Chapter 247 Can't beat it

I travel south alone, under the forest.

After 11 years, Wang Ge was finally able to face up to his name in his heart... Lin Xia.She is a master craftsman, double master craftsman!The difficult life of a farmer and being bullied by a vicious aunt did not defeat her, she is still tenacious, it is Wang Nanxing, and even more tenacious Wang Ge!I hope that I will remember more and more things in the future, to break through the mist, and to reveal the truth of Wang Nanxing's death!

"Okay, if something really happens, I will live and find Huan Lang. Afterwards, I will apologize to the girl with my death!" Tie Lei swore firmly, interrupting Wang Ge's thoughts of running away.

He headed sullenly and quickened his pace, his heart becoming more and more congested: This little girl is very kind-hearted, she is clearly worried about hurting him, and she has thought of the reason for running away for him.What made him feel aggrieved was that the reason she said was justified. If they were in danger, would they both die and let the murderer run free?So I still blame him for not being good at martial arts. If he was like Uncle Yuan Yan, he would dare to look down on him: Who has the ability to kill me?
Valley of the Sinners.

Uncle Yuan Yan looked at the two county soldiers walking towards the criminal gathering area... the one on the right?Uncle Yuan Yan's lower eyelid trembled slightly!

Three years ago, in an empty pavilion near Xiaoshan, he inadvertently saw this person talking with another person. In fact, Uncle Yuan Yan didn't hear what the other person was talking about at the time, but the two people were guilty, one was restless, and the other was ruthless. cruel.Afterwards, he was conceited that he was strong in martial arts, and he despised the two of them, but he was wounded by the ruthless person after a few strokes.Fortunately, Huan Zhen brought a large number of trilogy to cross the road, so Uncle Yuan Yan was not beaten to death by the opponent, so he owed Huan Zhen the grace of serving as his guard for three years.

Unexpectedly, the ruthless villain was actually a county soldier?

Enemy!Uncle Yuan Yan is self-aware, and he is still no match for this person.

Especially Han Huang who had just arrived in the valley, the plan of Zu Cishi was disrupted, Han Huang wanted to race against time, and used his status as a county soldier to pick up En Gong in advance.He got acquainted with Military Officer Hu here, and lied that the reason for coming alone was...the five hundred brave men were eliminated and had no final exam. Take all the criminals back to Duting.

Oh, it's going to be bad.He can't beat this person.

The convoy transporting materials will not wait for Sima Chong, is this considered a deserter?It was already like this, and it was a matter of life, Wang Ge saw that Tie Lei didn't say anything, so he had to salute and thank him.

"They're all criminals. They only eat one meal a day. It's normal to die a few times." They all deserved to die, and Military Officer Hu didn't care at all.

It was indeed here to pick him up.

"Hmph, a bunch of cowards!"

The brave men who were close to Wang Tian at that time were all implicated, and now Huan Zhen, Liu Qing, and Yu Xi are also close to him.

"It must be there. He dared to disappear without a reason, because he had thought about it a long time ago and didn't care about his status as a military officer. Since he didn't care, why bother to come to Kuaiji Mountain?"

Who can I find?
Either look for Su Jun, or look for Jiang Ba.

Well, benefactor?Heaven pays off!It's benefactor!I am A Huang, don't worry, I am A Huang.

"Hide from the rain!"

"got used to."

Han Huang panicked: "Aren't there 200 people?"

Han Huang no longer looked in the direction of "Su Jun", and flattered Military Officer Hu, saying: "There are a lot of wild beasts here. They were no match for you before, and now I haven't moved my bow for a long time."

It's a pity that Military Officer Hu thought the criminals were smelly, so he stopped, and Han Huang had to stop too.Looking around, there are all disgraced criminals wearing shackles with thick beards, which one is Su Jun?Engong treats him like a father and brother, but he doesn't recognize him!Han Huang clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were sore.

The three of them looked back at the mountain that was still emitting black smoke, and hoped that the timely rain would be heavier so that the rest of the mountains and forests would not be affected.

