Chapter 260 Huantingzuo

Wang Ge saw his mother turn from deep thought to excitement, and the process was as short as blinking twice.

"The chief examiner is a senior official. If you don't believe that our Hubao has the ability to be admitted to the middle craftsman, can you just tell Hubao this? Dalang, what are you talking about?" Jia Yu asked her husband eagerly, Ask Erlang again.

A'ai's little head looked here and there for a while, and Wang Ge beckoned Yaomei to his side.

Wang Dalang: "Father, tell me, Hu Bao and I will listen to you."

Wang Weng kept silent all the time, just because he was afraid that the elder room had different meanings. Now that Dalang said so, the old man understood, patted his knees, and reminded: "Dalang should think about it, Age will go away for at least three months. Years, I guess the news will be difficult!" He raised his right hand to comfort his wife, don't worry, he still has something to say next.

Wang Dalang smiled slightly: "I've thought it over. The children are capable, and I'm happier than my eyes being able to see again."

Ah Ai could understand this sentence, she threw herself into his arms and asked, "Father, have you forgotten? The baby is your eyes."

Wang Ge covered his face, tears streaming down his hands.The family is old and young, and it is too long to be separated for three years in this age.Is she being too selfish?
Wang Dalang wiped away Aai's tears. "Father has not forgotten. Tomorrow, you will take Father to see the new plow made by your eldest sister, and from now on, you will walk with Father in the reed pavilion every day."

"Yeah! I've wanted to take my father out for a long time, and I've traveled all over Weiting for my father."

Childish words, Wang Ge sounds even more guilty.

Jia Yu embraced the eldest granddaughter, Wang Ge shook his head, he was fine, don't let my father hear her cry.

Wang Weng let out a long breath, not sad, but relieved, and asked: "Where are you settled? When are we going?"

Wang Ge stabilized his emotions and said: "The county magistrate Huan said that Bianjun is different from Bianjun. He will help me choose a place, but I won't know until I leave the county. The date of leaving the county is set on the 28th. I will go to the county office one day in advance. .”

Today is seventeen, Wang Ge can only stay at home for ten days.

Jia Yu panicked: "Then, can the aunt know where you are going? No, I have to call Erlang back, Hu Bao, go and talk to the county magistrate, let your second uncle take you there, okay?" ?”

Wang Weng: "Tsk! Erlang is leaving too. What about the house in the village? Let Ah He go with Age."

"Father and mother, don't worry, no one needs to send me off. I am a military artisan, and I am allowed to take my apprentices to the border county. The county magistrate Huan said that the journey is long, and he will send three pavilion officials to serve as apprentices." Escort me. The county magistrate also gave me a horse, these days, I will learn how to ride a horse from Uncle Tiereo."

"Oh..." Wang Weng and Jia Yu said in unison, and then Wang Weng said: "Then you just learn to ride a horse and don't worry about family affairs."

Jia Yu: "Yes, yes. I have to grind a few bags of new wheat noodles for Hubao, sew two cold clothes, and weave a new seat. It's too late, why don't I go to the village to buy it tomorrow?"

Wang Dalang: "You still have to prepare coir raincoats? Do you have an ox cart for your journey?"

Wang Weng: "If you have an ox cart, buy a new pottery stove."

Jia Yu: "There is still a cauldron. Bedding! Put more bedding."

Aai said loudly: "Eldest sister, don't forget to take the bamboo knife."

Wang Ge couldn't intervene, so he had to wait for the elders to finish speaking, and then eased their hearts again: "There is no need to prepare anything, the county magistrate Huan said, this time the road guide is a business road guide, food, clothing, housing, and pavilions along the road. Postmaster, as long as I get to Bianjun as soon as possible, I can try one more competition if I arrive one day earlier."

Oops... Both the old couple could see the uncontrollable excitement on their respective faces, Hubao was so valued by the county magistrate, it can be seen that it is not a lie to be a craftsman in the three-year examination!

There is still a little bit of bitterness in Wang Dalang's joy, how nice it would be if Ah Wu was alive?Even if she is sick, as long as she is still alive?

Not long after, Wang Ge came out of the main house, first went to the Pavilion Office to find Tie Lei, and made an appointment for tomorrow's horse riding practice.

A dozen children jumped up and down in front, and Wang Peng was among them. "Sister?" The little guy ran over quickly, "Sister, you are really back, I have been looking for you for a long time."

