Chapter 265
This is the edge of the battlefield, and there are many ferries dressed as ordinary people waiting. Wang Ge once again increased his knowledge. Among the ferries, there are not only people carrying livestock, but also ox carts and mule carts carrying goods. Judging from the rut marks, the loads should be Very heavy.It seems that Mindu's big boats are divided into carrying people and cargo. The boat she took when she went to Nanshan was only carrying people.

The three of them showed their past to the county soldiers stationed on the line of defense and entered the battlefield area.

Not long after walking, Huan Zhen signaled to the bank: "Then Lang Jun is Sima engaged in history." He didn't know that Wang Ge had met him.

Wang Tian had only heard of Sima Daoji's name, but had never seen him in person. The always rowdy young man covered half of his face and urged: "Brother Huan, hurry up, hurry up."

Huan Zhen couldn't help laughing: "The little girl who offended others, now you know how to be afraid?"

Wang Ge frowned. It turned out that Wang Tian also remembered frightening Sima Nandi, otherwise why would he be afraid of being seen by her father. "Wait, Wang Langjun."

"Ah?" Wang Tian only looked back, and then dragged Huan Zhen to a place with many carriages and horses, but this time he didn't pull Huan Zhen, because the latter noticed that Wang Ge's expression was different.

"Wang Langjun."

Wang Tian turned around, "That's not right!" The young man suddenly realized that his intentions had gone wrong, Sima Zongshi didn't know him at all, but knew Huan Zhen instead, so he immediately went to Huan Zhen's other side to block him.

Not waiting for Wang Tian to be confused, Wang Ge asked solemnly: "Is the little girl mentioned by Mr. Lang just now, my brother Sima Nan?"

Huan Zhen nodded: "Yes."

"Then I know why Wang Langjun didn't dare to meet with Sima Zhengshi. Brother Nan is my classmate and my friend. To tell you the truth, my friend has not forgotten the old things you have always remembered, and she is young. , I always mistakenly thought that it was her fault, and every time I think about it, I blame myself and feel ashamed. I don’t know how many years I have been in Bianjun, and I have made mistakes in the past, so I should not delay any longer. Please write a letter to my friend, Wang Langjun. .”

"I..." Wang Tian blushed, "I, oh, I really didn't mean it at that time."

"Wang Langjun will write down the reason, and my friend will understand."

"It's been so long, I won't write!" He got angry and asked Huan Zhen: "Which side is brother? If you force me to write, I won't go to Bianjun." He looked angrily at the king Ge glanced and ran into the woods.His mount "Ru Yi" immediately chased him away.

"Don't wander around." Huan Zhen told Wang Gehou to lead Sima Chong's mount as well. Ah Tian was used to being unrestrained, so don't run around in a fit of anger and delay the journey.

Wang Ge led Bai Rong back, and when he approached the edge of the battlefield, there was also a girl among the passengers, she was no longer so conspicuous.It was indeed reckless to stand up for Brother Nan just now, but I have no regrets.I remember that in the ancient tomb mountain, Nandi slept in her tent for several nights, and the little girl wailed indistinctly when she had nightmares, "I don't have a diaper, I'm not afraid", which made her feel sorry.

If the fault is all on Brother Nan, with Wang Tian's character, how could he not dare to face Sima's career in history?
Some things that adults think are trivial, for children, are nightmares that cannot be shaken off.Brother Nan is going to Luoyang, if she can receive Wang Tian's apology, based on her understanding of Brother Nan, the little girl will definitely accept it happily and let go of the past.

Sima Daoji has good eyesight, so he turned his head to one side. He was first attracted by Bai Ju, and then saw Wang Ge.Standing here, he was waiting for her.

"Carpenter Wang." He came over, stroked the horse's back, and praised: "The white horse is not bad."

"Wang Ge has seen the history of his career. It's called Bairong, and it was a gift from the magistrate of Huan County." Wang Ge saluted and thought to himself, it turns out that Sima Shao really has a yellow beard, but the hair exposed under the scarf is black, could it be dyed?
"Hexima, it's time to travel. A Chong told me that you are going to Xuantu County."

"Yes." Wang Ge was thick-skinned, and he took advantage of the situation and asked: "I am engaged in history, we have four people and four riders on this trip, can we cross the river today?"

"Haha, yes." After Sima Daoji finished speaking, he stretched forward his left hand, which was less than a foot long, to Wang Ge, "Open it."

