right sides, and the other side of the stakes was close to the thorn bushes. In the open space in the middle of the barrier, three people could pass side by side. This is the cleverness of the craftsman. If the space left is too small, we will be pushed into a desperate situation, and we will definitely delay climbing the slope and try our best to destroy the pile first.”

After setting the goal of the attack, the warriors sat around in groups to formulate strategies for the first round of battle tomorrow morning.

At this moment, how could these teenagers think that many years later, they are still ridiculed by soldiers all over the world, and they are regarded as bad examples from time to time to warn recruits.By the way, they also got a collective nickname: Kuaiji Wubai Counselor.

Another brave man sneered: "Then Ma Jianglang has the guts of a leopard? If you choose an extra team, you will be trembling, believe it or not? How dare you choose them all?"

Wang Tian sighed heavily, what kind of craftsmen, you are usually very smart, why do you underestimate the enemy so much, and never ask for news about the craftsman.Don't you know that a "class loser boy" was just born this year?Don't you know that she is still the only first-class craftsman in Dajin?Don't you know that she is already a craftsman?She is taking the second artisan exam!
Regardless of Wang Tian being mischievous, Liu Qing liked him quite a lot, patted him on the shoulder, and coaxed, "Like a little old man with a frowning face, that's all right, all right, I'll take you with me when I report to the military officer tomorrow."

"The second round, don't rush."

A brave man asked: "You mean, the pile must be destroyed first?"

The No.13 team is temporarily standing in the forest, and their competition is in full swing.

Some of them can even run in long strides, as if walking on flat ground.

Chen is here.

At this time, the "bang bang" wedge pile sound finally stopped.

The Battle of Thorn Slope begins.

A brave man on the No.12 slope was so fierce. Out of his corner of his vision, he saw a dirty monkey-like little craftsman climbing on the pole, and immediately made a fake gesture of throwing a stick at Wang Ge. Wang Ge was so frightened that he hugged his head. Yongfu laughed with his hands on his hips.

Wang Ge suddenly stared behind him even more terrified. The brave man jumped away in horror and found that there was no danger at all. When he stared at Wang Ge, the craftsman on the twelve slopes began to throw stone balls.This group of craftsmen improved the trebuchet, which was filled with sand in a short bamboo tube, and the sides of the bamboo tube were plugged with wood.

It's a pity that the remaining improved equipment is also a rolling bamboo. Yongfu dodged one and spent one.

Wang Ge looked at the [-]th ramp on the other side.

ah?I didn't expect the injured brave man to appear so soon!
(End of this chapter)

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