"Where's your brother Zhucong?"

"He's still learning to push the plow. Where is sister going?"

"Go to the Pavilion Office, let's go, go with sister."

"Hee hee." As soon as Ah Peng's hand was held, he shouted to his companions, "I want to accompany my sister."

When he waved his small hand, Wang Ge saw a bloody mouth on his palm. "Has been stabbed?"

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore."

After arriving at the pavilion office, there was no noise as expected. It seemed that those wanderers were still in the field.The cattle and carts given by the county office were also taken to the fields.

The pavilion was built later, and it is the only bucket-style wooden frame house in Weiting.The fence is as simple as other places. It is a fence made of pear thorns and reeds.Tie Lei was in the courtyard, scrubbing Huan Zhen's mounts "Diao Bi" and "Bai Rong".

A green horse and a white horse, with the red setting sun behind it, A Peng stared blankly, unable to move.

"Huan Lang, Master Wang is here." Tie Lei called into the house.

Wang Ge smiled before saying anything: "Uncle Tie, Ah Peng is standing here watching the horses, is it okay?"

"No hindrance." Tie Lei carried Ah Peng onto his shoulders, and the happy little guy kicked and kicked.

When Huan Zhen came out of the house, Wang Ge asked his elder brother to pay attention to his hand injury, and then he and Huan Zhen bowed to each other.

The two of them sat down on the straw mat in the courtyard, Tie Lei had already put down Wang Peng and cleaned his hand injury.Wang Ge was very grateful and was about to leave. When she returned to Weiting, Uncle Tie must have followed Mr. Huan Lang back to Luoyang.

"Master Huan Ting." Wang Ge said to the business: "Magistrate Huan told me to use Bai Rong to practice riding."

"You Yan told me. From tomorrow, Cheng Shuang will be the head of the pavilion, and I will be the assistant of the pavilion."

Wang Ge wondered: why?If Mr. Huan Lang loses the martial arts competition and intends to return to Luoyang, why bother?

But these are not things she should ask, she continued to explain Bai Rong: "I will go on a long trip in a few days, and the county magistrate Huan allowed me to take Bai Rong away."

"Well, I know."

That's good, after all, if Huan Langjun is reluctant, she can't go to the county office to file a complaint. "In addition to riding skills, I also want to learn how to feed horses from Uncle Tie. Besides, I see that there are iron palms under the horse's hooves. Are the iron palms the same as human shoes, which need to be replaced every time?"

Huan Zhen: "Don't worry, I will tell Tie Lei to teach you."

"Mr. Xie Huan, I'm fine." Wang Gexin approached Bai Rong happily, and he let her touch his back without earning or making trouble, and he was as honest as when he was in the official house.So nice, so handsome, so chic, the more I touch it, the more I like it.

Huan Zhen folded his hands and smiled.

Wang Ge pretended to be embarrassed, turned around and praised: "This horse is really docile."

"Hmm. Very docile."

At this time, in Wang's courtyard.The juniors of Wang He knew that Wang Ge was going to travel far again, but this time it was different, it took three years.

three years?three years?Wang Shu didn't dare to think deeply about how long three years were. She went to hold the firewood under the firewood shed and felt very sad.

Wang Zhu came to the elder father: "Elder father, after my sister leaves home, I want to go back to the village and return to my second uncle."

"You are young."

"No." He shook his head, "My sister is only three years older than me, and she is so far away from home. Hutou is five years old, and he is also studying abroad alone. What about me? I don't even dare to live in my own yard, and I don't even dare to live in my own house. I don’t dare to see the tenants. If I continue like this, I still don’t know anything when I grow up to my sister’s age. Sooner or later, I have to learn how to open a household. I want to learn early like my sister and Hutou.”

"Good boy." Wang Weng put his arms around his grandson's shoulders, "Okay, Father agrees."

Ah He came to Wang Dalang, squatted down and said in a low voice: "Uncle, don't worry, I will send my sister to the county office in a few days. If the officials sent by County Magistrate Huan are not as good as mine, I will ask the magistrate to replace me." Escort my sister."

A small hand patted Ah He's back, it was Aai who had just heard what the elder father said, and the little girl imitated the tone of the elder father just now and boasted: "Good boy, okay."

(End of this chapter)

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