Chapter 277 To Dongyi Mansion
What if the price increases before returning home?What if he was stolen, robbed, and poorer before returning home?Two mink furs are not heavy, so can they delay the journey?Wang Ge answered "Yes" with a smile on his face, and rolled his eyes in his heart.

She suddenly thought, did she go shopping with Lin Xia in her previous life?

Many times when I suddenly touched my mood and recalled my previous life, the scene was blurred, or it was missing, and I couldn't recall it at all.At first Wang Ge thought it was normal, after all he experienced paralysis, death, and time travel, and with the beginning of a new life, the past will surely fade away.But after the second uncle said that his memories of each reincarnation were incomplete, she also began to suspect that she had not forgotten something, but that her memory was not complete at all.

That incompleteness seemed to only be aimed at her husband Lin Xia in her previous life.

Wang Ge walked forward with Wang Tian again, Sima Chong gave Huan Zhen a wink, mysteriously took out a jade carving from the cloth bag, with a big palm, carved a horse's head with flying mane, big and protruding eyes, Grinning his teeth and neighing vigorously. "I bought it when I was in Youzhou, how is it?"

Huan Zhen was puzzled: "The quality of jade is average, and the carving skills are also rough. Why buy this?"

If Wang Ge saw the expression of the horse's head, he would be surprised. Isn't this the expression of Ma Tafeiyan in Gansu Museum?
Sima Chong suppressed a smile and turned the jade over. There was a horse's head on the back. The sculptor wanted to show both sides of the horse's head on both sides of the jade, which is normal.What's abnormal is... Huan Zhen thinks that the ferocious look of the horse teeth, combined with its swollen nostrils, is a bit humorous and familiar?
"Does it look like Wang Ge? Sometimes she is like that." Sima Chong imitated Wang Ge's anxious look of staring, tilting his head, and grinning his teeth, and immediately closed his teeth when he felt the wind.

Huan Zhen snatched the jade, put it into his cloth bag, and said angrily: "Why sometimes? Isn't it just when Bai Rong was in Youzhou that she was startled. She wanted to tame Bai Rong. It's the same when your horse is startled."

"Chi Chi Chi, it was like riding a horse at that time, Chi Chi Chi." Sima Chong smiled and his shoulders trembled, "And just now, when she asked me if the mink fur was real or fake, she looked like that again."

"Don't tell such jokes in front of Wang Ge in the future." Huan Zhen frowned and sighed, "We are about to separate from her, how much future can we have?"

Sima Chong muttered: "I'm not stupid, I'm not with you... Eh? That's my jade!"

Sima Chong couldn't take back the utensils that fell into Huan Zhen's hands.

Very early the next day, the four of them left Bintu County.There are no abandoned empty pavilions in Bianjun, and wild pavilions are connected with fertile fields. The most grown grains are millet and rice. Although the official roads are not solidly rammed, the width meets the requirements of the imperial court, and does not delay the transportation of farmers.

The closer to Liaodong County, the more people of different races in Tingnong.Plowing at sunrise and returning home at sunset, although life is hard, and some farmers even have ragged clothes and bare feet, but people who have experienced war are content.At least they will be rewarded after hard work, at least the Tingguan will not let them starve to death or freeze to death.

Today's Liaodong County has the most counties in the five counties of Pingzhou. In addition to Xiangping, the county government, there are eight counties: Jujiu, Xinchang, Anshi, Wenxian, Pingguo, Beifeng, Tajin, Xi'an Ping county.

From Bintu to Liaodong County, and directly into Xiangping County, there are female cavalry teams responsible for patrolling and arresting everywhere. Their weapons are the same as Erlang's, such as ring-shoudao, spears, or bows and arrows, and armor and pockets are also the same.

If there are soldiers, they will be promoted with military merits. This shows that the officers and girls in the army are not a special case of Xun Guan.Wang Ge thought, could it be that she is not the only girl among the Silitu soldiers?
In addition to the fact that girls are rare as soldiers, Wang Ge was also excited by the artisan competitions that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.It was very interesting to pass by a large scene of pig slaughtering. It turns out that cooks also have county competitions. Of course, the most popular ones are carpenters and blacksmiths.The four of them didn't waste any more time and went straight to Dongyi Xiaowei's mansion.

The advantage of the wide area is that the office is also wide. Dongyi Mansion is located in the north of the county. The gate of the mansion faces south.The soldiers on duty outside the gate held spears, a group of girls and a group of boys.

The four of them got off their horses without daring to approach, and Huan Zhen went up to inquire alone, and then walked east along the road pointed by the soldiers. After entering through the east gate, Cao asked the official to register.

After entering the mansion, the houses are densely packed, and there are soldiers in cold iron clothes inside and outside the corridors, and the subordinate officials are also busy walking through.Huan Zhen and Wang Tian looked calm, while Wang Ge and Sima Chong bowed their heads cautiously and followed the arrangements of the officials, not daring to look up at will.

Soon, Wang Gejiu and Huan Zhen separated, and she entered the house registered by the craftsman.As soon as she entered the door, there was a very strong smell of bamboo and ink. The books were densely piled up on the desk and on the table. There were three desks in total. Without raising his head, he said, "Lu Yin."

"Yes." She handed over the bamboo tablet.

"Wang Ge, Duoyi County, Kuaiji County, Yangzhou, aged eleven, double junior craftsman? Carpenter is a special grade? A newly added military craftsman. Lower grade shipsmith?" He Zhili raised his head and asked in surprise. In one sentence, Wang Gedu honestly responded "yes".

Official He Zhi smiled. Yangzhou is the most prosperous state except Sizhou, and Danyang and Kuaiji counties are the most famous in the state. The competition for craftsmen there is very fierce.At Wang Ge's age, super-grade carpenters are rare, and shipwrights are even rarer, even low-grade ones. "Your family is a shipbuilder?"

"No, I got a special reward according to the shipbuilder's rules for my meritorious service in improving the warship." Before Wang Ge set off, these issues were considered in advance, and County Magistrate Huan asked her to tell the truth according to the situation.

The movement of writing in the house stopped.

The other two officials looked at each other, what did they hear?Is there any merit in improving the warship?

Official He Zhi smiled heartily, as if talking to himself: "It seems that the credit is not small."

Wang Ge bowed his head shyly.

He Zhili's mouth is kept half-open, what does that mean?The credit is really not small? "You are a master of weapons, did you pass the skill test of ingenuity, or the skill of heaven?"

Because Wang Ge has too many resumes, this is not written on the limited bamboo cards.She replied: "Ingenious skills."

"To tell you the truth, there have been many military masters here before, including Yanzhou, Qingzhou, and even Sizhou, but they are all of Tiangong skills. You came to Pingzhou to compete for the prefecture, we must not Do you understand what it means for a small number of artisan craftsmen to hold as many competitions as heavenly craftsmen?"

"Understood, I want to compete for the first resume as soon as possible, so I have to participate in the county competition of Tiangong skills."

"So the first place is not easy to compete for. Are you sure you are registered as a resident craftsman? Pingzhou is special, unlike other places where you come and go with craftsmen. The permanent residence contract of a craftsman here is at least one year. If you leave after less than one year, you can You will not be able to participate in the county-level assessments in other states."

Wang Ge showed the nervousness she should have at this age, and her hands were deliberately clenched, loosened, and clenched. She asked: "Can the official tell me about the general exams? It is very difficult for me to come to Pingzhou. If it is like this Returning to my hometown, more than a year will be wasted."

(End of this chapter)

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