I went ashore by weaving straw shoes and became a master craftsman

Chapter 284 In order to get rid of the barbarians, I am willing to give up this body

Chapter 284 In order to get rid of the barbarians, I am willing to give up this body

Making a standard pattern requires flat wood, brushes and ink. Wang Ge told the old gatekeeper that the pavilion official was more anxious than his own affairs, so he immediately changed posts with others, took her to the wooden shop to ask for wooden slips, and went to the pavilion. The signature requires pen and ink.

Tingzuo happened to be in the house, and when he learned that Wang Shuzuo, the meritorious official, asked Wang Ge to make wooden utensils, he sent a man surnamed Pi to beg for the robbers without waiting for the news from the county office. Modeling drawings are one aspect, and she can also run errands for her.

Only then did Wang Ge know that the old pavilion official had no name or surname. He was a county soldier before retiring. He was nicknamed "Falcon".

No gossip.

Wang Ge began to make the model drawing of the flying car.Not in a hurry to write on wooden tablets, she first cleaned up the courtyard, drew some squares on the ground, marked the order, and drew pictures.

The main point of this weapon is to ensure mobility. A single military vehicle can also be called "Feiyuanmen", and each vehicle is connected by iron hooks.A thick rope can be tied between the two iron hooks and pulled by cattle.

Draw the whole picture in the first box.

The exploded view is very fragmentary, including the wheel structure, the size standards of the four erected poles, the crossbar, the size of the holes drilled on the crossbar, and the size of the iron gun before and after passing through the crossbar.The most complicated thing is the two square timbers at the lower end of the car body, because they need to connect two wheels, fix the pole at one end, and support the bottom horizontal beam at the other end.

When marking the size, the size of the Song Dynasty in the "Tiger Seal Classic" should be converted into the size of the Jin Dynasty.For example, for four poles, the length recorded in the book of war is six feet five inches, and after conversion, it is eight feet three inches and eight minutes.This is easy, but in her previous life, Lin Xia did not find out the wheel specifications of the flying car in the "Tiger Seal Sutra", so she could only mark it in proportion to the model made in her previous life.

There is a specialization in art. In this era, there are wheelwrights. As long as they see the rim, hub, spoke, and the square shape of the poles on both sides from the rim, she believes that the other party knows better than she how to make wheels to make the wheel stable. move.

For each exploded diagram, when you feel that there is no change in your thinking, start the mold maker.The ratio between the mold and the picture must be fixed, and double copies need to be made. Of course, the extra parts are spliced ​​into a complete military vehicle.

Time passed without knowing it, the old pavilion official knocked on the courtyard door to bring her dinner, but found that the lunch hadn't been touched, and the water hadn't been drunk. "Can this work? Eat first and then draw." Afraid that he couldn't help but peek at the pictures on the ground, he sat down on the firewood pile and urged.

Wang Ge smiled and said, "I'll eat when it's dark, or I won't be able to see clearly."

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. I went to the Pavilion Office to ask for two lanterns. You can see them clearly when you hang them up. Eat!" Finally, he turned around and ordered sternly.

"Yes. Thank you, Uncle."

As night fell, the courtyards of all the people living in the craftsman area were lit with lanterns. Almost all of them were craftsmen who could not carve small wooden pieces in the house like skilled craftsmen, but could only be busy in the courtyard, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The old pavilion officials and Piqiu Pirates also knew this. They took the task of protecting Wang Ge and stayed in the carpenter's area all day, so they felt the hard work of the carpenter.

Piqiu Piu whispered: "It is easy to take the county-level and state-level examinations in Pingzhou. There are many competitions, but the number of craftsmen is also more than one year. If we continue to do this, I don't think it will be easy. Where did you go? You said that these people are already craftsmen, they can be officials, and they can also be examiners to earn some spare money. Why did they come to the border county to suffer? They are all like beggars."

"I'm wrong, this is not called bullying, it's called fighting! Only those who have the ability fight, and those who don't are called gangsters."

At this time, several older children from the nursery school came towards the artisan area hand in hand. Many artisans were not there during the day, and they could only see more artisans during the period from sunset to night ban.It has become a custom here that the gates of the courtyard where the craftsmen live are all open, and these children are allowed to come in and watch and learn craftsman's work.On the contrary, it is also good for the craftsman, allowing children to help pass tools and move wood.

