Chapter 251

Erlang is in high spirits, who hasn't imagined that in the din of horseshoes, he puts on his armor and holds a spear, and charges straight to the enemy camp?But the reality is that you will have the opportunity to fight after you become a quasi-guardian. Including the training time, it will take four or five years.

Wang Ge took a long breath, and there was no need to hide his ambition: "Yes. I want to pass the examination as a middle school craftsman within three years." Fifteen promises to marry Jiji, so when she is 14 years old at the latest, the marriage must be settled.She is already eleven, and this world only gives her three years.

Yes, in fact, it is possible to reach the age of 20, but in that case, the family will be talked about and ridiculed by the neighbors. She is not afraid of gossip and cannot let her elder parents endure it.

Tie Lei felt sorry for Wang Ge.The higher the craftsman's level, the fewer women there are, and the reason is well known.What a powerful Miss Wang, if she marries an incompetent and narrow-minded man, and has an ignorant uncle, can she still make utensils?
Tie Lei took out the flail hammer in his bag, ran a certain distance, and swung the thick chain. The jabbed hammer was like a fist on a monster, drawing, retracting, and reeling without following any trajectory. ring.

This weapon was made by Wang Ge from wood, rattan and grass picked up on the road.The handle is a one-foot-long wooden stick, and the thorn-shaped hammer is carved from the whole wood. The hammer and thorn are as big as his fist.Wang Ge twisted wild vines and withered grass into interlocking thick chains, connecting the jabs and sticks.

Don't look at the roughness of this thing, it is really difficult to practice and defend.When Tie Lei and Sima Chong fought each other, they hit him far more often than they hit each other.

Taking advantage of his depressed mood, Tie Lei became more enlightened than usual and practiced some tricks.Unfortunately, as soon as he stopped, the flail hammer was taken away by Huan Lang.

It has to be said that the uncles and nephews Huan Shi and Huan Zhen have similar personalities in some aspects.Sima Chong came out of the official office with a smile all over his face. County magistrate Huan came back, he hammered the shackles away, and told him to go back to the barracks in his hometown first.It's good if he can keep his status as a village soldier. Anyway, this year there is no military guard in Kuaiji County, and the bad reputation of "five hundred counselors" is much worse than his nickname of "dung man".

September 29.

Tired of being close to home?Not Wang Ge, she walked faster and faster step by step, walking towards the familiar fenced yard.The thatched roof of the house is bright yellow and warm by the sun, and the geese are spiritual, and they run out with their wings on their wings.Father's voice came: "It's making noise again."

"Now I teach my wife to be surnamed Yuan. He is very strict. He is Brother Yuan's father. Brother Yuan is not Uncle Yuan. He is only one year older than Brother Huan."

Jia Yu slapped him on the buttocks. As soon as Wang Peng turned his head, the old man stuffed a piece of chicken into his mouth. "Try it, is it ready?"

When Jia Yu heard this, she was happier than wearing beautiful clothes on herself.The eldest granddaughter is so capable, she is a master craftsman, and she will have to dress decently in the future. "There are several cloth shops in the village, but this one has more styles of embroidered cloth."

Wang Ge felt very uncomfortable. Damu used to stay in the village, but now she has been staying in Weiting. If she hadn't picked such expensive fabrics, she would be worried about handing them over to others. Damu hadn't had a chance to go to the township.

As she approached, the yard in her vision was suddenly blurred by tears.Hutou is actually at home, sitting on the same side of the table as Aai, teaching Yaomei to read and write. The appearance of the two little guys has changed slightly, and they have grown up.My father has not changed, weaving straw mats in front of the chicken coop in the firewood shed. When it is cold, the chicken coop has to be covered with straw mats first and then the hay is replaced frequently.

"Well. That's great, it's so lively."

Wang Shu and Wang Zhu looked at each other and smiled.

The wind blows slowly, and the years are quiet.


Wang's baked cakes and boiled meat, and they were as happy as Chinese New Year. Age finally came back after four months away from home.A pottery stove had been added to the house long ago, and Wang Shu and Wang Zhu cooked together.

"Did mother go to the countryside?"

My God, there is a goose egg at the gate of the courtyard, I almost stepped on it!
As if he had a tacit understanding, Wang Yun raised his head.

The two sisters and brothers came out holding hands. The mats had been laid in the courtyard, the desks were set up, the sun was pouring in, the cows "mooed" and the geese returned home. If it hadn't been for the turmoil in Kuaiji Mountain, Wang Ge, like his family, thought that life In this way, although it is plain, it is stable, and although it is poor, it is content.

