Chapter 248 Robbing "Su Jun"

Shen Zheng, the rain stopped.

Zu Huan, who was hiding in the dense forest on the southern slope of the Sinner's Valley, got the news that something seemed to have happened at the bottom of the valley, and some soldiers ran into the dense forest in groups.

was discovered?Zu Huan then denied his guess. If he was discovered, the other party would not dare to send only a few officers and soldiers to investigate.Running in a hurry into the dense forest?Are there beasts?

Zu Huan ordered: "Explore again!"

Shen Zheng two quarters.

A village soldier with a bloody face ran out of the dense forest, and the nearest county soldiers met him. The poor man had a broken jaw and could not speak. He howled as hard as he could, pointed at the dense forest behind him, and then shook his head in grief and indignation. , when he died, his eyes stared at the direction where the criminals gathered.

Immediately afterwards, Han Huang was covered in blood, and there was a long gash on the right side of his face, which was scratched by a sharp weapon. He staggered and fell to the ground, and blood spurted out before he passed out, covering the other half of his face.The county soldiers carried him to the front of the hut. Han Huang woke up, grabbed Qin military officer and said urgently: "Be careful! It's not a tiger, it's a person, a lot of people! The opponent has a lot of people, has bows and arrows, and is dressed like a caravan from another county. Military officer Hu, he ...It's all my fault, I shouldn't be hunting!" Han Huang's eyes burst into tears, he choked up, and beat himself hard.

Shen Zheng three quarters.

Zu Huan got news again that dozens of soldiers from the county and the township had entered the dense forest, and they were far away, so they still don't know what happened.Zu Huan didn't know that in order to save Su Jun, Han Huang threw out the fact that a suspicious caravan was about to attack the valley as a bait.

Dozens of criminals cut off the hemp ropes on their legs, rolled and crawled, and fled in all directions.They want to enter the dense forest, the dense forest can cover their whereabouts, and then they will find a way to smash the shackles.More than half of the criminals were still staying in the gathering area, and they were more honest than usual. They were divided into several piles and squeezed together, with two corpses in the middle.

The one who killed them was Han Huang.

"It doesn't matter if you don't carve fine objects."

"It doesn't hurt." For some reason, Han Huang felt his face was hot, and he ran faster again, repeating: "It doesn't hurt." Tears flowed into the wound. In this world, from the beginning to the end, only benefactor cared about whether he would suffer from such a small injury. pain.

Xu early.

Military Officer Qin was frightened by the news revealed by Han Huang. He knew that there might be a traitor robbing the prisoner, but he didn't expect the other party to act in advance.One military officer and ten soldiers died so quickly, military officer Qin didn't care that the rain would expose Uncle Yuan Yan, he personally led half of the troops into the forest, opened the line of defense and moved forward slowly.

Uncle Yuan Yan was also in a hurry at the moment.If the evil county soldiers don't come to pick up "Su Jun", he will be exposed!There is no way, all of Uncle Yuan Yan's disguises have a nemesis, which is water.From the beginning of the rain, he broke free from the shackles and put the shackles on his head.Originally, in order to prevent the rain from being exposed, he confessed to the military officer of Qin and Zhang San, a dwarf soldier, that once it rained, Zhang San would take him to the hut on the grounds of interrogating Su Jun.

Ah Huang?Uncle Yuan Yan bite the bullet and lay down on his back.Call Su Jun a benefactor?That could only have happened when Su Jun was in Ye County more than [-] years ago, when the county soldier Ah Huang should have just reached the age of the chief.

Han Huang turned his back to Uncle Yuan Yan, squatted low, and said in a choked voice, "Grandfather, Ah Huang will take you away!"

But Uncle Yuan Yan didn't know that Han Huang first killed Military Officer Hu in the forest, and then howled miserably, imitating the roar of a tiger, and led two county soldiers and eight town soldiers into the forest, Zhang San was among them.These ten people were not Han Huang's opponents, only Zhang San's jaw was broken, it was Han Huang who deliberately let him escape from the dense forest to report, and the rest died.

time is limited.

The second quarter of the unitary month.


Zu county magistrate... Zu county magistrate...

Not long ago, military officer Qin took away half of the soldiers, Han Huang no longer concealed, killed the last county soldiers and snatched the bow.His archery skills are at the peak, one arrow kills one person, and the villagers who killed him dare not approach.Han Huang's purpose was not to kill people, he dragged a few spears, came towards the criminal gathering area, threw the spears away at will, and walked straight to "Su Jun".

