Chapter 250 How can you compare with her?
The four were delighted to meet each other, the world is difficult, and a safe reunion is more precious than anything else.

Huan Zhen was on his way day and night, just to see if Wang Ge and Tie Lei had returned home.Feeling relieved, he didn't rush on the road, and led the horse. Tie Lei told Huan Zhen what he heard and saw on the road, and it went well, but Sima Chong was left in the county office by the county officials.

Huan really knows this. "I also went to the county office and left a letter to my uncle. I'm sure I won't be able to keep my job as a tour officer. I hope to keep his status as a village soldier so that he can be admitted to the guard next year." It's better to explain the whole story and let the clan uncle know the evil situation at that time. If you delay for a moment, Wang Ge may be killed.

So Sima Chong's fault was that he acted too recklessly. He should have told the officer the truth at that time, instead of lying about the loss of the bamboo card.If after informing the official, the other party refuses and Sima Chong leaves forcibly, he can always rely on the official afterwards, judge him as unable to distinguish the seriousness of the situation, and bear half of the blame for Sima Chong.

Of course, it is only now that Huan Zhen laments the unequal news, and the clues he has exhausted to find are nothing more than the officials' control somewhere.People without power are like blind and deaf!

Wang Ge and Wang Tian were far behind. Wang Tian was in high spirits, and he was telling her what happened after the brave man was eliminated.It stands to reason that the other party shouldn't have said these things to her, but this young man is not a person who abides by the rules, and it doesn't matter if Mr. Huan Lang doesn't stop him.

It turns out that there really are forces rebelling against the imperial court!As she had guessed, it was not an ordinary gathering of gangsters.

The leader of the bandits is called Zu Huan?Wang Ge suddenly thought of Zu Ti who heard the chicken and danced.Sure enough, Wang Tian explained in the next sentence that Zu Huan was the son of Zu Ti and served as the county magistrate of Hefei in Huainan County; .

Governor?Wang Ge did know that he was the official who supervised the border of the state.

Wang Tian climbed half of the tree trunk beside the road, stretched his right arm, and swung from left to right. "At that time, Zu Huan led 2000 people to ambush in the surrounding dense forest..."

Wang Tian: "The charge was made by me."

"Okay, everyone is nervous. In fact, why hide it from us, so much chaos in Kuaiji Mountain is clearly a danger of war."

Zu Huan appeared in Kuaiji Mountain for no reason. Although his subordinates were all wearing the coats of Shen and Qian's caravans, they were not ordinary tenants, and they were all strong.It is easy to distinguish people who practice martial arts all the year round from ordinary people.

"When I arrived in Duting, I immediately realized that something was wrong. Mrs. Ting is in danger..."

Wang Ge: "What?"

"Han Huang, he ran away again. Han Huang is the military officer in charge of us in Jingjipo, and he is also a traitor! It's terrible. When we besieged the bandits together that night, I felt something was wrong with Han Huang. It's a pity. There is no evidence. We were eliminated by you..." Wang Tian rubbed his nose and mumbled: "This guy just ran away, went to the valley earlier than us, and robbed a criminal named Su Jun. Hateful! Han Huang is very cunning, The hillside is densely forested, who knows where he hid? The next day..."

At this time, Wang Ge regretted that he didn't study history well in his previous life. He only knew about Sima Shao and nothing else.But in any case, the history of bloody storms cannot be repeated, and must not be repeated!She couldn't let her family members all live as the second uncle of the first life.

war?What scale war?The back of Wang Ge's head was numb. She knew the original history. It is not an exaggeration to describe the broken Jin Dynasty as riddled with holes.She thought of the first life that the second uncle recalled, it was terrible!In that life, the second uncle hid in the wild mountains and didn't survive.

Huan Zhen gave a heavy "cough".

Under Huan Zhen's encouraging eyes, Wang Ge spelled out the answer: "They have to wait for an opportunity? They hope that the more chaos the better, the government office will take care of everything? So the fire is not just the thorns in the middle of the mountain. If the government office does not take the initiative Attack and be attacked!"

Wang Ge's heart was simmering with fire. She was the only one in the world who knew what kind of massacre the divided Central Plains would bring to the people!Her eyes were cold: "Sima Tao, can you go to the battlefield?"

Huan Zhen stopped and corrected Wang Tian's words: "Everyone is in danger!"

The number of warriors outnumbered Zu Huan's team by more than twice, Wang Tian shook his head: "This battle was fought smoothly! It's a pity, it's hateful..."

Huan Zhen's eyes showed approval, and Wang Ge's intelligence and quick response made him admire time and time again.He continued: "When Ah Tian and I arrived at Duting, many caravans from other places were locked up there, most of them came from Wu County and Wu Xing County. They were captured from the city and put on heavy shackles for the crime of intending to set fire. "

So far, that's all Huan Zhen can analyze.

Wang Tian and Huan Zhen didn't know that Han Huang had been put to death, and they didn't know that Uncle Yuan Yan, who had been separated for several months, was also in the dense forest.The next day, half of the brave men went to help put out the mountain fire, and the other half escorted the prisoners and criminals back to Duting.Both of them are in this group of courageous men returning to Duting.

Having said that, let Wang Ge think wildly, it is better to tell her all of their analysis.Huan Zhen said: "Zu Huan is only a county magistrate. How could he have the guts to create chaos in Kuaiji County? The Shen and Qian families are big families in Wu County. Why should they obey Zu Huan? Besides, what's the use of creating chaos in Kuaiji Mountain? The mountain fire, did it really burn the thorns in the middle of the mountain? Trapping so many criminals in the valley was originally used for the last assessment of the county military competition."

Wang Ge's terrified expression cooperated: "Yes!"

The boy jumped down from the tree, squinting his eyes with a smile: "200 people, heh, 200 people is not a lot. We have to add those criminals who escaped."

Wang Tian walked backwards, and asked, "Does Sister Ge know Sima Tao? He is also a brave man, not as good as me in martial arts, and slightly better than Sima Chong. He threatened that if you are really capable, you will compete with him on the battlefield."

"Assessment, employment?" Wang Ge was really terrified this time!She knew that the two assessments before the Thorn Slope battle were shooting and hunting, but she never expected that the final assessment would target people.

"Well done." After Huan Zhen praised him, he said again: "When we left, we asked the people specifically that the city had not been set on fire. It proved that the purpose of these caravans was known to the government, so they could arrest them all. But before they were arrested, Is there really no chance for foreign thieves to set fires? Even if they set a few fires, how much chaos can they cause in a city?"

Wang Tian was at a loss for words.Regular town soldiers were dispatched to the battlefield during wartime, and he, Brother Huan, Sima Tao, etc., all went to the quasi-guard army, and they were not considered regular town soldiers.If you can't become a quasi-guard, and you are over 15 years old, you must find another way to advance.

Wang Ge's tone was firm: "And I can go. How can he compare?" How can he compare with her?Don't even dare to compete on the little thorny slope, dare to brazenly compete on the battlefield?
Huan Zhen was moved: "Do you want to go to the battlefield?" Wang Ge is not a bragging character, if she dares to say it, it proves that she has thought deeply.

Both he and A Tian knew that craftsmen could indeed go to border counties and bitter cold places to take the county-level competitions, and some of the assessment content was to participate in the battle.They also know that craftsmen with heavenly skills can lead apprentices to make weapons when they join the battle.

What about the weaponsmith?Do military craftsmen have the same rights as craftsmen with heavenly skills?

The two teenagers exchanged glances quickly, but Tie Lei pretended not to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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