The children were very clever and found that there were two pavilion officials guarding the courtyard. Not only did they not ask questions, but they also lined up and walked close to the opposite courtyard wall.

The old pavilion official looked back and said, "Whoever is selected by Master Wang will be blessed."

Zizheng, before Wang Ge went to bed, he re-stacked the firewood next to the latrine. In fact, it had been moved yesterday, and the back of the man squatted down to block it quite tightly.After entering the house, I looked at the black shadow in the corner, the seat was still there, and the whereabouts of the person were no longer known.

Zhuying, take care.

In a wild pavilion a hundred miles away, Zhu Ying sat in the pavilion for a long time, half of the moonlight shone in, making her face brighter than the daytime.She chewed the grass root again and again.

The drummer is next to the drum, leaning on the big drum and dozing off.

so quiet.

There was a smile line on Zhu Ying's lips, thinking of Wang Ge.I've only known this little girl for two days, how could she be so attached to her?When they first met each other, they chattered non-stop, more noisy than staying with Mrs. Duan.But later she realized that Wang Ge seldom talked, and the long-windedness before was just to set her background and test her character.

Later, Wang Ge woke her up.That's right, when I first learned martial arts, I came to Bianjun to serve the court. I was willing to join Xunjun, and I was not forced.How can one start to care about personal gains and losses after being promoted to a military position?How come she never introspects when she is wronged, but only blames the officials for not protecting her?
The great cause of the Northern Expedition had the possibility of success only by the joint efforts of thousands of generals who did not care about gains or losses.She, Zhu Ying, wants to change back to her original self, to be an ordinary cavalry galloping forward again, and is willing to fight to regain the land of the Central Plains.

Just like her courage and belief when she set off from Shangyu County: I will not be a prestige, I will not make personal friends, and I am willing to give up this body to fight against the barbarians!I am the heroine Zhu Ying!
Yinzheng, the rat stepped on Wang Ge's face and woke up.

That's right, I don't feel sleepy anymore.As soon as she turned on the running lights, the old pavilion official heard a slight movement and woke up too.The gate of the courtyard was deliberately left wide open, he coughed twice, Wang Ge came over, and said in a low voice, "I'm used to getting up early, Auntie doesn't care about me."

"Hurry up and go. I'll pick it up when it's breakfast time. Don't worry about anything else."

"Yes." There is no need to repeat the words of gratitude. Wang Ge has to seize every moment to finish making the models and molds in the morning.I agreed to go to the county office in the afternoon, so I couldn't break my promise.

In addition, she also wants to draw one more thing, which is the kite that is well-known in later generations.Wang Ge knew that Zhu Ying had gone to war and he could not repay the favor, so he repaid the favor to the rest of the soldiers, and to the garrison camps and pavilions.

Now there is no such thing as a "kite" in the Jin Dynasty. The earliest wooden kites that can fly in the sky are still called "wooden harriers"; bamboo kites are called "wooden kites" or "wooden magpies"; Paper kite".

No matter what it is called, private shops or shopkeepers are not allowed to sell it, and it is only used for military defense.These are what Huan Zhen told her. Paper kites were rarely seen in Kuaiji County. After entering Yanzhou, there are more and more paper kites along the way. The post station will fly paper kites very high. Travelers can feel at ease when they see them from a distance, knowing that the road ahead is stable.

But what about at night?The traveler cannot see it.If there is a change in the city, it is impossible to spread the news with kites at night.It wasn't until the Five Dynasties period that an official named Li Ye tied a bamboo flute to a paper kite, and the wind blew like a zither, so it was called "Kite".

In 2006, kite-making skills were included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.Unfortunately, despite the world-renowned Weifang Kite Festival, there are very few ancient documents on kite making.

When Wang Ge was learning how to make bamboo in his previous life, he made many large kites. Let her start, and leave some kite records and legends for the future generations of the new Jin Dynasty.

 The production standard of the flying car is complicated. In order to avoid the suspicion of water characters, I will not write the details. Interested readers can search for it by themselves.

  In addition, I know that there are many ways to transmit signals. Because this article promotes the traditional culture of intangible cultural heritage, the protagonist makes kites, not foreign ones, such as communication towers.

(End of this chapter)

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