Chapter 261 Thunder's Horse

At night, Wang Shu couldn't sleep, and wanted to talk more with his elder sister, otherwise he would regret it after his elder sister left home, but the more he wanted to talk, the more he didn't know what to say.

Wang Ge is next to his younger sister, can't he tell that she is not asleep?She reached out slowly, scratching the back of his hand.The two sisters had a tacit understanding, and they moved slightly towards each other and leaned together.

"You have to see the tiger's head, right?"

"At the end of this month, the Qinghezhuang students will compete with the Nanshan students. If the overall score is poor, the master will not let the students go home."

"But... can I ask Chief Huan Ting to help us talk about love?"

"What if Chief Huan Ting can't help? If we ask for help, won't we make it difficult for him? Hutou is studying, Master Yuan is a famous teacher, what a great opportunity, because of this kind of thing, it is not good to ask Master to go home. You Thinking about it again, other scholars, who is not difficult?"

"Oh. Anyway, everything you say is right." Wang Shu leaned on Wang Ge's shoulder coquettishly.

"Yes, just listen." Wang Ge lightly poked the other party's forehead.

The sadness of separation that had come in Wang Shu's heart in advance was mostly subsided by this poke.

Before dawn, all the households in Weiting lit up stoves.Ten wanderers went around to the east of Wang's courtyard, shouting, "Master Wang, I'm waiting to go back."

When Wang Weng heard the sound and left the house, he could no longer see these people.The old man held his hands behind his back, still standing in front of the fence: "Tsk, they are all officials, and they came here to say hello, I didn't even have time to reply, I'm rude." He blamed himself, and the satisfaction in his tone couldn't be concealed.

Wang Ge and his eldest mother were behind, and she praised: "Eldest mother, look at my elder father's aura."

Jia Yu laughed so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, her granddaughter was capable, and the county magistrate would have to come and walk around before she left. This kind of thing is something I would never dream of.

The appointed time to practice riding skills is Chenzheng, and the place is southwest of Weiting, where there is a piece of land that has been cleared of thatch and has not yet been dug.

Bai Rong is led by Huan Zhen.What Tie Lei meant was that Wang Ge would ride a tame horse first, and then tame Bai Rong when he was able to control it.

The tame horse is Tie Lei's brown mount "Thunder's Horse".

The name of this horse was a joke on the way back from Shanyin.At that time, after Tie Lei told Wang Ge "Lei's horse", he asked: "Then guess what is the name of your Uncle Tie Feng's mount?"

Wang Ge: "Wind... the horse?"

Then Tie Lei looked at her with a look of "Why do you think so", and shouted: "Zaifeng! Your uncle Tiefeng's mount is called Zaifeng."

Closer to home.

Tie Lei held Lei's horse steady and taught Wang Ge: "Learn to ride a horse, first learn to mount a horse. Come!" He drew a circle on his toes, where she stood before getting on the horse.

Wang Ge followed the loud voice, walked into the circle with full momentum, and raised his head, the saddle was much higher than her.Don't be afraid!
In her previous life, she only rode a horse in the scenic area a few times, and it seemed that they were all carried up by the scenic spot personnel.The stirrup is triangular in shape, which is quite tall for her height, and it is made of wood core covered with copper.

She tried her best to recall the actions of getting on a horse she had seen before. She could not grasp the horse, but could only grasp the saddle. Then she simulated the posture of grasping the saddle, and asked Tie Lei with her eyes: Is that right?

Tie Lei raised his head: Get on the horse.

That's right.Wang Ge clung to the rear pommel bridge and it broke, so his left foot couldn't get on the stirrup.Let go, step on the stirrup first, but your hand can only touch the front saddle bridge.It doesn't matter, the stirrup is hanging and can move. She puts one foot in the stirrup and the other foot jumps on the ground twice.

In the distance, Huan Zhen was delighted to see it.When he came over, firstly, he forgot to show her the Fenglei wooden sign because he had too many things to do yesterday; secondly, he wanted to see if Wang Ge was talented in everything, so he told Tie Lei in advance to be strict in teaching riding skills.

