Chapter 266: Chapter 266

Wang Ge knew that he was going to be an official sooner or later, and it was one thing to be mentally prepared. He really became an official, and his mood was quite complicated, with secret joy and longing, and also a faint fear of the unknown.After all, Si Li Tu Bing is an unusual low-level official, and she will offend more people in the future.

I wonder if Huan Zhen found Wang Tian?She stroked Bai Rong cherishingly, and took it to the depths of the battlefield.The place where I separated from Huan Zhen just now, coincidentally, he was coming from the opposite direction, leading the way, walking unhurriedly.

"Mr. Huan Lang."

"Don't worry, Sima Chong took A Tian to look for Shi Shi, and A Tian is willing to admit his mistake." Since he confessed, he had to be sincere, and simply handed the letter to the little girl's father.

"It's also because I speak too aggressively. Wang Langjun is straightforward and responsible. I should be more tactful."

"If you are tactful, he will pretend not to understand."

Wang Ge was amused, knowing that Wang Tian did not blame her. "Mr. Huan Lang, Sima met me just now when he was engaged in history. Give me this." She handed the bronze medal hidden in her left sleeve pocket to Huan Zhen. She must not be able to compare with him in terms of knowledge of this era, and Huan Zhen For my family, Zhen is not only a benefactor, but also the only reliable outsider.

Accepting the post of Sili apprentice, he must not even hide Huan Zhen.

Huan Zhen looked at the bronze medal, although he frowned slightly on the surface, his heart was actually full of turmoil!He only walked away for half an hour, how did Wang Ge become a Silitu soldier?

"The bronze medal is real." He was sure: "In the Sili Office, the position higher than that of the apprentice is false assistant, a total of 36 people, who are responsible for document transmission, and the back of the bronze medal is engraved with tiger patterns; There are 12 people, who can be inspected and promoted to all the officials of the states, and the back of the bronze medal is engraved with tiger claws; the highest official is the school lieutenant, whose rank is lower than that of Jiuqing, but the weight can be impeached by the three princes, and the back of the bronze medal is the head of a tiger. You have A fellow student named Bian Xun, her eldest father is..."

Wang Ge nodded, understood.I remember that on the way to Ancient Tomb Mountain, Bian Zi asked her: "Do you know who my uncle is?"

This time I know.

Huan Zhen handed back the bronze medal: "Keep it safe, don't tell others."


"Did the history tell you how to deliver the message?"


"Before you send a message the first few times, tell me first."


"Some officials, regardless of their low positions, have a lot of influence behind them, such as the officials of the Liuxiang Pavilion. Remember, anyone who is responsible for feeding the horses must be a trusted aide of the pavilion chief."

Wang Ge was surprised. In Weiting, at first Ah He was responsible for the handyman of the stables, and later transferred to the eldest parents. He thought that Mr. Huan Lang would take care of his family and avoid the trouble of opening up wasteland, but he did not expect that there was a deeper meaning.

Huan Zhen explained in detail: "Official documents are delivered in an urgent manner, often with light vehicles and fast horses. When changing trains in a hurry at the post station, where did the officials and horses come from and where did they go? The officials pay attention to observation, and even from the dialect, they can find the minutiae. I asked Tie Lei to teach Wang He and your father about this kind of thing." Didn't they tell you?

Wang Ge understood his eyes, opened his mouth slightly again, and shook his head, the mouths of Dafu and Ah He are so strict.She almost forgot about another important matter, so she hurriedly said: "I have already reported the official of the pavilion to Shi Shishi, will I even investigate with the chief of the pavilion?"

"That's a matter of engaging in history. I reminded this just now that I was afraid that when you just entered the Sili Office and did not know the depth and the reason, you would make a report. When the innocent people are wronged, you will also fall into the swamp. Even if the head of the pavilion did not participate in the matter of Liuxiang Pavilion, he is still a connivant. You are righteous, so don’t be afraid.”

That's good.Wang Ge introspects himself, the more power he has, the more he must uphold justice, and he must not judge others' right or wrong based on his own preferences. "I know. Also, according to history, we can cross the river today."

"I already know from Sima Chong. Wait for another half an hour, soon."

