Chapter 242
The weapon that injured this brave man was the thorn ball.It is woven with vines, and you don't need to pay attention to the weaving method. You only need to tie the two ends of each vine tightly, layer upon layer, and finally form a big ball that is easy to roll, and don't scatter easily.

However, some thorn balls are wrapped in a bag of sand.

This group of craftsmen first used ordinary thorn balls to lower the alertness of the brave men. Some brave men relied on their martial arts skills, not only did not hide, but also kicked the big ball when it rolled downhill.

The thorny ball of mud and sand with hidden secrets knocked down a brave man in an instant, and even rolled to the bottom of the slope with the ball screaming.

Wang Ge applauded secretly: Yes.

It is a big taboo to underestimate the enemy. If it really goes to the battlefield, it will not only harm yourself but also your colleagues.

In fact, this military training competition is only magnificent when hundreds of people are rushing up the slope and roaring in unison. With the rapid consumption of weapons and the team of brave men no longer underestimate the enemy, there is nothing to look forward to in the competition.

The craftsman candidates quickly became the weak side.Liu Qing's team was the first to capture the craftsman's flag, and it took less than two quarters.

Huan Zhen's team followed closely behind.

The rule is that it is not allowed to deliberately injure or kill craftsmen under the guise of capturing the flag, but it does not say that minor injuries are not allowed.It was the brave man's turn to show off his power, and the craftsman's screams continued until nearly the beginning of the year, when all the positions were lost and the brave man won a big victory.

Without joy, the eyes of the five hundred boys all focused on the No.13 ramp.One tall and one short wolf hooks are shocking, and there is a trip rope under them. The trip rope is not high, and it is full of thorny branches. No matter how agile a brave man rushes to the place covered by the wolf hooks, he has to slow down.


Han Huang was stunned. He knew that there must be many teams of brave men who would choose to avoid battles, but Sima Tao usually flaunted his power and always acted stubbornly. Sima Tao avoided battles, but what about the rest?

The leader of the third brave team is Fu Jun... avoiding the battle.


"You may not have noticed that the little craftsman who claimed to be the bandit that day was in the No. 13 group of craftsmen. She knew Huan Zhen and Wang Tian, ​​so how could she choose their team."

Among the other team members, Sima Tao said: "I think Ma Jianglang will choose Huan Zhen's team."

Sima Tao, the leader of the No. [-] Warriors team, walked towards Han Huang with big strides, then his momentum faded, and he whispered, "Avoid the battle."

Give half an hour to repair the tenth slope, and the No.13 brave team is attacking the slope.

"What do you think?"

Wang Tian guessed right.

Han Huang stopped at the edge of the forest, put his hands on his hips, and announced: "The No. 13 team of warriors facing each other on the ramp is... all selected."

"Of course I don't want to." Ma Jianglang was very confident about the power of the wolf hook, but what he was worried about was what to do if it was damaged?Can you stop three groups of brave men, can you stop ten or twenty groups?
Wang Ge signaled to Po Xia: "They also think so."

"Then there are still 48 teams to choose from. It can't be such a coincidence that we are selected?" After saying this, everyone felt very uncomfortable.

Fu Jun's team was also discussing Huan Zhen: "Ma Jianglang should not choose the team of Huan Zhen and Liu Qing."

are you crazy!Sima Tao and Bian Dan hurriedly turned around, and the latter came to Han Huang, leaned closer, and hummed like a mosquito: "Avoid the battle." Losing face is better than losing life.Besides, if he was injured in a military training competition like Jingjipo, he would be as notorious as Sima Chong in the future.

"There is a little girl in this group of craftsmen, she should be the craftsman who called out to break the identity of the brutal bandit that night. Huan Zhennian will not beat them when they capture the flag because of the grace of saving their lives."

At the top of the slope, Ma Jianglang sneezed several times.Choose all, what a thought Miss Wang has put into it!This is not called eating the guts of a leopard, she is a leopard!Now he is so scared that he can't stand or sit down, but she?He was actually cutting bamboo blades and wearing hemp ropes.

490 The eight warriors are all speculating: Ma Jianglang is the oldest and a candidate for Tiangong skills. It must be the decision of this group of craftsmen. Which team will he choose to fight?
Liu Qing: "I think he will choose Sima Tao's team."

"Well! Erlang should be like this, good job! The second team is here to report." Han Huang raised his voice.


490 Eight chins hit the feet.

Han Huang exaggerated emotion: "Well, I read you right! The next team."

Near noon, the various chiefs began to declare whether they would avoid the war.

According to the "select all" rule, the order of brave men's siege starts from the first team, and the next team is postponed.

Sima Tao blinked, frightened, and reiterated: "Avoid the battle, our team avoids the war."


How could Wang Ge not know this, but she was also nervous and scared!You have to find something to do to calm your mind.If she shows regret and panic after deciding to "choose all", what if there is a team of brave men to attack the mountain?Will everyone be in a hurry by then? "I asked Mr. Lang, if you were the leader, would you be willing to let your team be the first to climb the slope? I'm not asking if you dare, but if you are willing?"

Have no guts!Han Huang replied in a low voice: "Get lost."

"Hey." Wang Tian covered his mouth and laughed, "Choose all. Look quickly, Military Officer Han is here. Judging by his expression and his expression, it must be all selected!"

The fact is before our eyes, the wolf hook cannot be deciphered, and no one wants to die in a competition.

Among the five hundred warriors, perhaps only Wang Tian was happy. He came to Huan Zhen and poked his arm: "Brother Huan, what do you think... tsk, how would you choose?"

Everyone understands that there is no suspense about victory or defeat.Sure enough, after more than a moment, the craftsman flag on this ramp was lost again.So far, all fifty teams of brave men have won.

Bian Dan was dumbfounded, and hurriedly raised his voice slightly: "Our team, choose, avoid the battle."

what? !


Even if there are several people in a team who are not afraid of death and jump on top of the wolf hook, but don't forget, there is another one that is bigger, taller, and smashes harder!

"That makes sense. But...does Huan really have a chance to rush to the top of the slope?"

"This fellow smashed off the spikes of the spikes that Ma Jianglang had worked so hard to make, and the hatred is irreconcilable." Liu Qing was serious, and it seemed that the matter of chopping off the spikes and bamboo blades himself did not exist.

Ma Jianglang scratched his head, lost several strands of hair, and advised Wang Ge not to sharpen the bamboo blade: "Wolf hooks can't last a few attacks. Even if there is half an hour between each attack, we can't repair it." Wolf Hook."

Liang Shan is not as good as Ma Jianglang, who is holding the rope of the boom and trying again and again. Is the rope to pry the boom neatly?Or hug the bamboo stalk and pry the boom neatly?Liang Shan kept muttering: "Choose all, choose all... fight fifty times, have to fight fifty times..."

According to the rules, the military officer is not allowed to interfere with Yongfu's decision.Han Huang let out an "ah", patted the opponent's shoulder vigorously, and said loudly, "Good job!"

This deceleration is really fatal.

The fourth warrior team... avoids the battle.

It was Huan Zhen's turn, his steps were steady, his brows were firm, and in Han Huang's anticipation, his voice was normal: "Our team avoids the battle." The army will also be dusty, which will surely become his lifelong shame.

It's over.Han Huang panicked, Zu Cishi's plan was about to change.Very unfavorable accident!
Han Huang pinned his hopes on Liu Qing of the Seventh Warriors Team.

It's over!
Liu Qing's team also avoided the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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