According to her words, there was only a bronze plaque half a foot long and three inches wide in the casket, with six characters engraved on the front: Sili Tubing Wang Ge, with the seal of Sili, and the back was blank.

what for?She had some guesses, but couldn't believe it.

"The official is the lieutenant of Sili, the post of Sili's office, corrected and inspected..."

When Sima Daoji told Wang Ge about the meaning of the bronze medal, Huan Zhen found Wang Tian.Facts proved that he still underestimated Ah Tian's heartlessness, Sima Chong was fighting with someone, Wang Tian excitedly squeezed into the crowd and shouted.

The person who came up against Sima Chongjiao was actually Sima Tao.

Why is this guy here?

Worse, is it true that according to the words of the clan uncle, there are brave men who think as he thinks, and also go to the border county to earn military exploits?
"Ah Zhen." Someone called him, Huan Zhen looked over, and heard correctly, it was Liu Qing.

"Are you crossing the river too?" The two asked each other at the same time, huh, then there is no need to answer.

Huan Zhen asked, "Are you with Sima Tao?"

"Yes." Liu Qing was seldom melancholy, and walked to a quiet place with Huan Zhen, and said with a wry smile: "Five hundred husbands, alas, I still underestimated the battle of Jingjipo, the defeat was rumored, and I couldn't stay in the shade of the mountain." down."

Huan Zhen followed with a wry smile: "There are people out there, you and I compete bravely with a craftsman, if we don't lose, it's over..."

"Losing will be amazing, haha." The two thought of being together again.

Huan Zhen looked at the place where Liu Qing came, and there was a middle-aged gentleman in common clothes sitting leaning against a tree. There was only a cloth wrapped around him. Judging by the shape, it was wrapped in a long-shaped box.Three horses were tied under the next tree.If Liu Qing is willing to tell him the purpose of crossing the river, he can just use his suspicious behavior to say so, and Huan Zhen will not ask if the other party has not seen it.

Jiao Da suddenly shouted, and then a county soldier came, watching the lively birds and animals dispersed, only the two fighters were left sitting on the ground panting.

Wang Tian ran over and looked up at Liu Qing with a smiling face: "Brother Liu, I heard Sima Tao say that you are going to Bianjun, where are you going?"

Liu Qing smacked him on the forehead, asking Sima Tao to settle the score.Wang Tian rubbed his head with an "Ouch", it really hurts, what are you doing so hard.

Huan Zhen: "Yes." Luckily, Liu Qing understands that Wang Tian's reckless inquiring of news means that he does not want to get outside with him, otherwise it would be no punishment.

Sima Chong won the corner, and came over with a grin, proudly forgetting that his front teeth had holes. "Huh? Where's Wang Ge?"

Huan Zhen pretended to be shocked: "Was it still there just now?"

Wang Tian was uneasy, he looked around, and when he looked away, Huan Zhen stared at him, and said guiltily: "Brother Huan, let's find someone first."

On the shore, Wang Ge saluted and sent her to work in history. Who would have thought that a moment of conversation would change her life again.

Since receiving the bronze medal, she has become an official, not an ordinary official!Through the narration of the history, to a certain extent, the "Sili Tubing" can be regarded as the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty.Since the time of Emperor Cheng, the [-] "Zhongdu officials and apprentices" under the Sili Administration were changed to "disciples".Most of the selection of apprentices is still from the guards of various hells in Kyoto, but a small part is also from the guards. Generally speaking, the selection right is controlled by the official Sili Xiaowei.

However, Emperor Cheng also gave the twelve scribes a privilege to be engaged in history, that is, each of them can recommend one person as an apprentice. This quota cannot be exceeded, and it cannot be filled by people selected from other places.Sima Daoji had never used this privilege in these years. Now that he recommended Wang Ge, she understood that perhaps the other party did appreciate her talents as he said just now, but at least half of the reason was to repay her kindness.

Not long after leaving Shanyin, Sima Chong thanked her solemnly, saying that the disease doctor really found out that his elder brother had an illness, luckily he found it early.

"Huh..." Wang Ge suppressed his excitement, packed his bags, and put the box in the middle of the cloth.After the history lecture, I asked her if she understood. She immediately reported the official of Liuxiang Pavilion. Zheng Shi laughed and praised her: "Well done."

She understands, she's right.

What the vertical officials do is not as simple as one or two people reselling fodder!
 Officials under Sili Xiaowei include: engaged in history, false assistants, and Tuli (jailors).The "unlisted soldiers" mentioned in this article and the fact that girls are allowed to be apprentices are purely fabricated.

(End of this chapter)

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