Wang Ge jumped to the right position and grasped the rear pommel with his right hand.As long as Tie Lei remained silent, she would pretend that she was doing the right thing.

ha!She secretly worked hard and got on the horse.

no.The saddle was not as tight as she had imagined, and it moved as she pulled.

Tie Lei straightened up and went back, reminding: "Use your feet too, don't use all your hands."

"Yes." With a correct attitude, she pressed her toes hard, taking advantage of the upward force to strike.

ha!The voice of shouting just set off from the heart, and died again.

stomping on...

stomping on...

She kept jumping, moving her feet, re-choosing the best point to get on the horse, and tapped her right toe hard on the ground.

Failed again.

Ray's horse got impatient, sneezed, and raised its mane.Tie Lei made a low reprimand, and Lei's horse immediately behaved.

try again.Wang Ge pursed his lips tightly, and didn't let out an unlucky "ha" in his heart. He was very angry, but he still couldn't do it.

Her left leg was sore, and she withdrew from the stirrups first.

"Huh! Hahu, hahu!" Wang Ge took a deep breath continuously.Tie Lei couldn't hold back his laughter, his face and jaw trembled all over.

"Lei's horse!" She bellowed like Tie Lei and changed her strategy to let Lei's horse know that she was an acquaintance.Step on the stirrup again with your left leg, lift your right heel off the ground, and press your toes hard. "Ha!" she yelled.

"Pfft..." Tie Lei couldn't bear it any longer, and burst out laughing.

Wang Ge felt that if the other party didn't smile, he might have succeeded in riding the saddle this time.

"Thunder's horse!" The fifth time, failed.

Sixth, seventh, eighth... No. 12 times.

His left leg couldn't get a firm foot on the stirrup, so Wang Ge walked around from the horse's head to the other side, looking for a position.

Tie Lei stared: "What are you doing? Come back!" Still want to get on the horse from the opposite side?

"Yes." She returned with a drooping face.It's not good to shake your leg in front of others, so just give it a couple of hard blows to relieve the pain.No matter what, she got on the stirrups, kicked her right foot on the ground vigorously, exerted strength with both arms at the same time, and raised her voice. Believe it or not, she succeeded this time!
"Ray's horse!"

Coming up.

For Wang Ge, who has no riding skills at all, the saddle is equivalent to putting another saddle on the horse's back. Except that it is higher from the ground, she can't feel its function at all.Also, why is the rein as thin as shoelaces?No sense of security at all.

Tie Lei adjusted the stirrups, led the horse slowly, and told Wang Ge to relax from now on, and not to pinch the horse's belly at will.

"Yes." Wang Ge pricked up his ears to listen to the experience, but after the abominable Coach Tie reminded him just now, he was speechless.

Lei's horse walked around the clearing, and after passing by Huan Zhen twice, Tie Lei said, "Master Wang, are you still afraid?"

"I'm not afraid anymore." This was the truth, the horse's back was very stable, her back was also relaxed, and she trusted Tie Lei.

"Lei's horse, speed up."

The horseshoe changed from walking to trotting, mainly bumping, but the speed did not increase very fast.Tie Lei ran at this speed, with the wind blowing against his face, Wang Ge was not afraid of heights, and after two laps he became familiar with this kind of running.

After another lap, she yelled: "Uncle Tie, you don't have to run after me, I can do it."

Tie Lei ordered: "Lei's horse, circle around." He gestured and his mount neighed to show his understanding.

On horseback, Wang Ge turned his head, watched Tie Lei let go, and then looked at the road ahead, which was full of stubble after mowing and shallow pits after weeding.It was the fourth time passing by Huanzhen, she caught a glimpse of Bai Rongchun's big eyes, and looked at them in a hurry, she squinted her eyes with a smile.

So wanton!She will soon go on a long journey on horseback to see a wider world, and the journey she is about to embark on will definitely be more difficult than the footsteps!But she is not afraid.

She is about to join the real war!For the sake of the thousands of people like her family, and for the court to pay more attention to the meaning of a hundred craftsmen contending, she, Wang Ge, will definitely do her best to protect this Great Jin!She's never conceited, but she doesn't despise herself either.

"Drive, Lei's horse!"

(End of this chapter)

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