Huan Zhen's estimation was correct, it was already unitary time when the ship sailed away.

Wang Tian leaned against the railing and waved goodbye to Sima Chengshi, while Sima Chong waved to Xie Yi.Seeing Wang Tian's kindness, those who didn't know it thought he was Sima Daoji's younger brother.

"Sister Ge, you see, please forgive me for my career in history."

"I see." This boy has a really good personality and doesn't hold grudges.

Sima Daoji couldn't help laughing, but in fact he was watching Wang Ge off.From this meeting, it can be seen that the other party suspected that he was ill and was not teasing Ah Chong.But at that time, the disease doctor said that his illness was getting worse, and only the pulse diagnosis could detect the abnormality.How did she notice it?
What happened later was even more coincidental. When he saw Wang Changyu, he deliberately told the incident as an anecdote.Wang Changyu asked a doctor to check his pulse, and he also suffered from heart disease, which was more serious than him!
"Liuxiang Pavilion." He murmured.An embankment of thousands of feet collapsed with a den of ants!It seems that the war in Kuaiji County is not over yet.Forget it, let him check it out and let Chang Yu rest for a few days.

On the boat, Wang Ge walked along the railing of the deck after he could no longer see the figure of Engagement History.Ordinary ferrymen are not allowed on the deck, after all, this is a warship, and it is just a temporary ferry for civilians.Li Gao was at the bow of the boat, and when he and Wang Ge were side by side, they both felt that each other looked familiar.

Where have you seen it?
Wang Ge remembered first: "Is it Uncle Li?"

Li Gao also remembered: "Carpenter Wang? No, it's time to call the girl Carpenter Wang."

Li Gao is the Li Langjun whom Wang Gechu met on the boat when he went to Nanshan to study.It's a coincidence that the two met each other twice on the big boat on the river!
Huan Zhen and Wang Tian stood side by side, tilting their heads to look at the beaming Wang Ge and Li Gao.Sima Chong didn't know Li Gao, so he asked Huan Zhen, "Then Mr. Lang also belongs to Weiting?"

"Tingting, Li Tingzuo."

Sima Chong was amazed, the Ting Pavilion was not ordinary, it belonged to the Defense Pavilion, second only to the Jundu Pavilion in Shanyin.

"What are you three looking at?" Sima Tao, whose cheek was swollen from the beating, joined the head tilting team.

"Hey. You're defeated, let's go." Sima Chong made another unique whistling sound.

"If you hadn't played tricks, would you have won against me?"

"Not convinced, come again?"

Li Gao listened to all directions, and yelled this way: "No fighting is allowed on board!" Then he smiled at Wang Ge, with a hearty look on his face.

Liu Qing came over and asked Huan Zhen, "Will you get off the boat later?"

"Exit the second ferry."

"So are we."

Wang Tian: "Brother Liu, have you noticed that the man who is with you looks like Mr. Ma Jiang from the Shisan Slope of Jingji Slope."

Huan Zhen felt embarrassed for Liu Qing and scratched the side of his nose.

"Ah. They are very similar."

"Are you trying to threaten Ma Jianglang to go to Bianjun, but no one was arrested, only his brother?"

Liu Qing stretched out his arms and clamped the brat's neck: "Tell me, did Huan Zhen ask you to ask?"

"Hee, brother Liu saw through."

"Tsk!" Huan Zhen spread his hands, "I'm really wronged."

"Okay, okay, there's no point in hiding it anymore." Liu Qing let go of Wang Tian, ​​and the three of them held on to the railing. The boat turned around, the world was immersed in dense mist, and the emerald green mountains were faintly visible, and the scenery of the Fuchun River was really spectacular. "This time in the county martial arts competition, Ma Jianglang is famous in Shanyin, I wait...haha, I can't step on the name of brave man for nothing. He didn't go to the border county at that age, and he was only a junior craftsman when he was old. Me and Ah Tao will be his apprentice, keep him safe, and benefit each other."

Huan Zhen frowned: It seems that the examiners of the county office and the craftsmen's competition were very protective of Wang Ge, and did not spread the word that she made the wolf hook.The two craftsmen in her group must have been told, and they dare not speak out about their suffering.

(End of this chapter)

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