For a person like Jiang Bi, it would be impossible to send another military officer to meet him, that is to find Su Jun!The evil county soldiers came to pick up Su Jun at the risk of being exposed and losing their status as a military officer. The criminal Neiying has not explained his appearance until now, which proves that the evil county soldiers knew the plan to meet Su Jun, but they should not be with the criminals. of.

The bet was right, Uncle Yuan Yan bowed his head again.The soldiers of the evil county can chat and laugh happily with military officer Hu, and they must be the chief of the corps or the chief.There is no change in the camps of the county soldiers and the town soldiers, which means that the only one who comes here is the bad county soldier.This is not normal, something must be wrong.The evil county soldiers would not come to visit criminals for no reason. Although he was covering up his expression just now, Uncle Yuan Yan still knew very well that the other party was looking for someone.

The two went to the county soldier's place while they were talking. After a few words from Military Officer Hu, he followed Han Huang into the forest.

At the place where Kuaiji Mountain merged into the official road, Sima Chong made a gesture of "Woooo", Wang Ge and Tie Lei understood it, and the other party thought it through. The reason why Huan Zhen is so thick-skinned is to ask him to find Tie Lei to protect Wang Ge back. In fact, he felt that Sima Chong had a kind heart, and he was definitely worried about Tie Lei's force, and he would definitely not be able to beat the bandits.So he lied to Lu thief Cao, and lost the bamboo card, so he had to go back to the examination area to find it.

Benedict has great wisdom and will not die!Han Huang took a few steps and looked at the place where fifty county soldiers gathered. There was a simple hut there, and there were another hundred village soldiers in the corner, with a thorn fence tied around.The county soldiers have bows and arrows, while the town soldiers have spears.There are dense forests on the slopes of the valley, but this place is nearly a hundred feet away from the dense forest, and it is not easy to run with benefactors. Moreover, the criminals are all weak, and many of them cannot sit still.

"What do you mean? Practice? I'm afraid it's too late, those brave men..."

It's raining.


what to do?How can we find it as soon as possible... Just when Han Huang was about to find out that there was a criminal who was alone, Uncle Yuan Yan yelled frantically: "Let you quarrel with me again! You deserve to die, retribution, retribution. It's not me, it's me!" You fell into the cesspit by yourself, it was you, it was you, it was you, it was was you!!" He raised his face, looking directly at Han Huang through his messy silver hair.

"The seven of 190 are all here," Military Officer Hu said.

Liu Qing and Huan Zhen whispered: "Do you think Han Huang is still in Kuaiji Mountain?"

Of all the criminals, only Uncle Yuan Yan has one shackle, and the gangsters will soon find out the clues, so just now he went all out to try and said three sentences "It's you", the moment the gangsters and his eyes met the sad feeling Fortunately, Uncle Yuan Yan made the right bet.

It has to be said that Han Huang has the talent of a general, and he guessed the official arrangement.

It was not far from the Valley of the Sinners. After Li Gao gave the order, the warriors hid under the flourishing trees.In the depths of the forest, the autumn rain is even cooler, so Wang Tian washed his face with some rainwater.On the way, he provoked a wasp and was stung on his cheekbone, which was painful and itchy.

Yu Xi never cared about his mind, he only had ears, and he rested his head on Huan Zhen's shoulder, waiting for what Liu Qing would say.Liu Qingdao: "He didn't act long ago, and I was defeated. I didn't even find a reason and ran away in a hurry." Speaking of this, Wang Tian came over with a grin, and his face was much more comfortable.

Liu Qing took the fallen leaves on Wang Tian's shoulders and continued to analyze: "It can be seen that what he is going to do and where he is going are related to our last assessment."

Huan Zhen: "I'm going to look for Ting Zuo. The rain can't be avoided, so I might as well hurry up. Ah Tian."

Wang Tian smiled and said, "Understood!" He is the son of the sheriff, standing beside Brother Huan, Li Gao couldn't ignore Brother Huan's suggestion.

(End of this chapter)

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