Chapter 278
"What are you going to take the exam... You are not suitable for the long exam period, just say the short exam period. Improve weapons, farm equipment, coffin making, all kinds of baggage utensils, that's all. By the way, if you were good at it before You don’t have to stay in Pingzhou to make bamboo, since I came to Liaodong County, I have never heard of a county competition for bamboo making.”

"What about the small wood carvings?"

He Zhili was willing to talk to her so much because of Wang Ge's talent, and he asked regretfully, "You mean, you are best at carving small wooden pieces?"

"Yes. I can do straw weaving too."

Official He shook his head: "There are many exams for straw weaving, but they are not in the county-level competition. You will know later." He pondered for a while, "There is another way, as long as you need a single piece of small wooden carving, you can get it in the official woodware office." If the shop sells more than ten pieces, you can apply to the government office for a county-level competition for small wooden carvings through the wood shop."

Wang Ge waited quietly, knowing that there must be conditions.

Official He Zhi secretly praised her for her calmness, and continued: "With the approval of the official office, you, as the merchant who contributes, will provide all the needs of the competition, including materials, tools, venues, and transportation of luggage before and after the competition. As long as you are clever enough, the carpenter fifty If you are famous, you will be able to conduct county-level competitions. However, the inspectors are appointed by the government, and they are fair. If your skills are not as good as others, you will not only waste time and money, but you will also be punished like normal county-level competitions."

Wang Ge smiled awkwardly, and understood that this was a model of the previous competition held by the Pengjia people in Shanyin County.She is both an undertaker and a contestant. "Is there no other way? For example, I will improve the farm machinery and make it easier to cultivate. If this is the case, can the government office bear the money for the site and tools for me?"

The materials are easy to handle, anyway, they are small wooden carvings, she can go to the woods to pick them up.She is not afraid of the transportation of luggage, she can carry it all by herself, she has never been afraid of hard work.

What official said: "There is no such precedent. How much improvement can be called good for farming?"

"Zhiyuanli changed to Quyuanli."

"So... huh? You, what did you just say?" He Zhili hurriedly went to the official after asking about it.My God, the plow can be improved?Listen to the little girl, no, I heard from Master Wang that before she left, the model of the new plow had been sent to the imperial court in a hurry!What kind of improvement is worth reporting to the court?

The office building was too narrow, so Wang Ge waited for a reply under the ginkgo tree outside the house.The three of Huan Zhen came over in a hurry, which gave her a premonition.

Sure enough, Wang Tian was the first to say, suppressing his joy, "What a coincidence, we are going to go out with the army."

Sima Chong: "Hey, you're just listening, right? You have to fight first, fight! You'd better not share with me, I won't show mercy!"

"Be careful with your teeth first."

Fortunately, the two of them still had scruples that this was the Dongyi Mansion, so they dared to choke each other in low voices.

Huan Zhen ignored them and told Wang Ge: "It's not considered to be going out with the army. The official gave me three new directions. We are going to the Fangshu Pavilion in Wandu to fight with the soldiers of Dongyi Prefecture and Zhoujun there. Only those who pass the martial arts assessment can join the war as a 'talent officer' or a 'knight'. But according to my thinking, the assessment has been going on since the departure, so the three of us plan to set off immediately."

"Great. It's just that... the battlefield is risky. One has to live first to defeat the enemy over and over again, and at the same time defeat the past self." Wang Ge's voice trembled when she told these things. This time parting may be a long time parting, especially Huan Zhen, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he has to go back to Luoyang, so even if the other party gets angry after hearing these words, she has to say it.

No matter how smart the three of them are, they were only junior high school students in their previous lives. Their young minds are inevitably brave and fierce, and they are Bianjun who came here to earn military exploits. How can they not be bloody when they have the opportunity to go to the battlefield?It's okay for her to meet them in the future, it's normal, but life and death must not be separated!

Huan Zhen nodded: "Don't worry. How is your side?"

"It's going well. Mr. Huan, Mr. Sima, Mr. Wang, it's getting late, so let's say goodbye." Don't wait for any official to bring back the news of the unfavorable competition, then how dare the three of them leave her and leave.No matter how great the difficulties are, they are all her own difficulties.

Sima Chong and Wang Tian stopped to play.

Wang Gexian saluted: "Treasure. I hope that you will be safe and sound, and you will get what you want."

The three young men respectfully saluted.

Sima Chong: "Craftsman Wang also cherishes it. When we see you again, you must have passed the examination as a master craftsman."

Wang Tian: "Sister Ge, Bian County is no better than Kuaiji County. If you get angry, bear with it first, and I will help you vent your anger when I come back from meritorious service."

"En." Wang Ge's eyes were flushed, and he nodded vigorously.

Huan Zhen stepped forward, only one step away from Wang Ge, and said in a low voice: "Don't just tell us, it's the same for you. We must live to see each other again."

The three teenagers stepped into the verandah, took their respective mounts to the stables, looked back at the lonely Bai Rong, and Sima Chong said with emotion: "A few days ago, Ah Zhen also said that after how much we can have with Wang Ge, I didn't expect it to be so soon. .”

Parting is always easy.

Not long after, Wang Ge also came out of Dongyi Mansion, and He Zhishi took her to the Xiangping County Office. After drawing the model of Qu Yuanli, she temporarily stayed in the county office official building.

At this time, the sun was setting, and the dusty white face looked more like a pale yellow horse in the gorgeous scene.Wang Ge brought water to scrub it, and kept talking while he was busy, as if he could understand every sentence.

"Official He Zhi said, try Quyuanli in Xiangping County first. If it is good for farming, I will soon draw up the rules for the county competition that suits me. We all know that Quyuanli will definitely be fine. Not only can I Staying in Pingzhou, everything went according to plan."

"Do you know? The craftsmen with Tiangong skills brought their apprentices to Bianjun because in the competition in Bianjun, no matter the materials or tools, the craftsmen had to be transported to the venue by themselves. The official He Zhi also said that Mr. Huan Lang and the others acted as There have been frequent incidents of craftsmen and apprentices recently. What does this mean? It means that someone has the same idea as the lords and came to Pingzhou to earn military exploits."

"So, there are many smart people in the world. Never underestimate others. Bai Rong, do you think Liu Qing and Sima Tao are here? Don't be afraid. Although I am a thorn in the side of some people, getting rid of me is not the goal. They If you waste your time fighting with me, you won’t be able to earn military merit. Besides, I still have the status of a Si Li Tu soldier, as long as they don’t kill me, I will join them in official documents.”

"I want to make full use of these two years, so that even if those who have other goals earn military exploits, they will not be able to match my credit."

"Bai Rong, I think I still know too little. When Mr. Huan Lang told me that they were going to Wandu, I didn't have time to ask where Wandu was? Actually, I figured it out. From entering Youzhou, what he said Knowledge of geography, customs, and influence in the officialdom." When she said this, she leaned close to Bai Rong and lowered her voice: "There are less and less. What does this mean? It means that he doesn't know it anymore, it means that Bianjun's Depth of water."

"Also, it's right not to buy mink. Official He said that if you participate in the county competition, you'd better hire one or two craftsmen, otherwise all my time will be spent on coolies. This is another What does it mean? It means... I don't have the energy to support you anymore."

 Material Officer: The infantry in the reserve.

(End of this chapter)

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