Han Huang walked through the forest, and the soldiers chasing him were quickly thrown off. He climbed up the slope with one person on his back, and he still had the energy to explain the route: "To join the people sent by the ancestor governor, we have to go around Qin military officer and the others."

In the dark, Zu Huan didn't know who killed him. When he was cleaning the battlefield, he was identified by the captives. Only then did he know that he was the son of the late Zu Ti, the former governor of Yuzhou, and the county magistrate of Hefei in Huainan County.

One of the songs suddenly patted his forehead in frustration: "It's broken, footprints!" In order to investigate more clearly, they all climbed to the tree to look out, and jumped directly when they got down from the tree. The footprints were very deep, and they were easily spotted by officers and soldiers.

There is no escape.

The three of them rested on the side of the official road, and there were craftsmen candidates returning home before and after.There are many people, and courage is strong.

"Does it hurt?" Uncle Yuan Yan's hand hovered over the wound on the right side of the other's face, caressing it only half an inch apart.He immediately noticed that Han Huang's body was stiff, and it seemed that kindness could not reduce the other party's vigilance, so Uncle Yuan Yan withdrew his hand.

Desperate to respond?Give up the evacuation immediately?Dilemma!
Bu Qu urged: "Magistrate Zu, we have more people than them. It's better to fight, we can pick up Mr. Su before dark."

All the five parts who had been inquiring about the news returned and told Zu Huan that a large number of officers and soldiers had entered the forest, and the search had obviously begun.

"It's too late to make a difference!"

The captives confessed that their purpose was to abduct the criminals "Su Jun" and "Jiang Biao", and to protect Su Jun. If they couldn't protect Jiang Biao, they could kill them. Also, they didn't hear Zu Huan mention "Han Huang" "This person, Zu Huan used to talk less and only talked to Mr. Qian. After Mr. Qian died, Zu Huan talked even less.


"The magistrate of Zu county."

Youzheng two quarters.

The necks of the two dead ghosts were immediately smashed by fists.

At the first moment of the unitary.

The rest of the parts also said: "Quickly order."

It would be great if it was poisonous, Uncle Yuan Yan is extremely regretful.

Liu Qing and Fu Jun were in charge of examining the cause of death of the two criminals' bodies and who they had talked with before they died.Huan Zhen and Bian Yan were in charge of collecting the testimony of the town soldiers, Sima Tao and Wang Tian were in charge of treating the soldiers, but unfortunately, none of those shot by Han Huang survived.

The ones who died were Jiang Yu and Nei Ying, the criminals.

Uncle Yuan Yan gambled again, decisively pointing to Jiang Fu and the criminals. "Kill them!"

Wang Ge picked up a piece of wood on the road. After the stone knife was sharpened, she did not look at the knife or the wood, and cut it blindly.

Zu Huan once again felt sorry for Mr. Qian, it would be great if he was still alive.He forced himself to calm down and not show fear in front of Buqu, but today he has been hesitating, is it worth taking the risk to pick up Su Jun?If my uncle knew about his current situation, he would definitely protect him and give up on Su Jun, right?
If you just give up on Su Jun, you will be wasting your time at Kuaiji Mountain, and you will lose so many people.Zu Huan knew that the two groups of men who had been forced to stay in Tingting and sent back to the examination area two days ago must have died or been captured.

Tie Lei looked at it curiously for a while, and asked, "Can I see it without seeing it?"

Five hundred warriors arrived in the valley and surrounded it according to Li Gao's order, and no one was allowed to enter the dense forest without authorization.

Han Huang didn't care about anything, he felt a sense of panic in front of Yuan, if he didn't take En Gong away, he really couldn't leave.

Zu Huan's team chased Qin Military Officer's remnant soldiers out of the dense forest, and Zu Huan's team turned around and fled in fright.

"Go around first, don't rush to meet up."

A cricket jumped to Wang Ge's feet, she stopped sharpening the stone knife, and threatened the cricket, pretending to scare it away, and continued to polish.

It's so dark, it's a waste of time to keep staring.Wang Ge is used to going to bed late, thinking about things when he is free, so he might as well find something to do.She tried to use two things at once, observing the surroundings and listening to the movement, while groping for the position of the wood to be removed, lowering the knife, turning the wood, and lowering the knife.

The basic skills are like this, even if you become a master craftsman, you have to practice as much as possible every day.

At this time, a gentleman came over and asked, "Is this Master Wang?"

Wang Ge clenched the stone knife tightly, the other party had a Wu Jun accent!

(End of this chapter)

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