"Eat or eat."

Jia Yu was afraid that Wang Ge's wet hair would catch cold, so she kept changing dry cloths to wipe her twisted hair.

"Sister, are you ready?" Wang Yun ran in.

"Sister, I have been to Nanshan, Xie Ju and I became good friends, and we also met Bian Xun and Sima Nandi."

"Read well."

Wang Erlang pretended not to hear, and deliberately turned his back to A Peng.

"Xu Xun is the best at learning, but I still can't pass him in this monthly test. Sima Wujing is the worst in the test, but we are reconciled, and if we don't fight again, I will ask him to recite books together next month."

"Second Uncle? smells so good." Wang Peng ran to the cauldron to take a look, then went to the chicken coop, and trained Dahei: "Be honest, I will eat you next time." Then he went to the window of the main house and stood on tiptoe. Foot shouted: "Sister, are you alright?"

Wang Ge overestimated his geese, they lined up and passed by her legs, screaming "highly", and did not stop.

"Sister, are you alright? Brother, brother." Wang Peng urged again outside the window.


Wang Ge raised his voice: "Okay."

Beside, Wang Weng and Wang Dalang also laughed.

Wang Peng ran into the courtyard from the outside. "Father, Uncle Cheng said that brother Hecong went for a walk and couldn't come back at noon. I saw Chief Huanting and Wang Langjun, and Wang Langjun is brother Tian. Second uncle, second uncle, I also want to raise high."

In front of the chicken coop, Wang Ai secretly wiped away tears, stuffed the hen Dahei into the coop, and whispered to it: "Dahua ran into the cauldron by himself. You usually feel crowded and always fight, and now you have the space." , how nice it is."

Wang Ge patted his head, wiped away his tears, put his head on his forehead, and praised: "The tiger's head has grown up, let sister worry less."

"Brother Liu is very knowledgeable."

Before Wang Ge could sit down, Mr. Yilang ran over from the side of the road and shouted through the fence, "Second Brother Wang. Come, the duck at home has laid an extra egg."

"Okay, okay, you come." The old man went to the yard to watch the meal, and the meat had to be cooked for a while.

Wang Erlang came over and threw Aai onto his shoulder. "Then do you still eat big flowers?"

"Well... I'm alone in Qinghe Village, so I'm not afraid. I have Zhuzheng to help me with chores, and I just need to learn Chinese characters. Sister, have I... become better?"

Just after that, the four of them arrived at Weiting.Wang Tian was not in a hurry to go back to the military camp in Xunqi Township, in order not to meet the Wang family, he gave way again and politely, Huan Zhen took him to the pavilion office by detour.

Wang Ai softly imitated her father: "It's noisy again, and the big goose is noisy again."

In the room, Wang An combed and combed, lying on Wang Ge's back, with her head resting on her left shoulder, as he spoke, her shoulders trembled and numb, her heart seemed to be tickled and rubbed by a cat's paw, Turned inside out, the sweetness and softness become a honeypot that keeps overflowing.

"It's almost ready." Jia Yu picked up the comb, and Wang Yun said, "I'll do it." He wanted to comb my sister's hair.

Wang Ge bathed and washed her hair, and put on the new clothes and skirts made by her aunt. She fell into the arms of the old man. At this moment, she didn't think about her real age. She picked up the skirt and said fondly: "There are embroidered flowers. So lovely."

Laying too many eggs?Besides, why is Second Uncle blushing?Wang Ge was suspicious.

Wang Peng ran over and refused: "No, my second uncle doesn't like duck eggs, so don't give them any more." As soon as he finished speaking, a lady came riding a donkey from the other side of the road, jumped off in a hurry, and squeezed away the man who was delivering duck eggs. He forced the food box into Wang Peng's hand, fixed his eyes on Wang Erlang and shouted: "The wild radish planed by the wild mountain, throw it away if you don't want to eat it!"

what's the situation?Giving carrots is like collecting debts.

 Already packed up the mood, normal update.Thanks to friends like Zi Kexin, Yiying, Fantastic Voice Range, Xiluotrica, Maoqiu Weiwei, Big Red Apple, Jiangnan Xibei, and many others who encouraged me, so I won’t list them all.I am a sensitive person, thank you for making me strong like sunshine.Delete the decadent post, I will concentrate on writing books in the future, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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